7 research outputs found

    The Digital Transformation of Soccer Clubs and Their Business Models

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    Digital technologies are having a significant impact on the soccer industry, influencing the business models of soccer clubs and industry dynamics. For example, artificial intelligence and big data analytics are being used to improve talent scouting and management, while the internet of things, robotics, and virtual simulation are supporting tactics, training, and performance management. Gamification and augmented reality are also shaping key partnerships, and e-commerce is boosting revenues. Smart arenas are enhancing the consumer experience. The fast diffusion of digital technologies has increased business model complexity and has put firms in the position to assess the value of each technology for integration into their business models. This study maps how digital technologies are transforming each business model building block in the soccer industry and proposes a number of research questions for future research to enhance the current academic debate on the digital transformation of the soccer industry, and on the sports industry in general

    Sport fans using social media: A study on celebrity sports fans

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    Social media has become an essential platform for sports fans, athletes, clubs, and teams. This study provides a comprehensive review of the last decade’s research developments in social media, with a particular focus on how sports fans utilize this technology to engage with their interests. The study’s objectives are to explore how sports fans use social media to connect with their favorite athletes and teams, identify relevant theories and concepts that explain the significance of social media for sports fans, and analyze sports fans’ behavior and interactions on social media. Based on a review of 29 selected articles, the study finds that social media serves as a means for fans to express their fandom and that their identities and interactions on social media are framed by use and gratification theory, which is commonly employed in fan and social media research. Additionally, the study reveals that sports feminism has emerged among fans. While instances of racist comments and behavior among diehard fans remain a downside, it is crucial to investigate the importance of digital literacy among sports fans

    Blockchain Use Cases and Concepts in Sports: A Systematic Review

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    Blockchain innovations such as digital fan tokens and non-fungible tokens (NFTs) have garnered notable attention in the sports industry, yet the wider industry is struggling to keep up with the pace of digitalization. To harness the potential of blockchain technology, sports management practitioners and information systems (IS) researchers need to gain a much better understanding. Hence, the purpose of this study is to advance the theoretical understanding of blockchain in the sports sector. Thereby, we identify, consolidate, and classify blockchain use cases in the domain through a thorough review of the literature published to date. In addition, we (1) provide an overview and classification of blockchain use cases, (2) identify various opportunities for internal and external stakeholders to benefit from blockchain technology, and (3) derive a theoretical concept for blockchain technology regarding its properties, applications, and stakeholders. Furthermore, we (4) propose beneficial directions for future research in this emerging field

    LITERASI BUDAYA KEWARGAAN PEMUJA SELEBRITAS (CELEBRITY WORSHIP): Studi Fenomenologi Pada Mahasiswa Pecandu Media Sosial di Pekanbaru

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    Pemujaan selebritas menguat dengan adanya media sosial, mengarah pada kecanduan media sosial. Dengan dasar asumsi teori uses and gratification bahwa mahasiswa pemuja selebritas K-Pop menggunakan media sosial sebagai kebutuhan hiburan dan sumber kepuasan hidup dapat mengakibatkan kecanduan media sosial. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menggali fenomena tersebut dengan menempatkan teori civic culture yang mengangkat konsep literasi budaya kewargaan khususnya national pride. Kebanggan terhadap budaya dan negara sendiri akan diperhadapkan dengan K-Pop yang identik dengan budaya luar. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode kualitatif dengan pendekatan studi fenomenologi. Teknik pengumpulan data berupa wawancara, observasi, dan dokumentasi. Analisis data terdiri dari reduksi data, sajian data, dan penarikan kesimpulan. Validasi data menggunakan trianggulasi sumber data dan teknik pengumpulan data. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa: (1) takut ketinggalan informasi yang berlebihan (Ultra FoMO) mendorong mahasiswa pemuja selebritas K-Pop untuk terus mengikuti perkembangan idolanya melalui berbagai media sosial, termasuk aplikasi langsung dari agensi mengarah pada kecanduan media sosial; (2) literasi media sosial dalam konteks pemuja selebritas K-Pop membuat penggemar menjadi lebih kritis dan realistis dalam memahami idola mereka. Memahami peran agensi dan manajemen artis dalam membentuk citra idolanya di media sosial. Sebelumnya, penggemar terjebak dalam ilusi (halu) yang membayangkan idolanya sebagai pacar bahkan pasangan hidupnya; (3) literasi budaya kewargaan membantu mahasiswa pemuja selebritas menempatkan posisi kecintaan dan kebanggaan terhadap budaya dan negara mereka di atas pengidolan terhadap K-Pop. Pada akhirnya, literasi budaya kewargaan mendorong mahasiswa pemuja selebritas untuk mengurangi penggunaan media sosial yang berlebihan agar dapat lebih menghargai waktu dan melakukan kegiatan yang lebih bermanfaat. Oleh karena itu, penelitian ini merekomendasikan agar pemerintah mengambil langkah strategis untuk meningkatkan literasi budaya kewargaan dengan memasukkan materi tentang literasi media sosial dan budaya kewargaan ke dalam kurikulum pendidikan formal, terutama melalui mata kuliah Pendidikan Pancasila dan Kewarganegaraan. Selain itu, diperlukan program yang berfokus pada memperkuat rasa cinta dan kebanggaan terhadap budaya negara khususnya pada generasi muda

    FC Bayern München Goes Social - The Value of Social Media for Professional Sports Clubs

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    In 2010, FC Bayern München, one of the world’s most successful soccer clubs, had just finished a successful season from a commercial perspective as well as on the field. With regard to its digital ser-vice portfolio, FC Bayern München had successfully established digital content distribution and an ecommerce platform. However, European competitors already had attracted large crowds on social media platforms, such as Facebook or Twitter. It was unclear how social media would contribute to the digital strategy. In this fictitious case, a board meeting needs to be prepared, in which the digital roadmap for the future has to be decided upon. This teaching case helps to understand how value can be generated through the use of social media using the example of a soccer club. It further illustrates the importance of considering a club’s or company’s values when launching a social media campaign, and points out that successful social media usage is more than just opening up Facebook and Twitter accounts

    FC Bayern München goes social – the value of social media for professional sports clubs

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