5,832 research outputs found

    Automatic human face detection for content-based image annotation

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    In this paper, an automatic human face detection approach using colour analysis is applied for content-based image annotation. In the face detection, the probable face region is detected by adaptive boosting algorithm, and then combined with a colour filtering classifier to enhance the accuracy in face detection. The initial experimental benchmark shows the proposed scheme can be efficiently applied for image annotation with higher fidelity

    Activity-driven content adaptation for effective video summarisation

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    In this paper, we present a novel method for content adaptation and video summarization fully implemented in compressed-domain. Firstly, summarization of generic videos is modeled as the process of extracted human objects under various activities/events. Accordingly, frames are classified into five categories via fuzzy decision including shot changes (cut and gradual transitions), motion activities (camera motion and object motion) and others by using two inter-frame measurements. Secondly, human objects are detected using Haar-like features. With the detected human objects and attained frame categories, activity levels for each frame are determined to adapt with video contents. Continuous frames belonging to same category are grouped to form one activity entry as content of interest (COI) which will convert the original video into a series of activities. An overall adjustable quota is used to control the size of generated summarization for efficient streaming purpose. Upon this quota, the frames selected for summarization are determined by evenly sampling the accumulated activity levels for content adaptation. Quantitative evaluations have proved the effectiveness and efficiency of our proposed approach, which provides a more flexible and general solution for this topic as domain-specific tasks such as accurate recognition of objects can be avoided

    Identifying person re-occurrences for personal photo management applications

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    Automatic identification of "who" is present in individual digital images within a photo management system using only content-based analysis is an extremely difficult problem. The authors present a system which enables identification of person reoccurrences within a personal photo management application by combining image content-based analysis tools with context data from image capture. This combined system employs automatic face detection and body-patch matching techniques, which collectively facilitate identifying person re-occurrences within images grouped into events based on context data. The authors introduce a face detection approach combining a histogram-based skin detection model and a modified BDF face detection method to detect multiple frontal faces in colour images. Corresponding body patches are then automatically segmented relative to the size, location and orientation of the detected faces in the image. The authors investigate the suitability of using different colour descriptors, including MPEG-7 colour descriptors, color coherent vectors (CCV) and color correlograms for effective body-patch matching. The system has been successfully integrated into the MediAssist platform, a prototype Web-based system for personal photo management, and runs on over 13000 personal photos

    Hybrid image representation methods for automatic image annotation: a survey

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    In most automatic image annotation systems, images are represented with low level features using either global methods or local methods. In global methods, the entire image is used as a unit. Local methods divide images into blocks where fixed-size sub-image blocks are adopted as sub-units; or into regions by using segmented regions as sub-units in images. In contrast to typical automatic image annotation methods that use either global or local features exclusively, several recent methods have considered incorporating the two kinds of information, and believe that the combination of the two levels of features is beneficial in annotating images. In this paper, we provide a survey on automatic image annotation techniques according to one aspect: feature extraction, and, in order to complement existing surveys in literature, we focus on the emerging image annotation methods: hybrid methods that combine both global and local features for image representation
