3,230 research outputs found

    LoRA-like Calibration for Multimodal Deception Detection using ATSFace Data

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    Recently, deception detection on human videos is an eye-catching techniques and can serve lots applications. AI model in this domain demonstrates the high accuracy, but AI tends to be a non-interpretable black box. We introduce an attention-aware neural network addressing challenges inherent in video data and deception dynamics. This model, through its continuous assessment of visual, audio, and text features, pinpoints deceptive cues. We employ a multimodal fusion strategy that enhances accuracy; our approach yields a 92\% accuracy rate on a real-life trial dataset. Most important of all, the model indicates the attention focus in the videos, providing valuable insights on deception cues. Hence, our method adeptly detects deceit and elucidates the underlying process. We further enriched our study with an experiment involving students answering questions either truthfully or deceitfully, resulting in a new dataset of 309 video clips, named ATSFace. Using this, we also introduced a calibration method, which is inspired by Low-Rank Adaptation (LoRA), to refine individual-based deception detection accuracy.Comment: 10 pages, 9 figure

    Can lies be faked? Comparing low-stakes and high-stakes deception video datasets from a Machine Learning perspective

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    Despite the great impact of lies in human societies and a meager 54% human accuracy for Deception Detection (DD), Machine Learning systems that perform automated DD are still not viable for proper application in real-life settings due to data scarcity. Few publicly available DD datasets exist and the creation of new datasets is hindered by the conceptual distinction between low-stakes and high-stakes lies. Theoretically, the two kinds of lies are so distinct that a dataset of one kind could not be used for applications for the other kind. Even though it is easier to acquire data on low-stakes deception since it can be simulated (faked) in controlled settings, these lies do not hold the same significance or depth as genuine high-stakes lies, which are much harder to obtain and hold the practical interest of automated DD systems. To investigate whether this distinction holds true from a practical perspective, we design several experiments comparing a high-stakes DD dataset and a low-stakes DD dataset evaluating their results on a Deep Learning classifier working exclusively from video data. In our experiments, a network trained in low-stakes lies had better accuracy classifying high-stakes deception than low-stakes, although using low-stakes lies as an augmentation strategy for the high-stakes dataset decreased its accuracy.Comment: 11 pages, 3 figure

    Deception Detection in Group Video Conversations using Dynamic Interaction Networks

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    Detecting groups of people who are jointly deceptive in video conversations is crucial in settings such as meetings, sales pitches, and negotiations. Past work on deception in videos focuses on detecting a single deceiver and uses facial or visual features only. In this paper, we propose the concept of Face-to-Face Dynamic Interaction Networks (FFDINs) to model the interpersonal interactions within a group of people. The use of FFDINs enables us to leverage network relations in detecting group deception in video conversations for the first time. We use a dataset of 185 videos from a deception-based game called Resistance. We first characterize the behavior of individual, pairs, and groups of deceptive participants and compare them to non-deceptive participants. Our analysis reveals that pairs of deceivers tend to avoid mutual interaction and focus their attention on non-deceivers. In contrast, non-deceivers interact with everyone equally. We propose Negative Dynamic Interaction Networks to capture the notion of missing interactions. We create the DeceptionRank algorithm to detect deceivers from NDINs extracted from videos that are just one minute long. We show that our method outperforms recent state-of-the-art computer vision, graph embedding, and ensemble methods by at least 20.9% AUROC in identifying deception from videos.Comment: The paper is published at ICWSM 2021. Dataset link: https://snap.stanford.edu/data/comm-f2f-Resistance.htm

    Audio-Visual Deception Detection: DOLOS Dataset and Parameter-Efficient Crossmodal Learning

