135 research outputs found

    Crimtorts as Corporate Just Deserts

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    Just as Grant Gilmore described contorts that lie on the borderline between contract and tort law, the authors coin the term crimtort to identify the expanding common ground between criminal and tort law. Although the concept of crimtort can be broadly applied to many areas of the law, this Article focuses on the primary crimtort remedy - punitive damages. The deterrent power of punitive damages lies in the wealth-calibration of the defendant\u27s punishment. For corporations this means that punitive damages will reflect the firm\u27s net income or net worth. The theoretical danger is that juries will abuse wealth by redistributing corporate assets in disregard of the purposes of civil punishment. To support their argument that wealth is not being widely misused, the authors present an empirical study of a decade of crimtort cases in which federal appeals courts upheld punitive damages of $1 million or more. However, even though punitive damage verdicts are generally proportional to corporate wealth, individual cases such as Exxon Valdez raise troubling due process issues. The authors propose instituting middle-range procedural protection for crimtort defendants in order to accommodate the quasi-criminal objectives of this legal hybrid

    Environmens Rea

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    Many policymakers remain blind to the moral implications of environmental harm caused by government action (or inaction) and have not adequately considered how criminal law deals with similar immoral behavior in other contexts. Building from Lisa Heinzerling’s thought-provoking essay Knowing Killing and Environmental Law, this article considers the possibility of criminal culpability for environmental policy decisions and the implications of that potential culpability for decision-making and communication. It builds from the premise that morality and law universally condemn the knowing killing of other human beings. It matters not that the identities of the dead are unknown. What matters from the perspective of the criminal law is whether the actor causing their deaths possessed the requisite level of mens rea. Thus, the lens of the criminal law concept of intent can be used to examine the choices we, as a society, make in designing environmental policy. This perspective can be informed not only by the basic principles of criminal law but also by recent developments in criminology, the law of corporate and environmental crime, and relevant historical precedent. This article makes the case that the criminal law mode of analysis could prove useful to prosecutors and policymakers. Ultimately, the article will apply this theoretical framework to environmental policy decisions currently challenging local, state, and national governments

    Eastern Today, Summer 1986

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    The Daily Egyptian, May 04, 1989

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    The Wooster Voice (Wooster, OH), 2006-12-08

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    Published on December 8 of 2006, this edition of the College of Wooster\u27s student ran newspaper is eight pages long. When residents of Babcock returned back to campus from Thanksgiving break they were informed of the graffiti found in the stairwell leading to the attic. Kittredge was transformed into a Las Vegas Casino last Saturday evening hosted by Pam Pierce\u27s FYS. Assistant Professor of Chemistry Dr. Melissa M. Schultz presented for the Chemistry Department Seminar. Railroads across the United States are offering trips to the North Pole via the Polar Express. One student, Meredith Wilson \u2709, has created website about sex called Head. Vice President for Academic Affairs Iain Crawford and Gingrich Professor of German emeritus Richard Figge will be revamping the tradition of reading A Christmas Carol, which was previously done annually by Professor Delbert Lean. The athletic updates for the week are on page seven and eight.https://openworks.wooster.edu/voice2001-2011/1154/thumbnail.jp

    Scientific Knowledge Fraud

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    Effects of Offshore Oil and Gas Development: A Current Awareness Bibliography

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    This bibliography is a compilation of current publications (citations with abstracts) from a wide variety of electronic and print information sources relating to offshore oil and gas development. Subject categories covered include: Biology: Ecological, anatomical, and physiological effects of oil and/or gas, Species as biomarkers, PAH uptake and bioaccumulation, etc. Chemistry/Geochemistry/Geology: Biochemistry, Biodegradation, Bioremediation, Hydrocarbon degradation, Environmental sampling, Soil contamination, etc. Engineering/Physics: Technological advancements in facility/equipment design and use, Spill response and recovery equipment, Physical properties of oil and gas, etc. Environment/Ecosystem Management/Spills: Environmental assessment and management, Oil and/or gas spill description and analysis, etc. Socioeconomic/Regulation/General: Social and economic ramifications, Politics, Governmental policy and legislation, Organizational policy, General interest, etc

    Mizzou engineer, volume 1, number 1

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