13 research outputs found


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    Rumah sakit adalah institusi pelayanan kesehatan yang menyelenggarakan layanan kesehatan bagi masyarakat. Rumah Sakit Islam “ Sakinah ” Mojokerto telah  menerapkan penggunaan sistem informasi manajemen rumah sakit ( SIMRS ) untuk membantu memanajemen rumah sakit dalam pengambilan keputusan. Namun masih terdapat permasalahan fungsional pada sistem yang dapat mempengaruhi perilaku pengguna terhadap penggunaan sistem dan akan berdampak pada penerimaan sistem informasi tersebut. Tujuan yang ingin dicapai dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui hubungan antar variabel Technology Acceptance Model (TAM) dan Human-Organization-Technology (HOT) Fit Model untuk meningkatkan penerimaan pengguna terhadap implementasi SIMRS di Rumah Sakit Islam “ Sakinah ” Mojokerto. Penelitian ini mereplika sembilan variabel dari TAM dan HOT-fit model yaitu, user self-efficacy, compatibility, top management support, project team competency, system quality, information quality, perceived usefulness, perceived ease of use, dan SIMRS acceptance. Jumlah Sampel dalam penelitian ini sebanyak 147 pegawai Rumah Sakit Islam “ Sakinah ” Mojokerto yang menggunakan SIMRS . Hasil dari penelitian ini yaitu hubungan antara HOT-fit pada TAM yang bernilai signifikan terdapat pada variabel top management support, system quality, information quality  terhadap variabel perceived usefulness dan variabel user self-efficacy, top management support, system quality, information quality terhadap variabel perceived ease of use, serta variabel perceived ease of use terhadap SIMRS  acceptance. Hal ini ditunjukan dengan nilai p values dari masing-masing variabel 0.05. Kata kunci: SIMRS, TAM, HOT-fit mode

    Analisis Penerimaan Sistem Informasi Manajemen Kepegawaian (SIMPEG) dalam Mendukung Penerapan E-Government pada Badan Pusat Statistik Provinsi Sumatera Barat

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    Dalam rangka mengimplementasikan e-government serta mendukung reformasi birokrasi BPS, salah satu hal pokok yang dilakukan oleh Badan Pusat Statistik (BPS) yaitu pengembangan database dan SIMPEG yang terkini dan terintegrasi (pusat dan daerah). Implementasi SIMPEG bertujuan untuk pengambilan keputusan bagi pimpinan serta perekaman data kepegawaian. Faktor pengguna sangat penting untuk diperhatikan dalam penerapan suatu sistem informasi baru dan mempunyai pengaruh yang besar terhadap kesuksesan implementasi sistem informasi. Penelitian ini dilakukan untuk mengetahui tingkat penerimaan SIMPEG pada Badan Pusat Statistik (BPS) Provinsi Sumatera Barat dengan menggunakan Technology Acceptance Model (TAM) dan mengintegrasikan faktor organisasi dan teknologi yang ada pada HOT (Human-Organizarion-Technology) Fit Model. Penelitian ini melibatkan 37 responden dan analisis data menggunakan smartPLS. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian, terdapat hubungan yang signifikan antara organisasi dengan persepsi manfaat, teknologi dengan persepsi kemudahan penggunaan, persepsi manfaat dengan penerimaan SIMPEG dan persepsi kemudahan dengan penerimaan SIMPEG

    A Model of Electronic Customer Relationship Management System Adoption In Telecommunication Companies

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    Employee satisfaction is key to electronic–customer relationship management (E-CRM) systems in telecommunication companies. The purpose of this study is to investigate the direct and indirect effect of technological factors, individual factors, and organizational factors on employees' level of satisfaction. For this study, data was collected from 300 employees' workings in Malaysian telecommunication companies; and the data was analyzed using PLS-SEM. The findings revealed that technological, organizational, and individual factors are positively and significantly related to satisfaction and perceived usefulness. The results also supported the direct and positive relationship between perceived usefulness between employees' job satisfaction. The study has contributed to the body of literature by exploring the implications of various significant factors in terms of employee satisfaction. Besides, the management of the telecommunication companies may benefit from this study by adopting strategies that not only employee satisfaction but may also enhance the companies' performance. The limitations and the direction for future research are discussed in the end

    Evaluation of organizational readiness in information systems adoption: a case study

