675 research outputs found

    Deep Learning Approaches for Seizure Video Analysis: A Review

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    Seizure events can manifest as transient disruptions in the control of movements which may be organized in distinct behavioral sequences, accompanied or not by other observable features such as altered facial expressions. The analysis of these clinical signs, referred to as semiology, is subject to observer variations when specialists evaluate video-recorded events in the clinical setting. To enhance the accuracy and consistency of evaluations, computer-aided video analysis of seizures has emerged as a natural avenue. In the field of medical applications, deep learning and computer vision approaches have driven substantial advancements. Historically, these approaches have been used for disease detection, classification, and prediction using diagnostic data; however, there has been limited exploration of their application in evaluating video-based motion detection in the clinical epileptology setting. While vision-based technologies do not aim to replace clinical expertise, they can significantly contribute to medical decision-making and patient care by providing quantitative evidence and decision support. Behavior monitoring tools offer several advantages such as providing objective information, detecting challenging-to-observe events, reducing documentation efforts, and extending assessment capabilities to areas with limited expertise. The main applications of these could be (1) improved seizure detection methods; (2) refined semiology analysis for predicting seizure type and cerebral localization. In this paper, we detail the foundation technologies used in vision-based systems in the analysis of seizure videos, highlighting their success in semiology detection and analysis, focusing on work published in the last 7 years. Additionally, we illustrate how existing technologies can be interconnected through an integrated system for video-based semiology analysis.Comment: Accepted in Epilepsy & Behavio

    A Multi-modal Machine Learning Approach and Toolkit to Automate Recognition of Early Stages of Dementia among British Sign Language Users

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    The ageing population trend is correlated with an increased prevalence of acquired cognitive impairments such as dementia. Although there is no cure for dementia, a timely diagnosis helps in obtaining necessary support and appropriate medication. Researchers are working urgently to develop effective technological tools that can help doctors undertake early identification of cognitive disorder. In particular, screening for dementia in ageing Deaf signers of British Sign Language (BSL) poses additional challenges as the diagnostic process is bound up with conditions such as quality and availability of interpreters, as well as appropriate questionnaires and cognitive tests. On the other hand, deep learning based approaches for image and video analysis and understanding are promising, particularly the adoption of Convolutional Neural Network (CNN), which require large amounts of training data. In this paper, however, we demonstrate novelty in the following way: a) a multi-modal machine learning based automatic recognition toolkit for early stages of dementia among BSL users in that features from several parts of the body contributing to the sign envelope, e.g., hand-arm movements and facial expressions, are combined, b) universality in that it is possible to apply our technique to users of any sign language, since it is language independent, c) given the trade-off between complexity and accuracy of machine learning (ML) prediction models as well as the limited amount of training and testing data being available, we show that our approach is not over-fitted and has the potential to scale up

    Cultivating Insight: Detecting Autism Spectrum Disorder through Residual Attention Network in Facial Image Analysis

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    Revolutionizing Autism Spectrum Disorder Identification through Deep Learning: Unveiling Facial Activation Patterns. In this study, our primary objective is to harness the power of deep learning algorithms for the precise identification of individuals with autism spectrum disorder (ASD) solely from facial image datasets. Our investigation centers around the utilization of face activation patterns, aiming to uncover novel insights into the distinctive facial features of ASD patients. To accomplish this, we meticulously examined facial imaging data from a global and multidisciplinary repository known as the Autism Face Imaging Data Exchange. Autism spectrum disorder is characterized by inherent social deficits and manifests in a spectrum of diverse symptomatic scenarios. Recent data from the Centers for Disease Control (CDC) underscores the significance of this disorder, indicating that approximately 1 in 54 children are impacted by ASD, according to estimations from the CDC's Autism and Developmental Disabilities Monitoring Network (ADDM). Our research delved into the intricate functional connectivity patterns that objectively distinguish ASD participants, focusing on their facial imaging data. Through this investigation, we aimed to uncover the latent facial patterns that play a pivotal role in the classification of ASD cases. Our approach introduces a novel module that enhances the discriminative potential of standard convolutional neural networks (CNNs), such as ResNet-50, thus significantly advancing the state-of-the-art. Our model achieved an impressive accuracy rate of 99% in distinguishing between ASD patients and control subjects within the dataset. Our findings illuminate the specific facial expression domains that contribute most significantly to the differentiation of ASD cases from typically developing individuals, as inferred from our deep learning methodology. To validate our approach, we conducted real-time video testing on diverse children, achieving an outstanding accuracy score of 99.90% and an F1 score of 99.67%. Through this pioneering work, we not only offer a cutting-edge approach to ASD identification but also contribute to the understanding of the underlying facial activation patterns that hold potential for transforming the diagnostic landscape of autism spectrum disorder

