5 research outputs found


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    Since real-world problems have multi-objective optimization problems, algorithms that solve such problems are getting more important. In this study, a new multi-objective artificial bee colony algorithm is proposed for solving multi-objective optimization problems. With the proposed algorithm, non-dominated solutions are kept in the fixed-sized archive. It has benefited from the crowding distance during the selection of elite solutions in the archive. Moreover, the onlooker bees are selected from the archive members with the proposed algorithm. It is aimed to improve the archive members with this modification. To evaluate the performance of the proposed algorithm, ZDT1, ZDT2 and ZDT3 from ZDT family of benchmark functions were used as multi-objective benchmark problems and the results were compared with MOPSO and NSGA-II algorithms. The results show that the proposed algorithm is an alternative method for multi-objective optimization problems

    Extractive multi document summarization using harmony search algorithm

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    The exponential growth of information on the internet makes it troublesome for users to get valuable information. Text summarization is the process to overcome such a problem. An adequate summary must have wide coverage, high diversity, and high readability. In this article, a new method for multi-document summarization has been supposed based on a harmony search algorithm that optimizes the coverage, diversity, and readability. Concerning the benchmark dataset Text Analysis Conference (TAC-2011), the ROUGE package used to measure the effectiveness of the proposed model. The calculated results support the effectiveness of the proposed approach

    Text Summarizing and Clustering Using Data Mining Technique

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    Text summarization is an important research topic in the field of information technology because of the large volume of texts, and the large amount of data found on the Internet and social media. The task of summarizing the text has gained great importance that requires finding highly efficient ways in the process of extracting knowledge in various fields, Thus, there was a need for methods of summarizing texts for one document or multiple documents. The summarization methods aim to obtain the main content of the set of documents at the same time to reduce redundant information. In this paper, an efficient method to summarize texts is proposed that depends on the word association algorithm to separate and merge sentences after summarizing them. As well as the use of data mining technology in the process of redistributing information according to the (K-Mean) algorithm and the use of (Term Frequency Inverse Document Frequency TF-IDF) technology for measuring the properties of summarized texts. The experimental results found that the summarization ratios are good by deleting unimportant words. Also, the method of extracting characteristics for texts was useful in grouping similar texts into clusters, which makes this method possible to be combined with other methods in artificial intelligence such as fuzzy logic or evolutionary algorithms in increasing summarization rates and accelerating cluster operations

    Automatic detection of relevant information, predictions and forecasts in financial news through topic modelling with Latent Dirichlet Allocation

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    Financial news items are unstructured sources of information that can be mined to extract knowledge for market screening applications. They are typically written by market experts who describe stock market events within the context of social, economic and political change. Manual extraction of relevant information from the continuous stream of finance-related news is cumbersome and beyond the skills of many investors, who, at most, can follow a few sources and authors. Accordingly, we focus on the analysis of financial news to identify relevant text and, within that text, forecasts and predictions. We propose a novel Natural Language Processing (NLP) system to assist investors in the detection of relevant financial events in unstructured textual sources by considering both relevance and temporality at the discursive level. Firstly, we segment the text to group together closely related text. Secondly, we apply co-reference resolution to discover internal dependencies within segments. Finally, we perform relevant topic modelling with Latent Dirichlet Allocation (LDA) to separate relevant from less relevant text and then analyse the relevant text using a Machine Learning-oriented temporal approach to identify predictions and speculative statements. Our solution outperformed a rule-based baseline system. We created an experimental data set composed of 2,158 financial news items that were manually labelled by NLP researchers to evaluate our solution. Inter-agreement Alpha-reliability and accuracy values, and ROUGE-L results endorse its potential as a valuable tool for busy investors. The ROUGE-L values for the identification of relevant text and predictions/forecasts were 0.662 and 0.982, respectively. To our knowledge, this is the first work to jointly consider relevance and temporality at the discursive level. It contributes to the transfer of human associative discourse capabilities to expert systems through the combination of multi-paragraph topic segmentation and co-reference resolution to separate author expression patterns, topic modelling with LDA to detect relevant text, and discursive temporality analysis to identify forecasts and predictions within this text. Our solution may have compelling applications in the financial field, including the possibility of extracting relevant statements on investment strategies to analyse authors’ reputations.Universidade de Vigo/CISUGXunta de Galicia | Ref. ED481B-2021-118Xunta de Galicia | Ref. ED481B-2022-09

    Extractive Summarization : Experimental work on nursing notes in Finnish

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    Natural Language Processing (NLP) is a subfield of artificial intelligence and linguistics that is concerned with how a computer machine interacts with human language. With the increasing computational power and the advancement in technologies, researchers have been successful at proposing various NLP tasks that have already been implemented as real-world applications today. Automated text summarization is one of the many tasks that has not yet completely matured particularly in health sector. A success in this task would enable healthcare professionals to grasp patient's history in a minimal time resulting in faster decisions required for better care. Automatic text summarization is a process that helps shortening a large text without sacrificing important information. This could be achieved by paraphrasing the content known as the abstractive method or by concatenating relevant extracted sentences namely the extractive method. In general, this process requires the conversion of text into numerical form and then a method is executed to identify and extract relevant text. This thesis is an attempt of exploring NLP techniques used in extractive text summarization particularly in health domain. The work includes a comparison of basic summarizing models implemented on a corpus of patient notes written by nurses in Finnish language. Concepts and research studies required to understand the implementation have been documented along with the description of the code. A python-based project is structured to build a corpus and execute multiple summarizing models. For this thesis, we observe the performance of two textual embeddings namely Term Frequency - Inverse Document Frequency (TF-IDF) which is based on simple statistical measure and Word2Vec which is based on neural networks. For both models, LexRank, an unsupervised stochastic graph-based sentence scoring algorithm, is used for sentence extraction and a random selection method is used as a baseline method for evaluation. To evaluate and compare the performance of models, summaries of 15 patient care episodes of each model were provided to two human beings for manual evaluations. According to the results of the small sample dataset, we observe that both evaluators seem to agree with each other in preferring summaries produced by Word2Vec LexRank over the summaries generated by TF-IDF LexRank. Both models have also been observed, by both evaluators, to perform better than the baseline model of random selection