18 research outputs found

    Automatic Attendance Using Face Recognition

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    Human face detection and recognition is an important technology used in various applications such as video monitor system. Traditional method for taking attendance is Roll Number of student and record the attendance in sheet which takes a lot of time. Because of that systems like automatic attendance is used. To overcome the problems like wastage of time, incorrect attendance, the proposed system gives a method like when he enters the class room , system marks the attendance by extracting the image using Principal Component Analysis algorithm. The system will record the attendance of the student automatically. The student database is collected, it includes name of the students, there images and roll number. It carries an entry in log report of every student of each subject and generates a pdf report of the attendance of the student

    Face recognition via the overlapping energy histogram

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    In this paper we investigate the face recognition problem via the overlapping energy histogram of the DCT coefficients. Particularly, we investigate some important issues relating to the recognition performance, such as the issue of selecting threshold and the number of bins. These selection methods utilise information obtained from the training dataset. Experimentation is conducted on the Yale face database and results indicate that the proposed parameter selection methods perform well in selecting the threshold and number of bins. Furthermore, we show that the proposed overlapping energy histogram approach outperforms the Eigenfaces, 2DPCA and energy histogram significantly.<br /

    A Multi-Stage Classifier for Face Recognition Undertaken by Coarse-to-fine Strategy

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    Face recognition has been a very active research area for past two decades due to its widely applications such as identity authentication, airport security and access control, surveillance, and video retrieval systems, etc. Numerous approaches have been proposed for face recognition and considerable successes have been reported [1]. A successful face recognitio

    Valvekaameratel põhineva inimseire täiustamine pildi resolutsiooni parandamise ning näotuvastuse abil

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    Due to importance of security in the society, monitoring activities and recognizing specific people through surveillance video camera is playing an important role. One of the main issues in such activity rises from the fact that cameras do not meet the resolution requirement for many face recognition algorithms. In order to solve this issue, in this work we are proposing a new system which super resolve the image. First, we are using sparse representation with the specific dictionary involving many natural and facial images to super resolve images. As a second method, we are using deep learning convulutional network. Image super resolution is followed by Hidden Markov Model and Singular Value Decomposition based face recognition. The proposed system has been tested on many well-known face databases such as FERET, HeadPose, and Essex University databases as well as our recently introduced iCV Face Recognition database (iCV-F). The experimental results shows that the recognition rate is increasing considerably after applying the super resolution by using facial and natural image dictionary. In addition, we are also proposing a system for analysing people movement on surveillance video. People including faces are detected by using Histogram of Oriented Gradient features and Viola-jones algorithm. Multi-target tracking system with discrete-continuouos energy minimization tracking system is then used to track people. The tracking data is then in turn used to get information about visited and passed locations and face recognition results for tracked people

    Hidden Markov Models in Automatic Face Recognition - A Review

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    Human Face Identification from Image by HMM

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    katedra: ITE; přílohy: 1 CD ROM; rozsah: 40 s.Tato práce se zabývá možnostmi a reálným využitím skrytých Markovských modelů při identifikaci mluvčích v získaném obraze. První část pojednává o vlastnostech této statistické metody a její základní charakteristice. Druhá část se zabývá možnostmi získávání příznakových vektorů z obrazu vzhledem k invarianci vůči různým podmínkám snímání. Poslední část obsahuje rozbor vytvořeného programu a různé aspekty a postřehy získané při jeho tvorbě včetně popisu používaných obrázků a jejich případných úprav.This work describes the posibilities of human face identification using hidden Markov models. The first part concludes characterization of this statistic method and its using. The second part considers possibilities of feature vectors extraction towards various illumination conditions. The last part describes the created program and its testing, including test results

    Human Face Identification from Image by HMM

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    A Robust Face Recognition Algorithm for Real-World Applications

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    The proposed face recognition algorithm utilizes representation of local facial regions with the DCT. The local representation provides robustness against appearance variations in local regions caused by partial face occlusion or facial expression, whereas utilizing the frequency information provides robustness against changes in illumination. The algorithm also bypasses the facial feature localization step and formulates face alignment as an optimization problem in the classification stage