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    Most ICT projects failed due to various factors including organizational issues and leaders who did not sufficiently assess organizational readiness for change. Although various perspectives and criteria have been used by researchers to measure organizational readiness, reported evidence on its measurement in information systems (IS) adoption is still limited and unclear, which calls for clarification and further studies. The purpose of the paper is to discuss the evaluation of IS adoption in organizational readiness using an extended organizational readiness framework and to identify the factors that influence organizational readiness in IS adoption. A case study was conducted on the Human Resource Management Information System (HRMIS) based on the Framework of Organizational Readiness at the Public Service Department (PSD) of Malaysia. This qualitative study involved interviews, observations and document analysis. The study found that the PSD is set to implement the HRMIS but the issues and problems identified as pertaining to the HRMIS must be addressed and dealt with immediately in order to achieve the system objectives. A number of factors influencing organizational readiness were identified in the adoption of the HRMIS: Attributes of the Change (vision clarity, change appropriateness and change efficacy), Leadership Support (top management support, presence of an effective champion, and IT support), Internal Context (organizational history of change, organizational conflicts and policies, and organizational flexibility) and Attributes of the Change Targets (collective self-efficacy and user training). Although our case study focused on a specific setting, the identified factors and proposed framework extension is potentially useful for assessing other information systems in different settings; the findings could act as a guide for assessing organizational readiness prior to the adoption of information systems

    Impact of perceived ease of use, organizational support mechanism, and industry competitive pressure on physicians’ use of liver cancer screening technology in medical alliances

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    Background: Liver cancer is one of the malignant tumors worldwide, while the prevention and control situation is grim at present, and the diffusion of its early screening technology still faces some challenges. This study aims to investigate the influencing mechanism of perceived ease of use, organizational support mechanism, and industry competitive pressure on hepatic early screening technologies use by physicians, so as to promote the wider use of corresponding technologies. Methods: Under the theoretical guidance of technology-organization-environment framework and mindsponge theory, this study took hepatic contrast-enhanced ultrasound as an example, and conducted a cross-sectional questionnaire by randomly selecting physicians from Fujian and Jiangxi provinces in China with a high and low incidence of liver cancer, respectively. Structural equation modeling was used to determine the correlation among perceived ease of use, organizational support mechanism, and industry competitive pressure, as well as their impact on the physicians’ behavior toward contrast-enhanced ultrasound use. Results: The hypothesis model fits well with the data (χ2/df = 1.863, GFI = 0.937, AGFI = 0.908, RMSEA = 0.054, NFI = 0.959, IFI = 0.980, CFI = 0.980). Under technology-organization-environment framework, the perceived ease of use (β = 0.171, p \u3c 0.05), organizational support mechanism (β = 0.423, p \u3c 0.01), industry competitive pressure (β = 0.159, p \u3c 0.05) significantly influenced physicians’ use of hepatic contrast-enhanced ultrasound. Besides, perceived ease of use and organizational support mechanism (β = 0.216, p \u3c 0.01), perceived ease of use and industry competitive pressure (β = 0.671, p \u3c 0.01), organizational support mechanism and industry competitive pressure (β = 0.330, p \u3c 0.01) were all associated significantly. Conclusion: From the lens of information processing (mindsponge theory) and technology-organization-environment framework, this study clarified the social and psychological influencing mechanism of perceived ease of use, organizational support mechanism, and industry competitive pressure on physicians’ use of hepatic contrast-enhanced ultrasound. The results will directly propose recommendations for expanding hepatic contrast-enhanced ultrasound utilization and indirectly promoting other appropriate and effective health technologies diffusion within the integrated health system

    Investigation of E-Health Acceptance Factor

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    The E-Health is used to support information technology to maximize the tasks and medical services in the hospital. However, the hospitalâ??s management still have some issues due to E-Health implementation, particularly in the interaction with the system. This study identifies significant factors affecting the implementation of E-Health. Testing a model has been done, to identify factors affecting E-Health acceptance. Quantitative Research methods has been done is implemented in this research, by conducting a survey of 150 respondents on health practitioners in the District Hospital of Gunung Mas Province of Central Kalimantan. Random Sampling Method has been done is performed by doctors, nurses, medical record officers, and midwives. Meanwhile, model testing has been done with Structural Equation Model (SEM) analysis technique. The results of this study show that computer self-efficacy factor is the most powerful factor influencing user's opinion about perceived ease of use and perceived the usefulness of E-Health   (significant p <0.05), followed by compatibility, top management support, information quality, system quality, facilitating condition, service quality, complexity, and adaptability. Hospital management needs to work together as a team effort to medical practitioners to apply E-Health in hospitals. Supports and awareness from various parties, such as government, IT support, and resources are expected to help implement E-Health in rural areas. The result of this study could be a decision in taking steps to implement E-Health in the future, in order to improve services of people in rural areas

    Factors of accepting pain management decision support systems by nurse anesthetists