    Autism Spectrum Disorder Classification via Local and Global Feature Representation of Facial Image

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    Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) is a neurodevelopmental disorder that affects social communication and interaction. Early diagnosis of ASD can mitigate the severity and help with ideal treatment direction. Computer vision-based methods with traditional machine learning and deep learning are employed in the literature for automatic diagnosis. Recently, deep learning with a facial image-based ASD classification has gained interest due to its ease of collection and non-invasiveness. We observed that the existing approaches utilized either local or global features of facial images to diagnose ASD. However, its important to consider both local and global features to obtain fine-grained details and larger contextual information for accurate detection and classification. This paper proposes a sequencer-based patch-wise Local Feature Extractor along with a Global Feature Extractor. Finally, the features from these modules are aggregated to obtain the final feature for the classification of ASD. Experiments on a publicly available Autism Facial Image Dataset demonstrate that our proposed framework achieves state-of-the-art performance. We achieved accuracy, precision, recall, and F1-score of 94.7%, 94.0%, 95.3%, and 94.6%, respectively

    An Ear Wearable Device System for Facial Emotion Recognition Disorders

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    A wearable device system was proposed in the present work to address the problem of facial emotion recognition disorders. The proposed system could comprehensively analyze the user’s own stress status, emotions of people around, and the surrounding environment. The system consists of a multi-dimensional physiological signals acquisition module, an image acquisition and transmission module, a user interface of the user mobile terminal, and a cloud database for data storage. Moreover, a deep learning based multi-model physiological signal pressure recognition algorithm and a facial emotion recognition algorithm were designed and implemented in the system. Some publicly available data sets were used to test the two algorithms, and the experiment results showed that the two algorithms could well realize the expected functions of the system

    Automatic emotion recognition in clinical scenario: a systematic review of methods

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    none4Automatic emotion recognition has powerful opportunities in the clinical field, but several critical aspects are still open, such as heterogeneity of methodologies or technologies tested mainly on healthy people. This systematic review aims to survey automatic emotion recognition systems applied in real clinical contexts, to deeply analyse clinical and technical aspects, how they were addressed, and relationships among them. The literature review was conducted on: IEEEXplore, ScienceDirect, Scopus, PubMed, ACM. Inclusion criteria were the presence of an automatic emotion recognition algorithm and the enrollment of at least 2 patients in the experimental protocol. The review process followed the Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analyses guidelines. Moreover, the works were analysed according to a reference model to deeply examine both clinical and technical topics. 52 scientific papers passed inclusion criteria. Most clinical scenarios involved neurodevelopmental, neurological and psychiatric disorders with the aims of diagnosing, monitoring, or treating emotional symptoms. The most adopted signals are video and audio, while supervised shallow learning is mostly used for emotion recognition. A poor study design, tiny samples, and the absence of a control group emerged as methodological weaknesses. Heterogeneity of performance metrics, datasets and algorithms challenges results comparability, robustness, reliability and reproducibility.openPepa, Lucia; Spalazzi, Luca; Capecci, Marianna; Ceravolo, Maria GabriellaPepa, Lucia; Spalazzi, Luca; Capecci, Marianna; Ceravolo, Maria Gabriell

