177 research outputs found

    Citizen awareness to e-government services for information personalization

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    In the government agency environment, citizen is the customer that utilizes the service provided by government agency as the service provider. The success and acceptance of e-government initiatives depends on citizen willing to utilize the service provided (Carter L and Belanger F, 2004). The core issue in e-government domain now is about the social issue rather than the technical issue. Findings from literatures reveal that the initiative from government side in promoting and building the awareness of citizen is considered low. And by the unawareness of citizen, the communication between government and citizen cannot successfully be built. Therefore the purpose of this paper is to review the success factors of e-government adoption and the issues that influence citizen to aware and adopt the service provided by various researchers. In addition, this paper also discusses the formulation of a citizen-centric framework. The benefit of the framework is to assists the analysis on the relationship between government and citizens. This is to ensure that a suitable method could be further proposed to enhance the relationship and communication between government and citizens. The Citizen-centric framework considers the needs in promoting service to citizen so that information personalization can successfully be accomplished

    Towards an integrated model for citizen adoption of E-government services in developing countries: A Saudi Arabia case study

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    This paper considers the challenges that face the widespread adoption of E-government in developing countries, using Saudi Arabian our case study. E-government can be defined based on an existing set of requirements. In this paper we define E-government as a matrix of stakeholders; governments to governments, governments to business and governments to citizens using information and communications technology to deliver and consume services. E-government has been implemented for a considerable time in developed countries. However E-government services still faces many challenges their implemented and general adoption in developing countries. Therefore, this paper presents an integrated model for ascertaining the intention to adopt E-government services and thereby aid governments in accessing what is required to increase adoption

    Innovative framework for e-government adoption in Saudi Arabia: a study from the business sector perspective

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    E-Government increases transparency and im- proves communication between the government and the users. Providing e-Government services to business sector is a fun- damental mission of governmental agencies in Saudi Arabia. However, the adoption of e-Government systems is less than satisfactory in many countries, particularly in developing coun- tries. This is a significant factor that can lead to e-Government failure and, therefore, to the waste of budget and effort. One pertinent, unanswered question is what are the key factors that influence the adoption and utilisation level of users from business sector. Unlike much research in the literature that has utilised common technology acceptance models and theories to analyse the adoption of e-Government, which may not be sufficient for such analysis, this study proposes a conceptual framework following a holistic approach to analyse key factors that influence the adoption and utilisation of e-Government in Saudi Arabia. The developed framework, E-Government Adoption and Utilisation Model (EGAUM), was developed based on critical evaluation of several common models and theories related to technology acceptance and use including Technology Acceptance Model (TAM) and Unified Theory of Acceptance and Use of Technology (UTAUT), in conjunction with analysis of e-Government adoption literature. The study involved 48 participating business entities from two major cities in Saudi Arabia, Riyadh and Jeddah. The descriptive and statistical analyses are presented in this paper and the results indicated that all the proposed factors have degree of influence on the adoption and utilisation level. Perceived Benefits, Awareness, Previous Experience, and Regulations & Policies were found to be the significant factors that are most likely to influence the adoption and usage level of users from business sector. Keywords: E-Government; E-Services; Saudi Arabia; Technology Adoption; Influential Factors; Users’ Intention; Business Sector Perspectiv

    Facteurs explicatifs du comportement d’adoption du gouvernement Ă©lectronique par les PME : Proposition d’un modĂšle conceptuel thĂ©orique

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    The emergence of the information society is prompting governments to play a more active role in harnessing ICTs to support the development of the digital economy. By relying on ICT, egov can increase the performance as well as the internal productivity of public administrations, through greater flexibility in decision-making processes. It also improves the quality, accessibility and proximity of services provided to citizens and companies, moving from a government based on traditional management, to an electronic government, essentially based on ICT. which allows to strengthen transparency and trust in the relationship of the State with its various partners.  The main objective of this work is to try to explain and predict the variables that influence the decision to adopt and use e-government by SMEs. To do this, we mobilized the most frequently used theories and models in this field; including TAM, TCP, and UTAUT; to arrive at a conceptual theoretical model which will be; eventually ; adapted to the Moroccan context as part of an empirical study. Finally, the examination of the literature review allowed us to identify the following explanatory variables : The context of the company, the technological context, the security context, the managerial context and the perception of users.En s’appuyant sur les diffĂ©rentes technologies d’information et de communication, l’egov permet d’accroitre la performance ainsi que la productivitĂ© interne des administrations publiques, Ă  travers une plus grande flexibilitĂ© dans les processus et les circuits de prise de dĂ©cision. Il permet Ă©galement d’amĂ©liorer la qualitĂ©, l’accessibilitĂ© ainsi que la proximitĂ© des services rendus aux citoyens et aux entreprises, en passant d’un gouvernement qui repose sur des modes de gestion et de fonctionnement traditionnels, Ă  un gouvernement Ă©lectronique, basĂ© essentiellement sur les TIC. Cela, ne peut que renforcer la transparence et la confiance dans la relation de l’Etat avec ses diffĂ©rents partenaires. L’objectif de ce travail est d’essayer d’expliquer et de prĂ©dire les variables qui influencent la dĂ©cision d’adoption et d’utilisation du gouvernement Ă©lectronique par les PME. Pour ce faire, nous avons mobilisĂ© les thĂ©ories et les modĂšles les plus frĂ©quemment utilisĂ©s dans ce domaine ; notamment TAM, TCP et UTAUT ; pour aboutir Ă  un modĂšle thĂ©orique conceptuel qui sera ; Ă©ventuellement ; adaptĂ© au contexte marocain dans le cadre d’une Ă©tude empirique. En fin, l’examen de la revue de la littĂ©rature nous a permis de dĂ©gager les variables explicatives suivantes : Le contexte de l’entreprise, le contexte technologique, le contexte sĂ©curitaire, le contexte managĂ©rial et la perception des utilisateurs