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    Abstract Background Pain management is a critical but complex issue for the relief of acute pain, particularly for postoperative pain and severe pain in cancer patients. It also plays important roles in promoting quality of care. The introduction of pain management decision support systems (PM-DSS) is considered a potential solution for addressing the complex problems encountered in pain management. This study aims to investigate factors affecting acceptance of PM-DSS from a nurse anesthetist perspective. Methods A questionnaire survey was conducted to collect data from nurse anesthetists in a case hospital. A total of 113 questionnaires were distributed, and 101 complete copies were returned, indicating a valid response rate of 89.3%. Collected data were analyzed by structure equation modeling using the partial least square tool. Results The results show that perceived information quality (γ=.451, p2=.487) and perceived usefulness (β=.443, p2=.646) significantly affected nurse anesthetists’ PM-DSS acceptance (R2=.640). Thus, the critical role of information quality in the development of clinical decision support system is demonstrated. Conclusions The findings of this study enable hospital managers to understand the important considerations for nurse anesthetists in accepting PM-DSS, particularly for the issues related to the improvement of information quality, perceived usefulness and perceived ease of use of the system. In addition, the results also provide useful suggestions for designers and implementers of PM-DSS in improving system development.</p

    An analysis of the effects of certified electronic health records on organizations and patients.

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    The growing technological advancement of electronic health records can become an issue with quality and electronic patient information exchange if hospitals do not adhere to federal guidelines. It is recommended that hospitals utilize certified electronic health records (EHRs) to receive financial incentives. This certification is supposedly also associated with the quality of the EHR itself. The certification process is criticized for allowing EHR vendors to meet a set of limited functions known in advance. EHRs can affect healthcare quality and electronic health information exchange. This dissertation explored what is known about the effects of certified EHRs on length of stay (LOS) and patient generated health data (PGHD), the relationship between hospital utilization of certified EHRs and LOS, and the relationship between hospital utilization of certified EHRs with hospital capability of allowing the function of PGHD. The first analysis was a scoping review guided by the PRISMA protocol to explore what is known of the effects of certified EHRs on LOS and PGHD. The second analysis used datasets from the American Hospital Association Survey and Information Technology Supplement and Kentucky Cabinet for Health and Family Services, Office of Health Policy from 2015 to 2019 to understand the relationship between hospital utilization of certified EHRs and LOS through a fixed effects regression model. The final paper analysis used datasets from the American Hospital Association Survey and Information Technology Supplement from 2016 to 2020 to understand the relationship between hospital utilization of certified EHRs and the function of enabling PGHD through a binary logistic regression. There is support amongst researchers on EHRs improving quality, such as, LOS and the function of PGHD improving technology efficiency and others supporting EHRs with more customization and open architecture. There is less known about whether an EHR, certified or non-certified, are different from one another with providing advantages for hospitals. Hospitals with certified EHRs have a longer LOS compared to hospitals with non-certified EHRs. Most hospitals experienced barriers with receiving, sending, or other electronic information exchange. Most hospitals with certified EHRs were more likely to not enable the function for PGHD compared to hospitals with non-certified EHRs. EHRs can be problematic while hospitals are providing hospital care. Although most hospitals possess certified EHRs, most do not enable the function of PGHD. Secondary sources from the survey were completed by the Chief Technology Officer or Chief Information Officer. Further research could be continued with understanding different groups’ health effects with health information technology. Hospitals may be satisfied with their EHRs but not as abreast on how functional the EHR is and how the EHR can benefit patients

    A model on factors affecting nurses adoption of health information technology

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    Healthcare organisations are using Health Information Technology (HIT) to improve efficiency, reduce cost and reduce medical errors. This study focused on the factors that influence the acceptance of HIT among nurses in Saudi hospitals. This research used a 6 stage mixed-methods research approach. Literature was used to search for established models and frameworks of technology acceptance, and the many factors that could play a role. In the field study, the nature of practical HIT issues at the Prince Sultan Military Medical City (PSMMC) and the Heraa Hospital were studied, and combined with literature to create a HIT Implementation Issues Framework. The framework consolidates elements from the Technological, Organisational, Environmental and Human dimensions. The researcher participated in further PSMMC projects in the design and implementation of the new Cardio Pulmonary Resuscitation System and the Nurses and Pharmacists’ Communication System. From the implementation experience, pertinent factors were added to the Technology Acceptance Model and the “Nurses Acceptance Model” was proposed. The proposed model has eleven independent parameters, two dependent parameters, as well as seven moderators of key relationships. A questionnaire with 71 entries was distributed to over 2800 nurses in 52 wards in PSMMC. SPSS was used for data screening and descriptive statistics. The SmartPLS software was used for analysis and testing of the proposed hypotheses. The findings refined the “Nurses Acceptance Model” and highlight the significance of User Involvement and Training. The “Nurses Acceptance Model” enhances the scientific understanding of variables that affect technology acceptance among nurses in Saudi hospitals. The HIT Implementation Issues Framework helps hospital decision makers to plan HIT projects to improve the likelihood of successful adoption