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    Deception detection in conversations is a challenging yet important task, having pivotal applications in many fields such as credibility assessment in business, multimedia anti-frauds, and custom security. Despite this, deception detection research is hindered by the lack of high-quality deception datasets, as well as the difficulties of learning multimodal features effectively. To address this issue, we introduce DOLOS\footnote {The name ``DOLOS" comes from Greek mythology.}, the largest gameshow deception detection dataset with rich deceptive conversations. DOLOS includes 1,675 video clips featuring 213 subjects, and it has been labeled with audio-visual feature annotations. We provide train-test, duration, and gender protocols to investigate the impact of different factors. We benchmark our dataset on previously proposed deception detection approaches. To further improve the performance by fine-tuning fewer parameters, we propose Parameter-Efficient Crossmodal Learning (PECL), where a Uniform Temporal Adapter (UT-Adapter) explores temporal attention in transformer-based architectures, and a crossmodal fusion module, Plug-in Audio-Visual Fusion (PAVF), combines crossmodal information from audio-visual features. Based on the rich fine-grained audio-visual annotations on DOLOS, we also exploit multi-task learning to enhance performance by concurrently predicting deception and audio-visual features. Experimental results demonstrate the desired quality of the DOLOS dataset and the effectiveness of the PECL. The DOLOS dataset and the source codes are available at https://github.com/NMS05/Audio-Visual-Deception-Detection-DOLOS-Dataset-and-Parameter-Efficient-Crossmodal-Learning/tree/main.Comment: 11 pages, 6 figure

    Machine Learning-based Lie Detector applied to a Novel Annotated Game Dataset

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    Lie detection is considered a concern for everyone in their day to day life given its impact on human interactions. Thus, people normally pay attention to both what their interlocutors are saying and also to their visual appearances, including faces, to try to find any signs that indicate whether the person is telling the truth or not. While automatic lie detection may help us to understand this lying characteristics, current systems are still fairly limited, partly due to lack of adequate datasets to evaluate their performance in realistic scenarios. In this work, we have collected an annotated dataset of facial images, comprising both 2D and 3D information of several participants during a card game that encourages players to lie. Using our collected dataset, We evaluated several types of machine learning-based lie detectors in terms of their generalization, person-specific and cross-domain experiments. Our results show that models based on deep learning achieve the best accuracy, reaching up to 57\% for the generalization task and 63\% when dealing with a single participant. Finally, we also highlight the limitation of the deep learning based lie detector when dealing with cross-domain lie detection tasks

    Exploiting Group Structures to Infer Social Interactions From Videos

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    In this thesis, we consider the task of inferring the social interactions between humans by analyzing multi-modal data. Specifically, we attempt to solve some of the problems in interaction analysis, such as long-term deception detection, political deception detection, and impression prediction. In this work, we emphasize the importance of using knowledge about the group structure of the analyzed interactions. Previous works on the matter mostly neglected this aspect and analyzed a single subject at a time. Using the new Resistance dataset, collected by our collaborators, we approach the problem of long-term deception detection by designing a class of histogram-based features and a novel class of meta-features we callLiarRank. We develop a LiarOrNot model to identify spies in Resistance videos. We achieve AUCs of over 0.70 outperforming our baselines by 3% and human judges by 12%. For the problem of political deception, we first collect a dataset of videos and transcripts of 76 politicians from 18 countries making truthful and deceptive statements. We call it the Global Political Deception Dataset. We then show how to analyze the statements in a broader context by building a Video-Article-Topic graph. From this graph, we create a novel class of features called Deception Score that captures how controversial each topic is and how it affects the truthfulness of each statement. We show that our approach achieves 0.775 AUC outperforming competing baselines. Finally, we use the Resistance data to solve the problem of dyadic impression prediction. Our proposed Dyadic Impression Prediction System (DIPS) contains four major innovations: a novel class of features called emotion ranks, sign imbalance features derived from signed graphs theory, a novel method to align the facial expressions of subjects, and finally, we propose the concept of a multilayered stochastic network we call Temporal Delayed Network. Our DIPS architecture beats eight baselines from the literature, yielding statistically significant improvements of 19.9-30.8% in AUC

    Recent Trends in Deep Learning Based Personality Detection

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    Recently, the automatic prediction of personality traits has received a lot of attention. Specifically, personality trait prediction from multimodal data has emerged as a hot topic within the field of affective computing. In this paper, we review significant machine learning models which have been employed for personality detection, with an emphasis on deep learning-based methods. This review paper provides an overview of the most popular approaches to automated personality detection, various computational datasets, its industrial applications, and state-of-the-art machine learning models for personality detection with specific focus on multimodal approaches. Personality detection is a very broad and diverse topic: this survey only focuses on computational approaches and leaves out psychological studies on personality detection
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