114,633 research outputs found

    Using Platelet-Rich Plasma to Reverse the Effects of Tendinopathy and Prevent Tendon Re-rupture after Surgery in Athletes: The Search for a Standardized Protocol

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    30-50% of all lesions amateur and professional sports players will experience during activity are related to the tendon. Moreover, the incidence of tendinopathy, a precursor to tendon rupture, is much higher in both of these groups due to excessive loading of tendons during physical activity, insufficient rest afterwards and certain antibiotic use. The tendon anatomically has both a low blood supply and a low cell turnover rate, which contribute to the relative ease by which an athlete can develop tendinopathy. Chronic tendinopathy has very few high-success treatments but in recent years, platelet-rich plasma (PRP), a treatment in which platelets are isolated from the patient’s blood and injected back into the diseased tendon, has seen promising results. Prior research has focused on assessing the viability of PRP as a treatment but failed to come up with a standard and procedure protocol for its administration. In this study, PRP is evaluated in terms of success rate, concentration of cells other than platelets, concentration of growth factors, life of growth factors, and size and cross section of the tendon to develop a formulation standard, injection plan, and procedure protocol for different tendinopathies. Furthermore, a rehabilitation program that takes into account both the treatment and natural healing process of the tendon to shorten the time the athlete spends off the field is outlined

    Why Reinvent the Wheel? The Efficacy of the Systematic Problem Solving Method 'TRIZ' and it Value for Innovation in Engineering and Implications for Engineering Management

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    The engineering industry needs to be more innovative. A case study of a recent breakthrough innovative development by Michelin is discussed. The influence of prior training with systematic problem solving method TRIZ, on the innovation team, is assessed using a questionnaire. The questionnaire is based on a company innovation audit model proposed by Mann and influenced by the creativity model of Baille. Results are discussed which show significant innovation development when using TRIZ. The efficacy of training key workers in systematic problem solving and creative methods is discussed and the implications for managers in innovation promotion and workplace environment change are highlighted

    The Web 2.0 as Marketing Tool: Opportunities for SMEs

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    The new generation of Internet applications widely known as Social Media or Web 2.0 offers corporations a whole range of opportunities for improving their marketing efficiency and internal operations. Web 2.0 applications have already become part of the daily life of an increasing number of consumers who regard them as prime channels of communication, information exchange, sharing of expertise, dissemination of individual creativity and entertainment. Web logs, podcasts, online forums and social networks are rapidly becoming major sources of customer information and influence while the effectiveness of traditional mass media is rapidly decreasing. Using the social media as a marketing tool is an issue attracting increasing attention. The hitherto experience is that large public corporations are more likely to make use of such instruments as part of their marketing and internal operations (McKinsey, 2007).The paper defines the Web 2.0 phenomenon and based on the experience of large corporations examines how SMEs could engage the various Web 2.0 instruments in order to efficiently market their products, improve customer relations, increase customer retention and enhance internal operations

    Mexican Health Paradox

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    Despite the broad array of research that exists on the Hispanic health paradox, no single explanation has been marked as the dominant reason for the disparities in life expectancy that exist between Mexican Americans and other Hispanic and non-Hispanic ethnic groups. This indicates that researchers must adopt a more open perspective that examines the influence of multidimensional factors that integrate culture, religious tradition, and lifestyle. The purpose of the current study is to 1) readily define the paradox and provide a thorough review of existing literature on the topic; 2) suggest a transition from exploring statistical explanations of the paradox to critically assessing health-related behaviors and influences such as familial support when trying to explain the paradox in the context of certain Hispanic ethnic groups; 3) elucidate sociocultural factors unique to Mexican American communities and their implications on Mexican health outcomes; and 4) consider avenues for further research concerning life expectancy and the paradox. The Mexican American health paradox is related to observable health-related influences, rather than statistical misrepresentation. Familial structure is one component that results in better physical health among members of this ethnic group. Still, similar familial bonding in Cuban American and Native American culture has not resulted in similar health outcomes, indicating additional factors behind the health advantage. The presence of an alternative-health care system with a more emotionally significant practitioner-client relationship appears to be the main factor that separates Mexican Americans from the other ethnic groups. In turn, this distinctive system, referred to as curanderismo, has a positive impact on both physical and mental health, and is bolstered by consistent family systems. By capturing the Hispanic health paradox in a holistic analysis of the existing explanations in current literature and specific ethnic characteristics, this project begins to conceptualize which factors have a greater contribution to the advantageous health outcomes of Mexican Americans relative to other influences. It also indicates the possible usefulness of sociocultural factors in explaining the paradox in the context of other Hispanic ethnic groups as well

