398 research outputs found

    State of the Art on Stylized Fabrication

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    © 2018 The Authors Computer Graphics Forum © 2018 The Eurographics Association and John Wiley & Sons Ltd. Digital fabrication devices are powerful tools for creating tangible reproductions of 3D digital models. Most available printing technologies aim at producing an accurate copy of a tridimensional shape. However, fabrication technologies can also be used to create a stylistic representation of a digital shape. We refer to this class of methods as ‘stylized fabrication methods’. These methods abstract geometric and physical features of a given shape to create an unconventional representation, to produce an optical illusion or to devise a particular interaction with the fabricated model. In this state-of-the-art report, we classify and overview this broad and emerging class of approaches and also propose possible directions for future research

    A Survey of Developable Surfaces: From Shape Modeling to Manufacturing

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    Developable surfaces are commonly observed in various applications such as architecture, product design, manufacturing, and mechanical materials, as well as in the development of tangible interaction and deformable robots, with the characteristics of easy-to-product, low-cost, transport-friendly, and deformable. Transforming shapes into developable surfaces is a complex and comprehensive task, which forms a variety of methods of segmentation, unfolding, and manufacturing for shapes with different geometry and topology, resulting in the complexity of developable surfaces. In this paper, we reviewed relevant methods and techniques for the study of developable surfaces, characterize them with our proposed pipeline, and categorize them based on digital modeling, physical modeling, interaction, and application. Through the analysis to the relevant literature, we also discussed some of the research challenges and future research opportunities.Comment: 20 pages, 24 figures, Author submitted manuscrip

    Application of Timber and Wood-based Materials in Architectural Design using Multi-objective Optimisation Tools

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    Digital fabrication leads architects and structural engineers to modify the design optimisation methodology. The designers, as never before, are facing new technologies developed in the search for new materials based, among others, on wood components and the improvement of manufacturing methods at the same time. In this process, the material and manufacturing technology adjustment to desired aesthetic outcomes is possible not only by the material used but also by the self-organisation of the structure's optimisation. New fabrication techniques linked with topology optimising software change traditional load-bearing systems designing using timber and wood-based materials. Multi-objective optimisation research indicates that timber might be a comprehensive material based on various applications from low-tech to cutting-edge contemporary fabrication technologies. The article presents new tools and methods for the optimisation of structural elements. A case study based on interdisciplinary architectural and structural optimisation suggests the possible effective research-based design. Comparing contemporary buildings with wood load-bearing structures explains timber usage's diversity and characteristics in modern design

    Accessibility for Line-Cutting in Freeform Surfaces

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    Manufacturing techniques such as hot-wire cutting, wire-EDM, wire-saw cutting, and flank CNC machining all belong to a class of processes called line-cutting where the cutting tool moves tangentially along the reference geometry. From a geometric point of view, line-cutting brings a unique set of challenges in guaranteeing that the process is collision-free. In this work, given a set of cut-paths on a freeform geometry as the input, we propose a conservative algorithm for finding collision-free tangential cutting directions. These directions, if they exist, are guaranteed to be globally accessible for fabricating the geometry by line-cutting. We then demonstrate how this information can be used to generate globally collision-free cut-paths. We apply our algorithm to freeform models of varying complexity.RYC-2017-2264

    Stability-aware simplification of curve networks

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    La conception de réseaux de courbes nécessite la considération de plusieurs facteurs: la stabilité de la structure, l'efficience matérielle, et l'aspect esthétique - des objectifs complexes et interdépendants rendant la conception manuelle difficile. Nous présentons une nouvelle méthode permettant de simplifier des réseaux de courbes destinés à la fabrication. Pour un ensemble de courbes 3D donné, notre algorithme en sélectionne un sous-ensemble stable. Bien que la stabilité soit traditionnellement mesurée par l'ordre de grandeur des déformations entraînées par des charges prédéfinies, une telle approche peut s'avérer limitante. Elle ne tient ni compte des effets de vibration pour les structures de grandes tailles, ni des multiples possibilités de forces appliquées pour les structures et objets de plus petite taille. Ainsi, nous optimisons directement pour une déformation minimale avec la charge dans le pire des cas (de l'anglais "worst-case"). Notre contribution technique est une nouvelle formulation de la simplification de réseaux de courbes pour la stabilité dans le pire des cas. Celle-ci mène à un problème d'optimisation semi-définie positive en nombres entiers (MI-SDP). Malgré que résoudre ce problème MI-SDP directement est irréaliste dans la plupart des cas, une intuition physique nous mène à un algorithme vorace efficace. Enfin, nous démontrons le potentiel de notre approache à l'aide plusieurs réseaux de courbes et validons l'efficacité de notre méthode en la comparant de façon quantitative à des approaches plus simples.Designing curve networks for fabrication requires simultaneous consideration of structural stability, cost effectiveness, and visual appeal - complex, interrelated objectives that make manual design a difficult and tedious task. We present a novel method for fabrication-aware simplification of curve networks, algorithmically selecting a stable subset of given 3D curves. While traditionally, stability is measured as the magnitude of deformation induced by a set of predefined loads, predicting applied forces for common day objects can be challenging. Instead, we directly optimize for minimal deformation under the worst-case load. Our technical contribution is a novel formulation of 3D curve network simplification for worst-case stability, leading to a mixed-integer semi-definite programming problem (MI-SDP). We show that while solving MI-SDP directly is impractical, a physical insight suggests an efficient greedy heuristic algorithm. We demonstrate the potential of our approach on a variety of curve network designs and validate its effectiveness compared to simpler alternatives using numerical experiments

