11 research outputs found

    Interactive Virtual Reality Game for Online Learning of Science Subject in Primary Schools

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    Education plays an important role in nurturing children. COVID-19 pandemic brings challenges or disruptions to school education, due to school closures in some countries. Science subject in primary schools is unique as hands-on experiments are important learning components. Its learning process may be affected, as a new norm of online learning or home-based learning. This research project creates a serious game on science subject for primary school students aging within 10 to 11 years old using virtual reality (VR) technology. It consists of three virtual learning phases. Phase 1 explains theories of science topics on electricity and electric circuits. Phase 2 provides interactive hands-on experiment exercises where students can practice theory knowledge learned in the previous phase. An interactive quiz session is offered to reinforce the learning in Phase 3. Interactive VR features enable primary school students learning abstract science concepts in an interesting way compared to conventional classroom settings. Meticulous design attentions have been placed in the details such as visual instructions, voice instructions, speech tempo, animations, and colorful graphics to create a sense of realism and keep students actively engaged. Preliminary case study has been conducted with 10 students at primary schools in Singapore to evaluate learning effectiveness in this research

    Las ayudas en indagaciones científicas escolares mediadas por herramientas tecnológicas. Investigaciones de la última década

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    Se presenta una revisión de las investigaciones dedicadas a lo largo de la última década al estudio de la tecnología como soporte en el aprendizaje de las ciencias por indagación en educación primaria. Analizando 44 trabajos resultantes se sintetiza la información sobre la tipología de apoyos y herramientas tecnológicas, la adecuación de la herramienta a la diversidad de las aulas y la evolución de las ayudas ofrecidas por los maestros en estos contextos. La investigación educativa en este ámbito es claramente insuficiente dada la trascendencia social de las cuestiones abiertas

    3D technologies to support teaching and learning in health care education – scoping review

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    This scoping review aimed to describe the use of three-dimensional (3D) technology to support teaching and learning in health care education and the outcomes related to 3D technology from the perspective of teaching and learning. The study identified 31 articles that met the inclusion criteria. The results are presented in four categories: 3D environment, 3D image, 3D holograms and 3D print. There were multiple pedagogical contexts, including the teaching of anatomy. All categories were connected to positive learning outcomes and outcomes that supported learning, e.g. satisfaction. Positive learning outcomes were related to skills, knowledge, students’ perceptions and emotions. These findings describe multiple uses of 3D technology, which can have a positive effect on student learning in health care education.</p

    Facilitating deep-strategy behaviors and positive learning performances in science inquiry activities with a 3D experiential gaming approach

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    [[abstract]]Facilitating students’ deep-strategy behaviors and positive learning performances of science inquiry is an important and challenging educational issue. In this study, a contextual science inquiry approach is proposed for developing a 3D experiential game to cope with this problem. To evaluate the impacts of the game on students’ science learning approaches, learning achievements and problem-solving awareness as well as the learning behavioral patterns of the students with different learning achievements, a quasi-experiment was conducted in an elementary school geoscience course. The participants were two classes of sixth graders. One class was the experimental group who learned with the 3D experiential game, and the other was the control group who learned with the conventional technology-enhanced learning approach. The experimental results showed that the students learning with the 3D experiential gaming system showed better learning achievements, problem-solving tendency, deep learning strategies, and deep learning motive than those who learned with the conventional technology-enhanced learning approach. Moreover, the higher-achievement students showed more behavioral patterns of deep learning strategies than the lower-achievement students. The findings of this study provide a good reference for helping lower-achievement students improve their learning performance