    Why the Utilization of E-Government Services is Poor? – A study with the Citizens in Colombo Municipal Council Area in Sri Lanka

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    One of the most important elements of an e-Government system is the interaction between users and e-Government systems, specifically the adoption and utilization by those users, who are the main target of such systems. However, even after taken numerous efforts to develop an e-service system in Sri Lanka, its utilization and adoption are still at a very poor level. It indicates as the rate of online submission of applications is 1.16% and for license/ permits it is 0.18%. Thus, this research aims to investigate, analyze and understand the key factors that influence users’ adoption and utilization of two e-Government services: e-Vehicle revenue license and e-Police clearance certificate in Sri Lanka with a holistic approach. The conceptual framework was developed by studying the Technology Acceptance Model (TAM) and Web Trust models and theories related to technology acceptance and usage, in conjunction with a review of e-Government adoption and utilization literature. The study population was the Colombo Municipal Council area with 561,314 individuals. A random sample of 203 chief occupants was selected and the response rate was 96.5%. Respondents’ demographic details, educational qualifications, internet experience, e-Government usage and as well as preferences when obtaining e-Government services were included.  The results showed significant (5% level) moderate positive relationships among utilization and “usefulness”, “ease of use”, “trust in the internet” and “trust in the Government”. Moreover, “usefulness” (ÎČ=0.445) and “trust of the government” (ÎČ=0.379) were found to be the significant (5% level) influential factors in adoption and utilization with model adequacy at 36.5%. Similar to the literature, the findings ensure that when the usefulness and the trust are at a higher level, the adoption and utilization also be at a higher level. The-  challenges for citizen-centered e-Government applications were identified as a lack of users’ trust in the internet service providers, level of security standards, quality of e-Government systems, reluctance to share, exchange, and store their personal information specially the financial information in the online platform. However, the positive factor is the citizens perceive and experience e-Government systems as simple to use and useful. Further, they intend to accept and use it. Based on the interviews held with the uses, implementing simple and useful e-services and e-transactions, enhancing the reliability of the services, improving the accessibility options of the implemented e-services and e-transactions, and increasing the awareness of implemented e-services and their benefits were highlighted as their suggestions to develop the existing e-Government systems and services in Sri Lanka. The most important fact emphasized here is the implementation of a one-stop e-Government portal for all the services. Actions taken to enhance the digital literacy of the citizens from their school level will be benefited to successful adoption and utilization of e-services in Sri Lanka

    An Empirical View on Local Residents’ Perceptions towards E-Government in Kyrgyzstan

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    Digital transformation in the public sector has been the focus of academic studies for the last two decades. According to the literature, countries' efforts towards digitalization vary both across countries and within regions of each country. Although the starting points may differ, this process has yet to be completed in any country. It is evident that various obstacles and problems are still being encountered. Along with major obstacles such as inadequate infrastructure and limited financial and human resources, the willingness of residents to adopt e-government services is also a significant factor to consider. In this context, the main purpose of this paper is to evaluate residents’ perceptions towards e-government services in Kyrgyzstan. Primary data was collected by administering a structured questionnaire to 325 residents. The results indicate that perceived functional benefits, perceived service response, and availability of resources significantly impact (p<0.05) residents’ adoption of e-government services. Significant differences have been observed in residents’ perceptions towards the dependent and independent variables of the study, based on demographic characteristics such as marital status, income, experience using e-government services, and area of residence. This study can provide valuable insights for public policy related to digital transformation. A deeper understanding of users’ behavior can provide a reliable foundation for making managerial and marketing decisions that can help overcome this problem as a barrier to digital transformation


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    We explore the effect of consumer education on the likelihood of increasing the behavioural intention to use e-government services in Lebanon in the context of initial learning experience. E-government refers to the use of information and communication technology to improve public administration. The adoption of e-government systems by end users has remained below expectations and the efforts of many countries have remained vain. Scholars have found that the low adoption and use of e-government services by end users for e-services are still major barriers to successful e-government implementation. Among the critical actions suggested by scholars, consumer education through training is a priority one. The results of this quantitative study show that by developing basic content and process oriented consumers’ knowledge on e-government during initial learning experience, a critical period of time where end users decide whether they adopt this service or not, citizens will increase their behavioural intention to use of e-government services

    Evaluation of Official Governmental (e-Government) Websites for Accessibility in the Middle East

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    World Wide Web (www), a digital platform providing access to information in an accessible and equitable manner offers immense opportunities to all categories of users. Its inclusivism enables people with physical challenges to access websites, identify, appreciate, navigate, utilize, interact and contribute to the web. This study evaluates the web accessibility features of 58 governmental websites of 17 countries in the Middle East by means of the manual and the automated testing methods with different benchmarks based on the Web Content Accessibility Guidelines 2.0 (WCAG) and Section 508 standards for the website accessibility, for each to achieve a more comprehensive and efficient result for better analysis. The results of the findings are contrasting; from the manual evaluation based on specific criteria, countries such as United Arab Emirates, Saudi Arabia, Bahrain and Oman scored high percentages in majority of the criteria but scored very low in the automated evaluation
