247 research outputs found

    Learning Opposites with Evolving Rules

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    The idea of opposition-based learning was introduced 10 years ago. Since then a noteworthy group of researchers has used some notions of oppositeness to improve existing optimization and learning algorithms. Among others, evolutionary algorithms, reinforcement agents, and neural networks have been reportedly extended into their opposition-based version to become faster and/or more accurate. However, most works still use a simple notion of opposites, namely linear (or type- I) opposition, that for each x∈[a,b]x\in[a,b] assigns its opposite as x˘I=a+b−x\breve{x}_I=a+b-x. This, of course, is a very naive estimate of the actual or true (non-linear) opposite x˘II\breve{x}_{II}, which has been called type-II opposite in literature. In absence of any knowledge about a function y=f(x)y=f(\mathbf{x}) that we need to approximate, there seems to be no alternative to the naivety of type-I opposition if one intents to utilize oppositional concepts. But the question is if we can receive some level of accuracy increase and time savings by using the naive opposite estimate x˘I\breve{x}_I according to all reports in literature, what would we be able to gain, in terms of even higher accuracies and more reduction in computational complexity, if we would generate and employ true opposites? This work introduces an approach to approximate type-II opposites using evolving fuzzy rules when we first perform opposition mining. We show with multiple examples that learning true opposites is possible when we mine the opposites from the training data to subsequently approximate x˘II=f(x,y)\breve{x}_{II}=f(\mathbf{x},y).Comment: Accepted for publication in The 2015 IEEE International Conference on Fuzzy Systems (FUZZ-IEEE 2015), August 2-5, 2015, Istanbul, Turke

    An enhanced fuzzy linguistic term generation and representation for time series forecasting

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    This paper introduces an enhancement to linguistic forecast representation using Triangular Fuzzy Numbers (TFNs) called Enhanced Linguistic Generation and Representation Approach (ElinGRA). Since there is always an error margin in the predictions, there is a need to define error bounds in the forecast. The interval of the proposed presentation is generated from a Fuzzy logic based Lower and Upper Bound Estimator (FLUBE) by getting the models of forecast errors. Thus, instead of a classical statistical approaches, the level of uncertainty associated with the point forecasts will be defined within the FLUBE bounds and these bound can be used for defining fuzzy linguistic terms for the forecasts. Here, ElinGRA is proposed to generate triangular fuzzy numbers (TFNs) for the predictions. In addition to opportunity to handle the forecast as linguistic terms which will increase the interpretability, ElinGRA improved forecast accuracy of constructed TFNs by adding an extra correction term. The results of the experiments, which are conducted on two data sets, show the benefit of using ElinGRA to represent the uncertainty and the quality of the forecast

    The posterity of Zadeh's 50-year-old paper: A retrospective in 101 Easy Pieces – and a Few More

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    International audienceThis article was commissioned by the 22nd IEEE International Conference of Fuzzy Systems (FUZZ-IEEE) to celebrate the 50th Anniversary of Lotfi Zadeh's seminal 1965 paper on fuzzy sets. In addition to Lotfi's original paper, this note itemizes 100 citations of books and papers deemed “important (significant, seminal, etc.)” by 20 of the 21 living IEEE CIS Fuzzy Systems pioneers. Each of the 20 contributors supplied 5 citations, and Lotfi's paper makes the overall list a tidy 101, as in “Fuzzy Sets 101”. This note is not a survey in any real sense of the word, but the contributors did offer short remarks to indicate the reason for inclusion (e.g., historical, topical, seminal, etc.) of each citation. Citation statistics are easy to find and notoriously erroneous, so we refrain from reporting them - almost. The exception is that according to Google scholar on April 9, 2015, Lotfi's 1965 paper has been cited 55,479 times

    Type-2 fuzzified flappy bird control system

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    In this study, we will present the novel application of Type-2 (T2) fuzzy control into the popular video game called flappy bird. To the best of our knowledge, our work is the first deployment of the T2 fuzzy control into the computer games research area. We will propose a novel T2 fuzzified flappy bird control system that transforms the obstacle avoidance problem of the game logic into the reference tracking control problem. The presented T2 fuzzy control structure is composed of two important blocks which are the reference generator and Single Input Interval T2 Fuzzy Logic Controller (SIT2-FLC). The reference generator is the mechanism which uses the bird's position and the pipes' positions to generate an appropriate reference signal to be tracked. Thus, a conventional fuzzy feedback control system can be defined. The generated reference signal is tracked via the presented SIT2-FLC that can be easily tuned while also provides a certain degree of robustness to system. We will investigate the performance of the proposed T2 fuzzified flappy bird control system by providing comparative simulation results and also experimental results performed in the game environment. It will be shown that the proposed T2 fuzzified flappy bird control system results with a satisfactory performance both in the framework of fuzzy control and computer games. We believe that this first attempt of the employment of T2-FLCs in games will be an important step for a wider deployment of T2-FLCs in the research area of computer games

    An approach to represent time series forecasting via fuzzy numbers

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    This paper introduces a new approach for estimating the uncertainty in the forecast through the construction of Triangular Fuzzy Numbers (TFNs). The interval of the proposed TFN presentation is generated from a Fuzzy logic based Lower and Upper Bound Estimator (FLUBE). Here, instead of the representing the forecast with a crisp value with a Prediction Interval (PI), the level of uncertainty associated with the point forecasts will be quantified by defining TFNs (linguistic terms) within the uncertainty interval provided by the FLUBE. This will give the opportunity to handle the forecast as linguistic terms which will increase the interpretability. Moreover, the proposed approach will provide valuable information about the accuracy of the forecast by providing a relative membership degree. The demonstrated results indicate that the proposed FLUBE based TFN representation is an efficient and useful approach to represent the uncertainty and the quality of the forecast

    Ontology-based Fuzzy Markup Language Agent for Student and Robot Co-Learning

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    An intelligent robot agent based on domain ontology, machine learning mechanism, and Fuzzy Markup Language (FML) for students and robot co-learning is presented in this paper. The machine-human co-learning model is established to help various students learn the mathematical concepts based on their learning ability and performance. Meanwhile, the robot acts as a teacher's assistant to co-learn with children in the class. The FML-based knowledge base and rule base are embedded in the robot so that the teachers can get feedback from the robot on whether students make progress or not. Next, we inferred students' learning performance based on learning content's difficulty and students' ability, concentration level, as well as teamwork sprit in the class. Experimental results show that learning with the robot is helpful for disadvantaged and below-basic children. Moreover, the accuracy of the intelligent FML-based agent for student learning is increased after machine learning mechanism.Comment: This paper is submitted to IEEE WCCI 2018 Conference for revie
