36 research outputs found

    A Method for Collecting Case Study Information via the Internet

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    The Internet is rapidly becoming the communications infrastructure. With its advantages of speed, availability, and `different time, different place' mode of communication, it can be successfully harnessed to accomplish tasks that previously required face-to-face meetings. Such meetings can consume large travel budgets and staff time, and therefore alternative mechanisms that achieve the same results for less cost should be welcomed. One of these new uses of the Internet is to collect case study material. This paper presents a method that has been successfully employed by the author to collect 15 case studies of X.500 implementations. The method described herein consists of three phases: preparation, correspondence and documentation phases. Each of the phases is described, and the author also presents useful tips that he gained during the course of his studies. The method should provide future researchers with a framework which can be successfully employed to productively utilise the resources of the Internet

    Błędy w komunikacji. Komunikacja e-mailowa w polskich bibliotekach uczelnianych

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    Referat z 15 Konferencji Bibliotek Niepaństwowych Szkół Wyższych „Budowanie relacji z klientem biblioteki”, Poznań, 12-13.09.2013 r. [wersja autorska artykułu, który ukazał się w publikacji pokonferencyjnej, Błędy w komunikacji. Bibliotekarz w Internecie, [w:] Przybysz J., Pioterek P., Nowak M. (red.), Budowanie relacji z klientem biblioteki, Wydaw. WSB, Poznań, s. 165-195.Najcenniejszym zasobem globalnej sieci jest informacja, ale istotą Internetu jest komunikacja. W niniejszym artykule szeroki opis zagadnień związanych z komunikacją internetową stanowi punkt wyjścia do omówienia badań własnych autorki. W tekście poruszane są kwestie komunikacji za pośrednictwem komputera – w szczególności te związane z komunikowaniem się bibliotekarza z czytelnikiem za pośrednictwem poczty elektronicznej. Poprawne i skuteczne porozumiewanie się stanowi ważny element budowania relacji z klientem, dlatego zwrócono szczególną uwagę na jakościową ocenę materiału badawczego. Badaniem objęto wybrane biblioteki uczelniane z Polski

    Student\u27s attitude to using the internet at school after limited classroom exposure

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    This study focused on student\u27s attitude to using the Internet at school. A questionnaire (the School Internet Attitude questionnaire) measuring student attitude to using the Internet at school incorporating three dimensions (cognitive, behavioural and affective) was administered twice to a sample of 64 Year 12 students from a Perth Metropolitan Independent school. The questionnaire was administered before and after a six lesson \u27exposure\u27 (the limited classroom exposure) to the Internet. Pre and post test attitude measures of all students were compared using dependent sample t_ test to determine if there were significant differences in student\u27s attitude after the limited classroom exposure to using the Internet at school and for each of the three dimensions of the School Internet Attitude questionnaire. Within the sample, the attitudes of current regular users of the Internet (students who use the Internet at least a few times a week) and current non-regular users of the Internet (students who have never used the Internet or use the Internet less than a few times a week) were compared before and again after the limited classroom exposure. A MANOV A design was used to measure the student\u27s attitude to using the Internet at school, the dependent variables were the cognitive, behavioural and affective dimensions of the School Internet Attitude questionnaire, with repeated measures on the independent variable, level of current use of the Internet. The study found that the limited classroom exposure caused no significant change in the student\u27s attitude to using the Internet at school from the pretest to the post test nor was there a significant change in attitude in any of the three dimensions, cognitive, behavioural and affective of the School Internet Attitude questionnaire. However, there was a significant difference in the attitude to using the Internet at school of regular and non-regular Internet users in the pretest with the cognitive and affective dimension showing significant differences and in the post test with the cognitive, behavioural and affective dimensions showing significant differences. Regular Internet users showed a more positive attitude than non-regular Internet users to using the Internet at school in both the pretest and the post test and for all three of the dependent variables the cognitive, behavioural and affective dimensions of the School Internet Attitude questionnaire

    System informacyjny marketingu w dobie rozwoju gospodarki elektronicznej

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    W artykule przedstawiono tradycyjne i współczesne koncepcje marketingowego systemu informacyjnego (SIM). Ukazano podstawowe funkcje SIM i korzyści wynikające z implementacji tej klasy systemów. Wskazano na decydujące znaczenie rewolucji internetowej w globalizacji funkcji marketingowych.The article presents traditional and modern concepts of a Marketing Information System (MkIS). Explored are basic functions and benefits of the implementation of MkIS. The paper points to the importance of the Internet revolution in the processes of globalization of marketing functions.Zadanie pt. „Digitalizacja i udostępnienie w Cyfrowym Repozytorium Uniwersytetu Łódzkiego kolekcji czasopism naukowych wydawanych przez Uniwersytet Łódzki” nr 885/P-DUN/2014 zostało dofinansowane ze środków MNiSW w ramach działalności upowszechniającej nauk

    Interneto paslaugos komercinėje-ūkinėje veikloje

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    Today, computer based information systems play a critical role in business operations. Information has become a very important and valuable resource for all kinds of businesses. Moving vast amounts of information quickly across great distances is one of the most pressing needs of today. Some businesses have discovered that their area of service naturally extends to a global scale. So, networking technology and the Internet is becoming an absolute necessity. The Internet with global networking technology involves people and organizations in similar work, where they can share and communicate new ideas for various aspects of business. The Internet has also become a cost-effective and quicker way to transfer documents.Although more organizations have access to the Internet, a great deal of problems still exist that deal with what the Internet is and what an organization needs to do in order to be successful with the Internet.This article deals with the issue of why the Internet is important for business and how it should be used to gain an advantage in business

    IPV6 en la universidad de pamplona: estado del arte

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    El crecimiento extraordinario de las nuevas tecnologías y, en especial, la futura implementación del Protocolo IP en su versión 6 (IPv6) abre un enorme abanico de posibilidades, actividades y nuevas formas de comunicarse, trabajar, comprar, relacionarse con otras personas y, en definitiva, desempeñar las tareas cotidianas de nuestra vida. El propósito de este estudio es aportar una serie de conocimientos básicos de carácter técnico, necesarios para conocer IPv6, su funcionamiento y el estado actual de su implementación a nivel mundial para, posteriormente, entrar a conocer los posibles problemas y soluciones, en una red nativa en la Universidad de Pamplona

    Design of a multi-layer Bandwidth Broker architecture

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    Wireless Network Neutrality: Technological Challenges and Policy Implications

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    One key aspect of the debate over network neutrality has been whether and how network neutrality should apply to wireless networks. The existing commentary has focused on the economics of wireless network neutrality, but to date a detailed analysis of how the technical aspects of wireless networks affect the implementation of network neutrality has yet to appear in the literature. As an initial matter, bad handoffs, local congestion, and the physics of wave propagation make wireless broadband networks significantly less reliable than fixed broadband networks. These technical differences require the network to manage dropped packets and congestion in a way that contradicts some of the basic principles underlying the Internet. Wireless devices also tend to be more heterogeneous and more tightly integrated into the network than fixed-line devices, which can lead wireless networks to incorporate principles that differ from the traditional Internet architecture. Mobility also makes routing and security much harder to manage, and many of the solutions create inefficiencies. These differences underscore the need for a regulatory regime that permits that gives wireless networks the flexibility to deviate from the existing architecture in ways, even when those deviations exist in uneasy tension with network neutrality