393 research outputs found

    Boolean algebras and Lubell functions

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    Let 2[n]2^{[n]} denote the power set of [n]:={1,2,...,n}[n]:=\{1,2,..., n\}. A collection \B\subset 2^{[n]} forms a dd-dimensional {\em Boolean algebra} if there exist pairwise disjoint sets X0,X1,...,Xd⊆[n]X_0, X_1,..., X_d \subseteq [n], all non-empty with perhaps the exception of X0X_0, so that \B={X_0\cup \bigcup_{i\in I} X_i\colon I\subseteq [d]}. Let b(n,d)b(n,d) be the maximum cardinality of a family \F\subset 2^X that does not contain a dd-dimensional Boolean algebra. Gunderson, R\"odl, and Sidorenko proved that b(n,d)≀cdn−1/2d⋅2nb(n,d) \leq c_d n^{-1/2^d} \cdot 2^n where cd=10d2−21−ddd−2−dc_d= 10^d 2^{-2^{1-d}}d^{d-2^{-d}}. In this paper, we use the Lubell function as a new measurement for large families instead of cardinality. The Lubell value of a family of sets \F with \F\subseteq \tsupn is defined by h_n(\F):=\sum_{F\in \F}1/{{n\choose |F|}}. We prove the following Tur\'an type theorem. If \F\subseteq 2^{[n]} contains no dd-dimensional Boolean algebra, then h_n(\F)\leq 2(n+1)^{1-2^{1-d}} for sufficiently large nn. This results implies b(n,d)≀Cn−1/2d⋅2nb(n,d) \leq C n^{-1/2^d} \cdot 2^n, where CC is an absolute constant independent of nn and dd. As a consequence, we improve several Ramsey-type bounds on Boolean algebras. We also prove a canonical Ramsey theorem for Boolean algebras.Comment: 10 page

    Threshold functions and Poisson convergence for systems of equations in random sets

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    We present a unified framework to study threshold functions for the existence of solutions to linear systems of equations in random sets which includes arithmetic progressions, sum-free sets, Bh[g]B_{h}[g]-sets and Hilbert cubes. In particular, we show that there exists a threshold function for the property "A\mathcal{A} contains a non-trivial solution of M⋅x=0M\cdot\textbf{x}=\textbf{0}", where A\mathcal{A} is a random set and each of its elements is chosen independently with the same probability from the interval of integers {1,
,n}\{1,\dots,n\}. Our study contains a formal definition of trivial solutions for any combinatorial structure, extending a previous definition by Ruzsa when dealing with a single equation. Furthermore, we study the behaviour of the distribution of the number of non-trivial solutions at the threshold scale. We show that it converges to a Poisson distribution whose parameter depends on the volumes of certain convex polytopes arising from the linear system under study as well as the symmetry inherent in the structures, which we formally define and characterize.Comment: New version with minor corrections and changes in notation. 24 Page

    Small union with large set of centers

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    Let T⊂RnT\subset{\mathbb R}^n be a fixed set. By a scaled copy of TT around x∈Rnx\in{\mathbb R}^n we mean a set of the form x+rTx+rT for some r>0r>0. In this survey paper we study results about the following type of problems: How small can a set be if it contains a scaled copy of TT around every point of a set of given size? We will consider the cases when TT is circle or sphere centered at the origin, Cantor set in R{\mathbb R}, the boundary of a square centered at the origin, or more generally the kk-skeleton (0≀k<n0\le k<n) of an nn-dimensional cube centered at the origin or the kk-skeleton of a more general polytope of Rn{\mathbb R}^n. We also study the case when we allow not only scaled copies but also scaled and rotated copies and also the case when we allow only rotated copies

    Polyhedral Cones of Magic Cubes and Squares

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    Using computational algebraic geometry techniques and Hilbert bases of polyhedral cones we derive explicit formulas and generating functions for the number of magic squares and magic cubes.Comment: 14 page

    Zonotopes and four-dimensional superconformal field theories

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    The a-maximization technique proposed by Intriligator and Wecht allows us to determine the exact R-charges and scaling dimensions of the chiral operators of four-dimensional superconformal field theories. The problem of existence and uniqueness of the solution, however, has not been addressed in general setting. In this paper, it is shown that the a-function has always a unique critical point which is also a global maximum for a large class of quiver gauge theories specified by toric diagrams. Our proof is based on the observation that the a-function is given by the volume of a three dimensional polytope called "zonotope", and the uniqueness essentially follows from Brunn-Minkowski inequality for the volume of convex bodies. We also show a universal upper bound for the exact R-charges, and the monotonicity of a-function in the sense that a-function decreases whenever the toric diagram shrinks. The relationship between a-maximization and volume-minimization is also discussed.Comment: 29 pages, 15 figures, reference added, typos corrected, version published in JHE
