14 research outputs found

    Financial trading systems: Is recurrent reinforcement the via?

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    In this paper we propose a financial trading system whose trading strategy is developed by means of an artificial neural network approach based on a learning algorithm of recurrent reinforcement type. In general terms, this kind of approach consists: first, in directly specifying a trading policy based on some predetermined investorâs measure of profitability; second, in directly setting the financial trading system while using it. In particular, with respect to the prominent literature, in this contribution: first, we take into account as measure of profitability the reciprocal of the returns weighted direction symmetry index instead of the wide-spread Sharpe ratio; second, we obtain the differential version of the measure of profitability we consider, and obtain all the related learning relationships; third, we propose a simple procedure for the management of drawdown-like phenomena; finally, we apply our financial trading approach to some of the most prominent assets of the Italian stock market.Financial trading system, recurrent reinforcement learning, no-hidden-layer perceptron model, returns weighted directional symmetry measure, gradient ascent technique, Italian stock market.

    Financial trading systems: Is recurrent reinforcement learning the via?

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    In this paper we propose a financial trading system whose trading strategy is developed by means of an artificial neural network approach based on a learning algorithm of recurrent reinforcement type. In general terms, this kind of approach consists: first, in directly specifying a trading policy based on some predetermined investor’s measure of profitability; second, in directly setting the financial trading system while using it. In particular, with respect to the prominent literature, in this contribution: first, we take into account as measure of profitability the reciprocal of the returns weighted direction symmetry index instead of the wide-spread Sharpe ratio; second, we obtain the differential version of the measure of profitability we consider, and obtain all the related learning relationships; third, we propose a simple procedure for the management of drawdown-like phenomena; finally, we apply our financial trading approach to some of the most prominent assets of the Italian stock market

    Le trading algorithmique

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    The algorithmic trading comes from digitalisation of the processing of trading assets on financial markets. Since 1980 the computerization of the stock market offers real time processing of financial information. This technological revolution has offered processes and mathematic methods to identify best return on transactions. Current research relates to autonomous transaction systems programmed in certain periods and some algorithms. This offers return opportunities where traders can not intervene. There are about thirty algorithms to assist the traders, the best known are the VWAP, the TWAP, TVOL. The algorithms offer the latest strategies and decision-making are the subject of much research. These advances in modeling decision-making autonomous agent can envisage a rich future for these technologies, the players already in use for more than 30% of their trading.marché électronique;algorithme de trading;agent autonome;VWAP;TVOL;Arbitrage:marché financier; passage d'ordre automatisés

    Application of stochastic recurrent reinforcement learning to index trading

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    A novel stochastic adaptation of the recurrent reinforcement learning (RRL) methodology is applied to daily, weekly, and monthly stock index data, and compared to results obtained elsewhere using genetic programming (GP). The data sets used have been a considered a challenging test for algorithmic trading. It is demonstrated that RRL can reliably outperform buy-and-hold for the higher frequency data, in contrast to GP which performed best for monthly data

    Robust FOREX Trading with Deep Q Network (DQN)

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    Financial trading is one of the most attractive areas in finance. Trading systems development is not an easy task because it requires extensive knowledge in several areas such as quantitative analysis, financial skills, and computer programming. A trading systems expert, as a human, also brings in their own bias when developing the system. There should be another, more effective way to develop the system using artificial intelligence. The aim of this study was to compare the performance of AI agents to the performance of the buy-and-hold strategy and the expert trader. The tested market consisted of 15 years of the Forex data market, from two currency pairs (EURUSD, USDJPY) obtained from Dukascopy Bank SA Switzerland. Both hypotheses were tested with a paired t-Test at the 0.05 significance level. The findings showed that AI can beat the buy & hold strategy with significant superiority, in FOREX for both currency pairs (EURUSD, USDJPY), and that AI can also significantly outperform CTA (experienced trader) for trading in EURUSD. However, the AI could not significantly outperform CTA for USDJPY trading. Limitations, contributions, and further research were recommended

    The Recurrent Reinforcement Learning Crypto Agent

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    We demonstrate a novel application of online transfer learning for a digital assets trading agent. This agent uses a powerful feature space representation in the form of an echo state network, the output of which is made available to a direct, recurrent reinforcement learning agent. The agent learns to trade the XBTUSD (Bitcoin versus US Dollars) perpetual swap derivatives contract on BitMEX on an intraday basis. By learning from the multiple sources of impact on the quadratic risk-adjusted utility that it seeks to maximise, the agent avoids excessive over-trading, captures a funding profit, and can predict the market’s direction. Overall, our crypto agent realises a total return of 350%, net of transaction costs, over roughly five years, 71% of which is down to funding profit. The annualised information ratio that it achieves is 1.46

    Regime-switching recurrent reinforcement learning for investment decision making

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    This paper presents the regime-switching recurrent reinforcement learning (RSRRL) model and describes its application to investment problems. The RSRRL is a regime-switching extension of the recurrent reinforcement learning (RRL) algorithm. The basic RRL model was proposed by Moody and Wu (Proceedings of the IEEE/IAFE 1997 on Computational Intelligence for Financial Engineering (CIFEr). IEEE, New York, pp 300-307 1997) and presented as a methodology to solve stochastic control problems in finance. We argue that the RRL is unable to capture all the intricacies of financial time series, and propose the RSRRL as a more suitable algorithm for such type of data. This paper gives a description of two variants of the RSRRL, namely a threshold version and a smooth transition version, and compares their performance to the basic RRL model in automated trading and portfolio management applications. We use volatility as an indicator/transition variable for switching between regimes. The out-of-sample results are generally in favour of the RSRRL models, thereby supporting the regime-switching approach, but some doubts exist regarding the robustness of the proposed models, especially in the presence of transaction cost