14 research outputs found

    Learning to combine local models for Facial Action Unit detection

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    Abstract-Current approaches to automatic analysis of facial action units (AU) can differ in the way the face appearance is represented. Some works represent the whole face, dividing the bounding box region in a regular grid, and applying a feature descriptor to each subpatch. Alternatively, it is also common to consider local patches around the facial landmarks, and apply appearance descriptors to each of them. Almost invariably, all the features from each of these patches are combined into a single feature vector, which is the input to the learning routine and to inference. This constitutes the socalled feature-level fusion strategy. However, it has recently been suggested that decision-level fusion might provide better results. This strategy trains a different classifier per region, and then combines prediction scores linearly. In this work we extend this idea to model-level fusion, employing Artificial Neural Networks with an equivalent architecture. The resulting method has the advantage of learning the weights of the linear combination in a data-driven manner, and of jointly learning all the regionspecific classifiers as well as the region-fusion weights. We show in an experiment that this architecture improves over two baselines, representing typical feature-level fusion. Furthermore, we compare our method with the previously proposed linear decision-level region-fusion method, on the challenging GEMEP-FERA database, showing superior performance

    Discriminant Multi-Label Manifold Embedding for Facial Action Unit Detection

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    This article describes a system for participation in the Facial Expression Recognition and Analysis (FERA2015) sub-challenge for spontaneous action unit occurrence detection. The problem of AU detection is a multi-label classification problem by its nature, which is a fact overseen by most existing work. The correlation information between AUs has the potential of increasing the detection accuracy.We investigate the multi-label AU detection problem by embedding the data on low dimensional manifolds which preserve multi-label correlation. For this, we apply the multi-label Discriminant Laplacian Embedding (DLE) method as an extension to our base system. The system uses SIFT features around a set of facial landmarks that is enhanced with the use of additional non-salient points around transient facial features. Both the base system and the DLE extension show better performance than the challenge baseline results for the two databases in the challenge, and achieve close to 50% as F1-measure on the testing partition in average (9.9% higher than the baseline, in the best case). The DLE extension proves useful for certain AUs, but also shows the need for more analysis to assess the benefits in general

    Automatic analysis of facial actions: a survey

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    As one of the most comprehensive and objective ways to describe facial expressions, the Facial Action Coding System (FACS) has recently received significant attention. Over the past 30 years, extensive research has been conducted by psychologists and neuroscientists on various aspects of facial expression analysis using FACS. Automating FACS coding would make this research faster and more widely applicable, opening up new avenues to understanding how we communicate through facial expressions. Such an automated process can also potentially increase the reliability, precision and temporal resolution of coding. This paper provides a comprehensive survey of research into machine analysis of facial actions. We systematically review all components of such systems: pre-processing, feature extraction and machine coding of facial actions. In addition, the existing FACS-coded facial expression databases are summarised. Finally, challenges that have to be addressed to make automatic facial action analysis applicable in real-life situations are extensively discussed. There are two underlying motivations for us to write this survey paper: the first is to provide an up-to-date review of the existing literature, and the second is to offer some insights into the future of machine recognition of facial actions: what are the challenges and opportunities that researchers in the field face

    Action Units and Their Cross-Correlations for Prediction of Cognitive Load during Driving

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    Driving requires the constant coordination of many body systems and full attention of the person. Cognitive distraction (subsidiary mental load) of the driver is an important factor that decreases attention and responsiveness, which may result in human error and accidents. In this paper, we present a study of facial expressions of such mental diversion of attention. First, we introduce a multi-camera database of 46 people recorded while driving a simulator in two conditions, baseline and induced cognitive load using a secondary task. Then, we present an automatic system to differentiate between the two conditions, where we use features extracted from Facial Action Unit (AU) values and their cross-correlations in order to exploit recurring synchronization and causality patterns. Both the recording and detection system are suitable for integration in a vehicle and a real-world application, e.g. an early warning system. We show that when the system is trained individually on each subject we achieve a mean accuracy and F-score of ~95%, and for the subject independent tests ~68% accuracy and ~66% F-score, with person-specific normalization to handle subject-dependency. Based on the results, we discuss the universality of the facial expressions of such states and possible real-world uses of the system