16 research outputs found

    Lossy Kernels for Connected Dominating Set on Sparse Graphs

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    For alpha > 1, an alpha-approximate (bi-)kernel for a problem Q is a polynomial-time algorithm that takes as input an instance (I, k) of Q and outputs an instance (I\u27,k\u27) (of a problem Q\u27) of size bounded by a function of k such that, for every c >= 1, a c-approximate solution for the new instance can be turned into a (c alpha)-approximate solution of the original instance in polynomial time. This framework of lossy kernelization was recently introduced by Lokshtanov et al. We study Connected Dominating Set (and its distance-r variant) parameterized by solution size on sparse graph classes like biclique-free graphs, classes of bounded expansion, and nowhere dense classes. We prove that for every alpha > 1, Connected Dominating Set admits a polynomial-size alpha-approximate (bi-)kernel on all the aforementioned classes. Our results are in sharp contrast to the kernelization complexity of Connected Dominating Set, which is known to not admit a polynomial kernel even on 2-degenerate graphs and graphs of bounded expansion, unless NP subseteq coNP/poly. We complement our results by the following conditional lower bound. We show that if a class C is somewhere dense and closed under taking subgraphs, then for some value of r in N there cannot exist an alpha-approximate bi-kernel for the (Connected) Distance-r Dominating Set problem on C for any alpha > 1 (assuming the Gap Exponential Time Hypothesis)

    Learning Tree Patterns from Example Graphs

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    This paper investigates the problem of learning tree patterns that return nodes with a given set of labels, from example graphs provided by the user. Example graphs are annotated by the user as being either positive or negative. The goal is then to determine whether there exists a tree pattern returning tuples of nodes with the given labels in each of the positive examples, but in none of the negative examples, and, furthermore, to find one such pattern if it exists. These are called the satisfiability and learning problems, respectively. This paper thoroughly investigates the satisfiability and learning problems in a variety of settings. In particular, we consider example sets that (1) may contain only positive examples, or both positive and negative examples, (2) may contain directed or undirected graphs, and (3) may have multiple occurrences of labels or be uniquely labeled (to some degree). In addition, we consider tree patterns of different types that can allow, or prohibit, wildcard labeled nodes and descendant edges. We also consider two different semantics for mapping tree patterns to graphs. The complexity of satisfiability is determined for the different combinations of settings. For cases in which satisfiability is polynomial, it is also shown that learning is polynomial (This is non-trivial as satisfying patterns may be exponential in size). Finally, the minimal learning problem, i.e., that of finding a minimal-sized satisfying pattern, is studied for cases in which satisfiability is polynomial

    Communicated by:

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    We give a 5 k n O(1) time fixed-parameter algorithm for determining whether a given undirected graph on n vertices has a subset of at most k vertices whose deletion results in a tree. Such a subset is a restricted form of a feedback vertex set. While parameterized complexity of feedback vertex set problem and several of its variations have been well studied, to the best of our knowledge, this is the first fixed-parameter algorithm for this version of feedback vertex set. Submitted

    Improved Algorithms and Combinatorial Bounds for Independent Feedback Vertex Set

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    In this paper we study the "independent" version of the classic Feedback Vertex Set problem in the realm of parameterized algorithms and moderately exponential time algorithms. More precisely, we study the Independent Feedback Vertex Set problem, where we are given an undirected graph G on n vertices and a positive integer k, and the objective is to check if there is an independent feedback vertex set of size at most k. A set S subseteq V(G) is called an independent feedback vertex set (ifvs) if S is an independent set and GS is a forest. In this paper we design two deterministic exact algorithms for Independent Feedback Vertex Set with running times O*(4.1481^k) and O*(1.5981^n). In fact, the algorithm with O*(1.5981^n) running time finds the smallest sized ifvs, if an ifvs exists. Both the algorithms are based on interesting measures and improve the best known algorithms for the problem in their respective domains. In particular, the algorithm with running time O*(4.1481^k) is an improvement over the previous algorithm that ran in time O*(5^k). On the other hand, the algorithm with running time O*(1.5981^n) is the first moderately exponential time algorithm that improves over the naive algorithm that enumerates all the subsets of V(G). Additionally, we show that the number of minimal ifvses in any graph on n vertices is upper bounded by 1.7485^n