    Modelo prolab: El Amauta, una propuesta que revolucionará la forma de aprender

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    En la actualidad, existe una problemática educativa respecto al desarrollo de competencias de los estudiantes en edad escolar, lo que limita su desempeño académico y se evidencia en indicadores tales como la prueba PISA. Esto se ha visto agravado por el COVID 19, lo que ocasionó el cierre de escuelas, aumento de la deserción escolar, etc., y trajo consigo una nueva forma de impartir la educación adaptándose al entorno digital. El presente proyecto tiene como fin demostrar que los padres y madres de familia están dispuestos a contratar servicios de reforzamiento académico que incentiven el interés de sus hijos, los cuales pueden contribuir en su aprendizaje y desarrollo de sus habilidades personales. Para ello, se utilizaron herramientas como el design thinking, business model canvas, lean startup, entre otras, lo que permitió tener un mejor entendimiento del usuario y su necesidad, dando como resultado una plataforma que ofrece contenidos virtuales alineados a la malla educativa oficial que integran recursos tecnológicos adaptados a un mercado carente de ofertas educativas digitales. Es así como nace El Amauta, una solución enfocada al acompañamiento de los estudiantes de hoy y líderes del mañana, potenciando su aprendizaje y competencias que contribuya a su desarrollo integral. Por su parte, los resultados económicos que acompañan la decisión de implementación demuestran la rentabilidad del proyecto en un periodo de cinco años, expresada en un valor actual neto económico (VANE) que asciende a S/2’524,189. Finalmente, la solución es sostenible porque además de su viabilidad financiera, impacta positivamente en la ODS 4 (Educación de calidad) y estima un valor actual neto social (VANS) de S/695,686, contribuyendo a la reducción del índice de la repitencia escolar.At the Present, there is an educational problem regarding the development of competences of students at school age students, which limits their academic performance and is evidenced in international indicators, such as the PISA test. This has been aggravated by COVID-19, which led to school closures, increased dropout rates, etc. Being a new way of imparting education adapting to the digital environment. The purpose of this project is to demonstrate that parents are willing to hire academic reinforcement services in a digital environment that adopts methodologies valued by their children, which contribute to their learning and the development of their personal skills. To do this, tools such as design thinking, business model canvas, lean startup, among others, were used, which allowed a better understanding of the user and their needs, resulting in a platform that offers virtual content through the integration of various technological resources and learning methodologies adapted to a market lacking digital educational offers. This is how El Amauta was born, a solution focused on the accompaniment of today's students and tomorrow's leaders, enhancing their learning and skills that guarantee their integral development. On the other hand, the economic results that accompany the implementation decision demonstrate the profitability of the project in a period of 5 years. On the other hand, the economic results that accompany the implementation decision demonstrate the profitability of the project in a period of 5 years, expressed in an economic net present value (ENPV) amounting to S/2’524,189. Finally, the solution is sustainable because in addition to its financial viability, it has a positive impact on SDG 4 (Quality education) and estimates a social net present value (SNPV) of S/695,686, contributing to the reduction of the school repetition index

    Rural Tennessee Elementary School Teachers\u27 Experiences in Implementing Bring Your Own Technology

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    Many rural elementary school students and teachers have experienced challenges related to Bring Your Own Technology (BYOT) into the classroom. The purpose of this qualitative case study was to understand how teachers at a rural elementary school in the Southeastern United States implemented BYOT within an educational setting. Twelve elementary school teachers participated in the study focused on four research questions: (a) How do rural elementary school teachers implement BYOT? (b) How do the teachers describe their preparation for teaching in a classroom where BYOT has been implemented? (c) How do teachers describe their own transitions from a traditional classroom to a classroom where BYOT has been implemented? (d) How do teachers share BYOT ideas among colleagues? This study utilized the theoretical framework of Rogers’ diffusion of innovations theory and Bandura’s social cognitive theory. Purposeful sampling was used to identify rural elementary school teachers who have taught for at least five years in a traditional classroom. Data was collected using interviews from 12 teachers with at least three years of BYOT experience and at least five years of traditional classroom experience. Twelve participants were also observed and participated in two focus groups. Individual interviews and the two focus group interviews were audio-recorded and transcribed, and coded. Data analysis consisted of with-in case analysis and descriptive coding, organizing, and synthesizing of emerging themes using NVivo software. Trustworthiness was addressed through triangulation and member checks