    Test and Evaluation of Ultrasonic Additive Manufacturing (UAM) for a Large Aircraft Maintenance Shelter (LAMS) Baseplate

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    Additive manufacturing is an exciting new manufacturing technology that could have application to Air Force Civil Engineer (CE) operations. This research replicates a Large Area Maintenance Shelter (LAMS) baseplate design for ultrasonic additive manufacturing (UAM). Due to production problems the test section was not built as designed. Instead, a smaller block of material was submitted for evaluation. After the UAM build, ultrasonic inspection was conducted to identify anomalies in the test piece. The results of this proof of concept study indicate that UAM is not yet ready for CE expeditionary applications requiring a high degree of mechanical strength. The machine failed to build a baseplate of the same dimensions as would be required for use in the field. Further, the test specimen produced using UAM had a substantial number of anomalies throughout the entire y-axis of orientation. As the technology continues to improve, UAM may produce welds of sufficient strength to support expeditionary structural applications

    Geometry and tool motion planning for curvature adapted CNC machining

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    CNC machining is the leading subtractive manufacturing technology. Although it is in use since decades, it is far from fully solved and still a rich source for challenging problems in geometric computing. We demonstrate this at hand of 5-axis machining of freeform surfaces, where the degrees of freedom in selecting and moving the cutting tool allow one to adapt the tool motion optimally to the surface to be produced. We aim at a high-quality surface finish, thereby reducing the need for hard-to-control post-machining processes such as grinding and polishing. Our work is based on a careful geometric analysis of curvature-adapted machining via so-called second order line contact between tool and target surface. On the geometric side, this leads to a new continuous transition between “dual” classical results in surface theory concerning osculating circles of surface curves and oscu- lating cones of tangentially circumscribed developable surfaces. Practically, it serves as an effective basis for tool motion planning. Unlike previous approaches to curvature-adapted machining, we solve locally optimal tool positioning and motion planning within a single optimization framework and achieve curvature adaptation even for convex surfaces. This is possible with a toroidal cutter that contains a negatively curved cutting area. The effectiveness of our approach is verified at hand of digital models, simulations and machined parts, including a comparison to results generated with commercial software

    Challenges and Status on Design and Computation for Emerging Additive Manufacturing Technologies

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    The revolution of additive manufacturing (AM) has led to many opportunities in fabricating complex and novel products. The increase of printable materials and the emergence of novel fabrication processes continuously expand the possibility of engineering systems in which product components are no longer limited to be single material, single scale, or single function. In fact, a paradigm shift is taking place in industry from geometry-centered usage to supporting functional demands. Consequently, engineers are expected to resolve a wide range of complex and difficult problems related to functional design. Although a higher degree of design freedom beyond geometry has been enabled by AM, there are only very few computational design approaches in this new AM-enabled domain to design objects with tailored properties and functions. The objectives of this review paper are to provide an overview of recent additive manufacturing developments and current computer-aided design methodologies that can be applied to multimaterial, multiscale, multiform, and multifunctional AM technologies. The difficulties encountered in the computational design approaches are summarized and the future development needs are emphasized. In the paper, some present applications and future trends related to additive manufacturing technologies are also discussed

    Case Studies in Cost-Optimized Paneling of Architectural Freeform Surfaces

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    Paneling an architectural freeform surface refers to an approximation of the de- sign surface by a set of panels that can be manufactured using a selected technology at a reasonable cost, while respecting the design intent and achieving the desired aesthetic quality of panel layout and surface smoothness. Eigensatz and co-workers have recently introduced a computational solution to the paneling problem that allows handling large-scale freeform surfaces involving complex arrangements of thousands of panels. We extend this paneling algorithm to facilitate effective design exploration, in particular for local control of tolerance margins and the handling of sharp crease lines. We focus on the practical aspects relevant for the realization of large-scale freeform designs and evaluate the performance of the paneling algorithm with a number of case studies