172,041 research outputs found

    Comparison of the mechanical properties of biodegradable and titanium osteosynthesis systems used in oral and maxillofacial surgery

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    To guide the selection of osteosynthesis systems, this study compared the mechanical properties of biodegradable and titanium osteosynthesis systems. SonicPins Rx and xG were subjected to pull-out tests. Additionally, 15 biodegradable (Inion CPS 2.0 and 2.5 mm; LactoSorb 2.0 mm; Macropore 2.0 mm; Polymax 2.0 mm; BioSorb FX 2.0 mm; ResorbX 2.1 mm; Osteotrans-MX 2.0 mm with plate thicknesses 1.0 and 1.4 mm; SonicWeld Rxplate/Rxpins, xGplate/Rxpins and xGplate/xGpins 2.1 mm without and with tapping the burr hole) and six titanium (CrossDrive (2006), CrossDrive (2018), MaxDrive; all 1.5 and 2.0 mm) straight, four-hole osteosynthesis systems were evaluated. All systems were subjected to tensile, bending and torsion tests. Pull-out loads of the SonicPins were comparable (P = 0.423). Titanium systems’ tensile loads were higher than biodegradable systems (P < 0.001). CrossDrive (2018) and MaxDrive systems’ tensile and torsional stiffness were lower, accompanied with higher ductility, than corresponding CrossDrive (2006) systems (P < 0.001). Bending stiffness of 1.5 mm titanium systems was comparable to, and of the 2.0 mm systems higher than, all biodegradable systems (P < 0.001). Regarding biodegradable systems, Inion CPS 2.5 mm had highest tensile load and torsional stiffness, SonicWeld 2.1 mm highest tensile stiffness, and BioSorbFX 2.0 mm highest bending stiffness (P < 0.001). On the basis of the results of this study, the CrossDrive (2018) and MaxDrive 1.5 mm titanium systems are recommended for midface fractures (e.g., zygomatic or maxillary fractures) and osteotomies (e.g., Le Fort I osteotomy), and the CrossDrive (2018) and MaxDrive 2.0 mm titanium systems for mandibular fractures and osteotomies when a titanium osteosynthesis system is used. When there is an indication for a biodegradable osteosynthesis system, the SonicWeld 2.1 mm or BioSorbFX 2.0 mm are recommended for midface fractures and osteotomies, and the Inion CPS 2.5 mm biodegradable system for mandibular osteotomies and non-load bearing mandibular fractures, especially when high torsional forces are expected (e.g., mandibular symphysis fractures)

    Luminescence dating of ditch fills from the Headland Archaeology Ltd. excavation of Newry Ring Fort, Northern Ireland

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    This study supports a new investigation into the construction, occupation and utilisation history of a Mediaeval ring fort near Newry, southwest Northern Ireland (section 2). Optically stimulated luminescence (OSL) profiling and age determinations have been made for two sequences of sediments accumulated in the ring ditch surrounding the fort, and potential has been assessed for TL dating of a Souterrain-Ware sherd from a pit feature within the site complex (section 3). The archaeological significance of the age determinations has been reviewed in the light of the luminescence results and the samples’ depositional contexts, to constrain the deposition/formation dates of the sampled sediments (section 6).&lt;p&gt;&lt;/p&gt; A total of 31 profiling (sections 5.1, 5.2) and 12 age (section 5.5) determinations were made. Profiling measurements were made using simplified equivalent dose determination procedures on polymineral coarse and hydrofluoric etched sand-sized mineral grains (sections 4.2.2). Dose rate determinations were made using thick source beta counting, high-resolution gamma spectrometry, field gamma spectrometry, measured water contents and calculated cosmic dose rates (sections 4.2.1 and 5.3). Equivalent dose determinations were made (sections 4.2.2, 5.4) using the OSL signals from sand sized grains of quartz separated from each sample.&lt;p&gt;&lt;/p&gt; The luminescence behaviour of the Newry Ringfort samples was generally very good. Profiling indicated variable levels of residual luminescence signal through the sections (sections 5.1, 5.2), but OSL on the etched fraction was found to be least affected, and measurements on fully prepared quartz for dating appeared even less so (sections 6.1, 6.2). Dose rates ranged from 2.6 to 3.9 mGy/a, De values from the dating samples ranged from 0.7 to 5.0 Gy. Estimates of sediment accumulation date ranged from 410AD to 1750AD (section 5.5). Uncertainties on the age estimates were commonly around 3%, but young samples with scattered equivalent dose distributions had estimated age uncertainties of up to 11%.&lt;p&gt;&lt;/p&gt; The external dose rate to the sherd was estimated to be 1.33 mGy/a ± 0.12 (sections 6.3, 7). Precision was limited by uncertainties in average water content during burial rather than heterogeneity in the gamma radiation field: providing the range of sediment radioactivity at a site can be assessed, and the average burial water contents of sherds excavated from it can be well constrained, then it is likely that sherds from around a site could be dated with sufficient precision to establish a broad chronology for Souterrain-Ware.&lt;p&gt;&lt;/p&gt; The earliest sediments in the ditch of the ringfort indicated that its construction predates the end of the 6th Century AD (sections 6.4, 7). These and other OSL age estimates indicated continued occupation until the mid 11th Century, or phases of occupation in the 7th, 9th and 11th Centuries. Results from the base of a colluvial soil sealing these layers indicate that the site was set to cultivation at or around the time of the Norman invasion of Ireland (1169AD), rather than in the post Mediaeval period. Abandonment of the ringfort must have occurred at the time of the invasion or in the century before it. Samples from throughout the colluvial soil also indicated that it continued to accumulate until at least the 18th Century, and probably into the 20th Century

