408,904 research outputs found

    Citizen adoption of e-government services – Evidence from Hungary

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    In a citizen centric approach – which became increasingly popular in the last decade – e-government success begins with citizens starting to use e-government systems, solutions, services. In line with this our paper investigates the factors – presented by the technology acceptance literature – influencing e-government service usage, on a large representative Hungarian sample concerning a wide range of B2C public administration services. Our results imply that the Hungarian government can further increase the usage of e-government services by influencing effort expectancy, trust of internet, facilitating conditions, user experience or habits

    A Conceptual Model of E-Government Adoption in Indonesia

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    This study aims to determine various factors are related with the process of e-Government adoption. Many researchers have traced the success factors of e-Government but are still partial. This research contributes not only in terms of technological factors but also the attitudes and behaviors of its users (personality traits) which is also influential in the process of technology adoption. In this research, will be developed an adoption model of technology in the context of e-Government. This model incorporates some best practices related to the diffusion of technology such as TRI, TAM, UTAUT, IS/IT Success Model, as well as other factors influencing the adoption of e-Government such as Trust and Compatibility based on previous research. The conceptual model proposed could bring better understanding about important issues especially in e-Government adoption process in Indonesia.Keywords— Adoption, User, E-Government, Conceptual, Model, Indonesi

    Factors influencing the success of an E-participation project in South Africa

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    Dissatisfaction with service delivery is an enormous challenge for the current government of South Africa, as protests about service delivery are frequent and often violent and disruptive. E-participation could provide a means for dissatisfied citizens to voice their grievances, but it has not been duly exploited in South Africa. The purpose of this research is to contribute to knowledge of e-participation in developing countries , and specifically to identify the factors that influence the success of service delivery e-participation initiatives. A case study was conducted of an e- participation project - Project Lungisa - and qualitative data, in the form of interviews, documents and field notes, was collected and analysed in order to identify these influencing factors. As predicted in the literature review, citizens’ trust in government, stakeholder management, ICT infrastructure and project leadership were factors that influenced Lungisa’s success. Political consensus and inclusion did not influence success, and as a result two of the study ’s propositions could not be confirmed. Unanticipated factors that emerged as influential include local government support, independence from government and political parties, the use of mobile phone technology, marketing and advertising and community integration. A revised conceptual model is presented in the conclusion of this study, which could be tested in future research. Recommendations for practitioners are also given based on the nine influencing factors, and it is hoped that these will be of value to implementers of future e-participation projects

    E-government adoption success factors for developing countries

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    Adoption has a key role in a successful implementation of E-government initiatives in the context of developing nations. Until the current times, little research has been done to explore determinant factors of the adoption of E-government services among developing countries citizens. It is pertinent to determine the factors influencing the e-government services adoption and the government should understand such factors. Therefore, for an E-government to reach its full potential there is a need to decrease the gap between what is offered and what is utilized for fruitful government investment. So, this paper reviewed the studies of E-government adoption in developing countries. The aim of this study is to come up with the important success factors that influence the citizens in developing countries. There are many studies mentioned that privacy, security, trust, awareness is very important factors that affect E-government in developing countries

    Assessing Government to Business Services Performance: The Role of Human and Organizational Factors

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    In an attempt to deliver better service performance to businesses and improve the interactions, many public organizations have transformed their business activities by adopting information systems. The reformations of the government-to-business have led to the evaluation of the system service performance and investigation of the factors that shape the success of the IS implementation. Hence, the purpose of the study is to assess the government-to-business service performance and explore the human and organizational factors that influence the success. The findings indicate top management support, facilitating condition, user skills and attitude play a major role in influencing the government-to-business system usage among government agencies. In addition, use of IS in the interaction between government and business has significant influence on the service performance, measured as transparency, service quality and information quality. The findings provide a new perspective for public agencies in their future e-government implementation

    Analysing the critical factors influencing trust in e-government adoption from citizens’ perspective: A systematic review and a conceptual framework

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    Although the success adoption of e-government contingent upon citizens’ trust and their willingness to use it, little consideration has been paid to explore the adoption of e-government from citizens’ trust perspective. This paper provides a critical and systematic review of the current literature on citizens’ trust in e-government, with a particular focus on the most critical factors influencing citizens’ trust in respect of the adoption of e-government. The extant literature was identified through six electronic databases, from 2000 to 2014. Academic articles were reviewed if they contained a relevant discussion of the antecedents or factors influencing citizens’ trust in e-government adoption. The findings of this review reveal that several studies have been conducted in the area of trust in e-government (particularly trust in government and trust in the internet) with limited consideration paid to citizen's aspects of trust (such as personality, culture, gender, experience, education level, beliefs and value of systems). Based on the findings of the critical review, a conceptual framework is proposed by developing further the updated DeLone and McLean IS Success Model, which presents the antecedents of trust in e-government adoption

    Integrating IS success model with cybersecurity factors for e-government implementation in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia

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    The electronic government (E-Gov) Systems are currently getting recognized as an authentic strategically tool in delivering E-services. Considering the development of information system (IS) as well as the expanding of the internet-based applications in KSA, E-Gov has always been a significant aspect in delivering governmental services. This research has adopted the (IS) success model by both DeLone and McLean (D&M), moreover, it adopted technology acceptance model (TAM) with cybersecurity factors, both models were implemented to discover the status of the IS success then investigate cybersecurity aspects that impact the service efficiency and effectiveness in KSA. Consequently, this research aims to create a model to investigate the IS success model along with cybersecurity factors that influence E-Gov services effectiveness and usage. Therefore, a survey has been applied as the major data gathering approach; the survey has been distributed among 211 users of E-Gov services consistently. Moreover, all research findings were attained through a quantitative method using the structural equation modelling (SEM). Findings revealed that the constructs fundamental of the (IS) success model are strongly influencing users' satisfaction (US) of the E-Gov services; correspondingly, the fundamental constructs factors of cybersecurity with TAM appear to have a strong impacts on perceived risk (PR), in addition, both which affect the E-Gov services towards usage and effectiveness