27 research outputs found

    Multi-view 3D face reconstruction in the wild using siamese networks

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    In this work, we present a novel learning based approach to reconstruct 3D faces from a single or multiple images. Our method uses a simple yet powerful architecture based on siamese neural networks that helps to extract relevant features from each view while keeping the models small. Instead of minimizing multiple objectives, we propose to simultaneously learn the 3D shape and the individual camera poses by using a single term loss based on the reprojection error, which generalizes from one to multiple views. This allows to globally optimize the whole scene without having to tune any hyperparameters and to achieve low reprojection errors, which are important for further texture generation. Finally, we train our model on a large scale dataset with more than 6,000 facial scans. We report competitive results in 3DFAW 2019 challenge, showing the effectiveness of our method.Peer ReviewedPostprint (author's final draft

    H3D-Net: Few-shot high-fidelity 3D head reconstruction

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    Recent learning approaches that implicitly represent surface geometry using coordinate-based neural representations have shown impressive results in the problem of multi-view 3D reconstruction. The effectiveness of these techniques is, however, subject to the availability of a large number (several tens) of input views of the scene, and computationally demanding optimizations. In this paper, we tackle these limitations for the specific problem of few-shot full 3D head reconstruction, by endowing coordinate-based representations with a probabilistic shape prior that enables faster convergence and better generalization when using few input images (down to three). First, we learn a shape model of 3D heads from thousands of incomplete raw scans using implicit representations. At test time, we jointly overfit two coordinate-based neural networks to the scene, one modeling the geometry and another estimating the surface radiance, using implicit differentiable rendering. We devise a two-stage optimization strategy in which the learned prior is used to initialize and constrain the geometry during an initial optimization phase. Then, the prior is unfrozen and fine-tuned to the scene. By doing this, we achieve high-fidelity head reconstructions, including hair and shoulders, and with a high level of detail that consistently outperforms both state-of-the-art 3D Morphable Models methods in the few-shot scenario, and non-parametric methods when large sets of views are available.This work has been partially funded by the Spanish government with the projects MoHuCo PID2020-120049RBI00, DeeLight PID2020-117142GB-I00 and Maria de Maeztu Seal of Excellence MDM-2016-0656, and by the Government of Catalonia under 2017 DI 028.Peer ReviewedPostprint (author's final draft

    3D Face Reconstruction from Single 2D Image Using Distinctive Features

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    3D face reconstruction is considered to be a useful computer vision tool, though it is difficult to build. This paper proposes a 3D face reconstruction method, which is easy to implement and computationally efficient. It takes a single 2D image as input, and gives 3D reconstructed images as output. Our method primarily consists of three main steps: feature extraction, depth calculation, and creation of a 3D image from the processed image using a Basel face model (BFM). First, the features of a single 2D image are extracted using a two-step process. Before distinctive-features extraction, a face must be detected to confirm whether one is present in the input image or not. For this purpose, facial features like eyes, nose, and mouth are extracted. Then, distinctive features are mined by using scale-invariant feature transform (SIFT), which will be used for 3D face reconstruction at a later stage. Second step comprises of depth calculation, to assign the image a third dimension. Multivariate Gaussian distribution helps to find the third dimension, which is further tuned using shading cues that are obtained by the shape from shading (SFS) technique. Thirdly, the data obtained from the above two steps will be used to create a 3D image using BFM. The proposed method does not rely on multiple images, lightening the computation burden. Experiments were carried out on different 2D images to validate the proposed method and compared its performance to those of the latest approaches. Experiment results demonstrate that the proposed method is time efficient and robust in nature, and it outperformed all of the tested methods in terms of detail recovery and accuracy

    Photometric stereo for 3D face reconstruction using non-linear illumination models

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    Face recognition in presence of illumination changes, variant pose and different facial expressions is a challenging problem. In this paper, a method for 3D face reconstruction using photometric stereo and without knowing the illumination directions and facial expression is proposed in order to achieve improvement in face recognition. A dimensionality reduction method was introduced to represent the face deformations due to illumination variations and self shadows in a lower space. The obtained mapping function was used to determine the illumination direction of each input image and that direction was used to apply photometric stereo. Experiments with faces were performed in order to evaluate the performance of the proposed scheme. From the experiments it was shown that the proposed approach results very accurate 3D surfaces without knowing the light directions and with a very small differences compared to the case of known directions. As a result the proposed approach is more general and requires less restrictions enabling 3D face recognition methods to operate with less data

    The 2nd 3D Face Alignment In The Wild Challenge (3DFAW-video): Dense Reconstruction From Video

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    3D face alignment approaches have strong advantages over 2D with respect to representational power and robustness to illumination and pose. Over the past few years, a number of research groups have made rapid advances in dense 3D alignment from 2D video and obtained impressive results. How these various methods compare is relatively unknown. Previous benchmarks addressed sparse 3D alignment and single image 3D reconstruction. No commonly accepted evaluation protocol exists for dense 3D face reconstruction from video with which to compare them. The 2nd 3D Face Alignment in the Wild from Videos (3DFAW-Video) Challenge extends the previous 3DFAW 2016 competition to the estimation of dense 3D facial structure from video. It presented a new large corpora of profile-to-profile face videos recorded under different imaging conditions and annotated with corresponding high-resolution 3D ground truth meshes. In this paper we outline the evaluation protocol, the data used, and the results. 3DFAW-Video is to be held in conjunction with the 2019 International Conference on Computer Vision, in Seoul, Korea

    DenseReg: fully convolutional dense shape regression in-the-wild

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    In this paper we propose to learn a mapping from image pixels into a dense template grid through a fully convolutional network. We formulate this task as a regression problem and train our network by leveraging upon manually annotated facial landmarks “in-the-wild”. We use such landmarks to establish a dense correspondence field between a three-dimensional object template and the input image, which then serves as the ground-truth for training our regression system. We show that we can combine ideas from semantic segmentation with regression networks, yielding a highly-accurate ‘quantized regression’ architecture. Our system, called DenseReg, allows us to estimate dense image-to-template correspondences in a fully convolutional manner. As such our network can provide useful correspondence information as a stand-alone system, while when used as an initialization for Statistical Deformable Models we obtain landmark localization results that largely outperform the current state-of-the-art on the challenging 300W benchmark. We thoroughly evaluate our method on a host of facial analysis tasks, and demonstrate its use for other correspondence estimation tasks, such as the human body and the human ear. DenseReg code is made available at http://alpguler.com/DenseReg.html along with supplementary materials