    U.S. Hispanic Country-of-Origin Counts for Nation, Top 30 Metropolitan Areas

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    Based on 2010 census data, summarizes trends in the countries of origin of Latinos/Hispanics compared with 2000, including the fastest-growing groups and their distribution across metropolitan areas

    Analysis of U.S. Senate Web Sites For Disability Accessibility

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    U.S. federal government web sites have increased significantly the level of services and information offered to various internal and external stakeholders. The Workforce Investment Act of 1998 amended Section 508 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, which complemented the intent and aims of the 1990 Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA). As a result, federal agencies and departments were mandated to provide disabled stakeholders with access to key information from federal web sites. However, since this enactment, some federal web sites still do not meet fully the legal requirements to accommodate users with disabilities. Additionally, web sites of members of the U.S. Congress technically do not fall under regulation. Without regulation, non-adherence to accessibility standards by congressional web sites may result in poor or ineffective utilization by citizen consumers or other stakeholders with disabilities. The purpose of this study is to examine the accessibility statistics for a pseudo-random sample of 50 web sites of U.S. Senators. The main web page of each site was evaluated with an online web site analysis software tool – Truwex. Three factors were used to gauge the level of accessibility: criteria based on Section 508, WCAG 1.0 standards, and WCAG 2.0 standards. Results suggest that the vast majority of the U.S. Senate web sites do not meet the federal legal guidelines that otherwise are imposed on other U.S. governmental agencies and departments. Many of the sites contain consistent patterns of non-compliance, and some minor changes could result in increased accessibility for disabled stakeholders

    Trends and Regional Variation in Hip, Knee and Shoulder Replacement

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    Analyzes patterns in underuse or overuse of joint replacements among Medicare beneficiaries by geographic regions and race/ethnicity. Explores underlying factors and highlights the need for physician and patient education and shared decision making

    Metropolitan Area Home Prices and the Mortgage Interest Deduction: Estimates and Simulations from Policy Change

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    We simulate changes to metropolitan area home prices from reforming the Mortgage Interest Deduction (MID). Price simulations are based on an extended user cost model that incorporates two dimensions of behavioral change in home buyers: sensitivity of borrowing and the propensity to use tax deductions. We simulate prices with both inelastic and elastic supply. Our results show a wide range of price effects across metropolitan areas and prospective policies. Considering behavioral change and no supply elasticity, eliminating the MID results in average home price declines as steep as 13.5% in Washington, D.C., and as small as 3.5% in Miami-Fort Lauderdale, FL. Converting the MID to a 15% refundable credit reduces prices by as much as 1.4% in San Jose, CA, San Francisco, CA, and Washington, D.C. and increases average price in other metropolitan areas by as much as 12.1% (Miami-Fort Lauderdale). Accounting for market elasticities produces price estimates that are on average 36% as large as standard estimates

    Developing and utilizing an Euler computational method for predicting the airframe/propulsion effects for an aft-mounted turboprop transport. Volume 2: User guide

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    This manual explains how to use an Euler based computational method for predicting the airframe/propulsion integration effects for an aft-mounted turboprop transport. The propeller power effects are simulated by the actuator disk concept. This method consists of global flow field analysis and the embedded flow solution for predicting the detailed flow characteristics in the local vicinity of an aft-mounted propfan engine. The computational procedure includes the use of several computer programs performing four main functions: grid generation, Euler solution, grid embedding, and streamline tracing. This user's guide provides information for these programs, including input data preparations with sample input decks, output descriptions, and sample Unix scripts for program execution in the UNICOS environment

    Trapping of single atoms in cavity QED

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    By integrating the techniques of laser cooling and trapping with those of cavity quantum electrodynamics (QED), single Cesium atoms have been trapped within the mode of a small, high finesse optical cavity in a regime of strong coupling. The observed lifetime for individual atoms trapped within the cavity mode is τ28\tau \approx 28ms, and is limited by fluctuations of light forces arising from the far-detuned intracavity field. This initial realization of trapped atoms in cavity QED should enable diverse protocols in quantum information science.Comment: 4 pages, 4 figure