1,144 research outputs found

    An Approach for Assessment of Electronic Offers

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    Internet and mobile technology enable businesses to invent new business models by applying new forms of organization or offering new products and services. In order to assess these new business models there has to be a methodology that allows identifying advantages that are caused by electronic and mobile commerce. The proposed approach builds upon the theory of informational added values that provides a classification of gains produced by information work. This theory is extended by the definition of categories of technology inherent added values that result in informational added values. These informational added values can be perceived by users of information products and services and therefore be used to assess electronic offers. The relationship between technology inherent and informational added values will be clarified with examples of real business models. Furthermore, a classification of basic business model types will be provided.

    Deployment and performance evaluation of a SNAP-based resource broker on the White Rose grid

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    Resource brokering is an essential component in building effective Grid systems. The aim of this paper is to evaluate the performance of a SNAP (Service Negotiation and Acquisition Protocol) based resource broker on a large distributed Grid infrastructure, the White Rose Grid. The broker uses a three-phase commit protocol to reserve resources on demand, as the traditional advance reservation facilities cannot cater for such needs due to the prior time that it requires to schedule reservations. Experiments are designed and carried out on the White Rose Grid. The experimental results show that the inclusion of the three-phase commit protocol provides a performance enhancement on a large distributed Grid Infrastructure, in terms of the time taken from submission of user requirements until a job begins execution. The results support those previously obtained through the use of mathematical modelling and simulation. The broker is a viable contender for use in future Grid resource brokering implementations

    A Contribution to Theory Building for Mobile Marketing: Categorizing Mobile Marketing Campaigns through Case Study Research

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    Marketing experts consider the mobile device as an extremely promising marketing tool as it supports them to cope with their major challenge: getting time and attention from customers. Current mobile marketing research mostly covers success factors and acceptance analysis. Categorization, when addressed, lacks in appropriate foundation and is not linked to objectives at all. In this article we examine 55 case studies in order to identify relevant characteristics of mobile marketing campaigns. The outcome of the paper is the derivation of four mobile marketing standard types and an examination of campaign objectives that can be addressed by mobile marketing. The proposed scheme allows to unambiguously characterize any given mobile marketing campaign and to identify the respective objectives.

    Sor\u27s Guitar Music—A Fresh Start

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    This article addresses the considerations and decisions that underlie a new critical edition of Sor’s guitar music that is being prepared by the author. Sor’s oeuvre for guitar survives almost exclusively in early printed editions, not autograph manuscripts, so such a task begins with a reassessment, based on historical and text-critical criteria, of which editions he was likely to have been involved in himself and which we can therefore trust the most. As a result, this new edition partly uses different original sources as models than other modern editions. Meissonnier’s later versions of opp. 1–23 from 1826, claimed to be “corrected and fingered by the composer”, have generally been chosen and even prioritized over the editions Sor issued 1816–1822 while he was in London. The early Castro editions have been repudiated as unauthentic. The article also discusses Sor’s seemingly peculiar attitude towards errors in the printed scores as well as his notation of ornaments and some other symbols that have puzzled scholars and editors

    Les ateliers de tailleurs de pierre du cloître de la cathédrale de Tolède (Espagne)

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    Le relevé des signes lapidaires et leur classification ont fait l’objet de nombreuses études en Europe. Le cloître de la cathédrale de Tolède (Espagne), commencé en 1389 par l’archevêque Pedro Tenorio, compte, dans sa structure actuelle, plus de 3 500 pierres marquées de signes. Cet article a pour objectif d’analyser les signes lapidaires pour comprendre les étapes de la construction du cloître en appliquant, aux données géospatiales réunies, deux méthodes d’analyses spatiales de proximité : l’une multivariée (regroupements par agrégats), l’autre exploratoire (NEAR). Cette double analyse met en lumière l’existence d’ateliers de tailleurs de pierre et une chronistique des étapes de la construction du cloître entre 1389 et 1418, date de son achèvement.The inventory of masons’ marks, and their classification, has been widely conducted in Europe. Archbishop Pedro Tenorio initiated the building of the cloister of Toledo Cathedral in 1389, and its current structure numbers more than 3,500 sign-marked stones. The purpose of this article is to use the masons’ marks as a means of understanding the stages of the construction of the cloister. Thus, two methodologies using proximity toolsets for spatial analysis have been applied to the geodatabase collected: on the one hand, the grouping of aggregates, and, on the other hand, NEAR toolset analysis. This dual analysis sheds light on the existence of stonemasons’ workshops and enables us to establish the chronistic steps of the building of the cloister between 1389 and 1418, when it was completed

    Women\u27s Studies Center Annual Report 2006-2007

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    The artistic patronage Of Gil De Albornoz (1302-1367), a cardinal in context

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    This thesis examines the artistic patronage of Gil de Albornoz (d. 1367), Archbishop of Toledo (1338-1350), Cardinal priest of S. Clemente (1350-1366) and Cardinal bishop of Sabina (1356-1367). The first chapter delineates his early career in Spain until he left for Avignon in 1350. The analysis of documentary and archaeological evidence re-defines his input in the cathedral of Toledo, and the importance of his Augustinian foundation in Villaviciosa del Tajuña. The second chapter concentrates on the legations of Albornoz in Italy, and the fortified palaces and castles he commissioned along the Lands of St. Peter as he achieved success in his mission. This thesis focuses on a limited number of the most representative fortresses and palaces. The third chapter analyses Albornoz’s artistic patronage on a private basis, and concentrates on his burial chapel of St. Catherine in the Lower Church of San Francesco in Assisi and the Collegio di Spagna in Bologna. The fourth chapter dissects his will and the surviving objects in Toledo. Comparison with the testamentary donations of contemporary cardinals provides a parameter within which to measure his relevance as an artistic patron. Finally, the fifth chapter concentrates on the important sepulchre in the chapel of St. Ildefonso in the Cathedral of Toledo and its context

    Vincentiana Vol. 50, No. 5 [Full Issue]

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