    Logging Stress and Anxiety Using a Gamified Mobile-based EMA Application, and Emotion Recognition Using a Personalized Machine Learning Approach

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    According to American Psychological Association (APA) more than 9 in 10 (94 percent) adults believe that stress can contribute to the development of major health problems, such as heart disease, depression, and obesity. Due to the subjective nature of stress, and anxiety, it has been demanding to measure these psychological issues accurately by only relying on objective means. In recent years, researchers have increasingly utilized computer vision techniques and machine learning algorithms to develop scalable and accessible solutions for remote mental health monitoring via web and mobile applications. To further enhance accuracy in the field of digital health and precision diagnostics, there is a need for personalized machine-learning approaches that focus on recognizing mental states based on individual characteristics, rather than relying solely on general-purpose solutions. This thesis focuses on conducting experiments aimed at recognizing and assessing levels of stress and anxiety in participants. In the initial phase of the study, a mobile application with broad applicability (compatible with both Android and iPhone platforms) is introduced (we called it STAND). This application serves the purpose of Ecological Momentary Assessment (EMA). Participants receive daily notifications through this smartphone-based app, which redirects them to a screen consisting of three components. These components include a question that prompts participants to indicate their current levels of stress and anxiety, a rating scale ranging from 1 to 10 for quantifying their response, and the ability to capture a selfie. The responses to the stress and anxiety questions, along with the corresponding selfie photographs, are then analyzed on an individual basis. This analysis focuses on exploring the relationships between self-reported stress and anxiety levels and potential facial expressions indicative of stress and anxiety, eye features such as pupil size variation and eye closure, and specific action units (AUs) observed in the frames over time. In addition to its primary functions, the mobile app also gathers sensor data, including accelerometer and gyroscope readings, on a daily basis. This data holds potential for further analysis related to stress and anxiety. Furthermore, apart from capturing selfie photographs, participants have the option to upload video recordings of themselves while engaging in two neuropsychological games. These recorded videos are then subjected to analysis in order to extract pertinent features that can be utilized for binary classification of stress and anxiety (i.e., stress and anxiety recognition). The participants that will be selected for this phase are students aged between 18 and 38, who have received recent clinical diagnoses indicating specific stress and anxiety levels. In order to enhance user engagement in the intervention, gamified elements - an emerging trend to influence user behavior and lifestyle - has been utilized. Incorporating gamified elements into non-game contexts (e.g., health-related) has gained overwhelming popularity during the last few years which has made the interventions more delightful, engaging, and motivating. In the subsequent phase of this research, we conducted an AI experiment employing a personalized machine learning approach to perform emotion recognition on an established dataset called Emognition. This experiment served as a simulation of the future analysis that will be conducted as part of a more comprehensive study focusing on stress and anxiety recognition. The outcomes of the emotion recognition experiment in this study highlight the effectiveness of personalized machine learning techniques and bear significance for the development of future diagnostic endeavors. For training purposes, we selected three models, namely KNN, Random Forest, and MLP. The preliminary performance accuracy results for the experiment were 93%, 95%, and 87% respectively for these models

    Multimodal Identification of Alzheimer's Disease: A Review

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    Alzheimer's disease is a progressive neurological disorder characterized by cognitive impairment and memory loss. With the increasing aging population, the incidence of AD is continuously rising, making early diagnosis and intervention an urgent need. In recent years, a considerable number of teams have applied computer-aided diagnostic techniques to early classification research of AD. Most studies have utilized imaging modalities such as magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), positron emission tomography (PET), and electroencephalogram (EEG). However, there have also been studies that attempted to use other modalities as input features for the models, such as sound, posture, biomarkers, cognitive assessment scores, and their fusion. Experimental results have shown that the combination of multiple modalities often leads to better performance compared to a single modality. Therefore, this paper will focus on different modalities and their fusion, thoroughly elucidate the mechanisms of various modalities, explore which methods should be combined to better harness their utility, analyze and summarize the literature in the field of early classification of AD in recent years, in order to explore more possibilities of modality combinations
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