    Conflict Free Feedback Vertex Set: A Parameterized Dichotomy

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    In this paper we study recently introduced conflict version of the classical Feedback Vertex Set (FVS) problem. For a family of graphs F, we consider the problem F-CF-Feedback Vertex Set (F-CF-FVS, for short). The F-CF-FVS problem takes as an input a graph G, a graph H in F (where V(G)=V(H)), and an integer k, and the objective is to decide if there is a set S subseteq V(G) of size at most k such that G-S is a forest and S is an independent set in H. Observe that if we instantiate F to be the family of edgeless graphs then we get the classical FVS problem. Jain, Kanesh, and Misra [CSR 2018] showed that in contrast to FVS, F-CF-FVS is W[1]-hard on general graphs and admits an FPT algorithm if F is the family of d-degenerate graphs. In this paper, we relate F-CF-FVS to the Independent Set problem on special classes of graphs, and obtain a complete dichotomy result on the Parameterized Complexity of the problem F-CF-FVS, when F is a hereditary graph family. In particular, we show that F-CF-FVS is FPT parameterized by the solution size if and only if F+Cluster IS is FPT parameterized by the solution size. Here, F+Cluster IS is the Independent Set problem in the (edge) union of a graph G in F and a cluster graph H (G and H are explicitly given). Next, we exploit this characterization to obtain new FPT results as well as intractability results for F-CF-FVS. In particular, we give an FPT algorithm for F+Cluster IS when F is the family of K_{i,j}-free graphs. We show that for the family of bipartite graph B, B-CF-FVS is W[1]-hard, when parameterized by the solution size. Finally, we consider, for each 0< epsilon<1, the family of graphs F_epsilon, which comprise of graphs G such that |E(G)| <= |V(G)|^(2-epsilon), and show that F_epsilon-CF-FVS is W[1]-hard, when parameterized by the solution size, for every 0<epsilon<1

    Trouver de bonnes 2-partitions des digraphes I. Propriétés héréditaires.

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    We study the complexity of deciding whether a given digraph D has a vertex-partition into two disjoint subdigraphs with given structural properties. Let H and E denote following two sets of natural properties of digraphs: H ={acyclic, complete, arcless, oriented (no 2-cycle), semicomplete, symmetric, tournament} and E ={strongly connected, connected, minimum out- degree at least 1, minimum in-degree at least 1, minimum semi-degree at least 1, minimum degree at least 1, having an out-branching, having an in-branching}. In this paper, we determine the complexity of deciding, for any fixed pair of positive integers k1,k2, whether a given digraph has a vertex partition into two digraphs D1,D2 such that |V(Di)| ≥ ki and Di has property Pi for i = 1, 2 when P1 ∈ H and P2 ∈ H ∪ E. We also classify the complexity of the same problems when restricted to strongly connected digraphs. The complexity of the problems when both P1 and P2 are in E is determined in the companion paper [2].when both P1\mathbb{P}_1 and P2\mathbb{P}_2 are in E{\cal E} is determined in the companion paper (INRIA Research report RR-8868).Nous étudions la complexité de décider si un digraphe donné D admet une partition en deux sous-digraphes ayant des propriétés structurelles fixées. Dénotons par H et E les deux ensembles de propriétés de digraphes naturelles : H ={acyclique, complet, sans arcs, orienté, semicomplet, symétrique, tournoi} et E ={fortement connexe, connexe, degré sortant minimum au moins 1, degré entrant minimum au moins 1, semi-degré entrant minimum au moins 1, degré minimum au moins 1, avoir une arborescence sortante couvrante, avoir une arborescence entrante couvrante}. Dans ce rapport, nous déterminons la complexité de décider, pour toute paire d’entiers k1,k2, si un digraphie donné admet une partition en deux digraphes D1,D2 tels que |V(Di)|≥ki et Di a la propriété Pi pour i=1,2lorsque P1 ∈H et P2 ∈H∪E. Nous classifions également la complexité des mêmes problèmes restreints aux digraphies fortement connexes. La complexité des problèmes lorsque P1 et P2 sont toutes deux dans E est déterminée dans le rapport suivant (Rapport de Recherche INRIA RR-8868)