    News on the Internet

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    Newspapers are in trouble. Circulation and advertising are down as readers shift from print to online media. Although changing reader preferences and the loss of lucrative classified advertising to online sources are major worries, the news media seems preoccupied with news aggregators and bloggers who distribute news content on the internet without permission. Newspapers are not the only ones worried about the unauthorized distribution of their news on the internet. Financial services companies are unhappy about the distribution of their hot stock recommendations and other content providers seek to control online news ranging from movie schedules to business ratings. Traditional copyright doctrine offers varying degrees of protection for the literary format of the news — broad in scope for the text of news stories, narrower and less certain for smaller expressions like news headlines and leads. Content providers want more. They seek to control the online distribution not just of their literary forms, but of the very facts that are the news itself. The battle is being waged on two fronts. One involves an attempt to extend the traditional scope of copyright beyond the protection of expression into the previously forbidden realm of facts. The second front involves efforts by content providers to enlist the century-old common law tort of misappropriation. The reemergence of the misappropriation tort from the shadow of federal copyright law is somewhat improbable, resting as it does on a single paragraph of legislative history, extracted from an ABA Committee Report, that was directed at a portion of the copyright revision bill that was never actually enacted. Nevertheless, its application to news on the internet has been cheered by many commentators. This Article examines the recent attempts by content providers to gain control over facts through federal copyright law and the common law tort of misappropriation

    Using Technology Enabled Qualitative Research to Develop Products for the Social Good, An Overview

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    This paper discusses the potential benefits of the convergence of three recent trends for the design of socially beneficial products and services: the increasing application of qualitative research techniques in a wide range of disciplines, the rapid mainstreaming of social media and mobile technologies, and the emergence of software as a service. Presented is a scenario facilitating the complex data collection, analysis, storage, and reporting required for the qualitative research recommended for the task of designing relevant solutions to address needs of the underserved. A pilot study is used as a basis for describing the infrastructure and services required to realize this scenario. Implications for innovation of enhanced forms of qualitative research are presented

    Disentangling Achievement Orientation and Goal Setting: Effects on Self-Regulatory Processes

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    Creativity has been underscored as a key factor to organizational adaptability and competitiveness in today\u27s rapidly changing business environment. Designing as well as managing work environments that facilitate creativity have therefore received growing attention, resulting in a multitude of research examining the social-psychological work environment. Few studies, however, have focused on the contribution of the physical work environment to supporting creativity in the workplace. This study focuses on the role of the physical environment in supporting creativity in organizations by identifying specific physical features and attributes of the work environment perceived to promote or inhibit creativity. The research design compares four organizations publicly acclaimed for their innovative social-psychological work environments, but which are distinctly different in terms of the physical work environment. Quantitative and qualitative data were collected by means of survey questionnaires [N = 1 30). Results indicate that the physical work environment exerts indirect influence on creativity by contributing to two significant social-psychological conditions that are conducive to creativity, namely dynamism and freedom. The study specifies attributes of the physical work environment perceived to be positively and negatively associated with both of these conditions

    Assessment of co-creativity in the process of game design

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    We consider game design as a sociocultural and knowledge modelling activity, engaging participants in the design of a scenario and a game universe based on a real or imaginary socio-historical context, where characters can introduce life narratives and interaction that display either known social realities or entirely new ones. In this research, participants of the co-creation activity are Malaysian students who were working in groups to design game-based learning resources for rural school children. After the co-creativity activity, the students were invited to answer the co-creativity scale, an adapted version of the Assessment Scale of Creative Collaboration (ASCC), combining both the co-creativity factors and learners’ experiences on their interests, and difficulties they faced during the co-creativity process. The preliminary results showed a high diversity on the participants’ attitudes towards collaboration, especially related to their preferences towards individual or collaborative work