2,570 research outputs found

    The development of local solar irradiance for outdoor computer graphics rendering

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    Atmospheric effects are approximated by solving the light transfer equation, LTE, of a given viewing path. The resulting accumulated spectral energy (its visible band) arriving at the observer’s eyes, defines the colour of the object currently on the line of sight. Due to the convenience of using a single rendering equation to solve the LTE for daylight sky and distant objects (aerial perspective), recent methods had opt for a similar kind of approach. Alas, the burden that the real-time calculation brings to the foil had forced these methods to make simplifications that were not in line with the actual world observation. Consequently, the results of these methods are laden with visual-errors. The two most common simplifications made were: i) assuming the atmosphere as a full-scattering medium only and ii) assuming a single density atmosphere profile. This research explored the possibility of replacing the real-time calculation involved in solving the LTE with an analytical-based approach. Hence, the two simplifications made by the previous real-time methods can be avoided. The model was implemented on top of a flight simulator prototype system since the requirements of such system match the objectives of this study. Results were verified against the actual images of the daylight skies. Comparison was also made with the previous methods’ results to showcase the proposed model strengths and advantages over its peers

    3D printing of oil paintings based on material jetting and its reduction of staircase effect

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    Material jetting is a high-precision and fast 3D printing technique for color 3D objects reproduction, but it also suffers from color accuracy and jagged issues. The UV inks jetting processes based on the polymer jetting principle have been studied from printing materials regarding the parameters in the default layer order, which is prone to staircase effects. In this work, utilizing the Mimaki UV inks jetting system with a variable layer thickness, a new framework to print a photogrammetry-based oil painting 3D model has been proposed with the tunable coloring layer sequence to improve the jagged challenge between adjacent layers. Based on contour tracking, a height-rendering image of the oil painting model is generated, which is further segmented and pasted to the corresponding slicing layers to control the overall printing sequence of coloring layers and white layers. The final results show that photogrammetric models of oil paintings can be printed vividly by UV-curable color polymers, and that the proposed reverse-sequence printing method can significantly improve the staircase effect based on visual assessment and color difference. Finally, the case of polymer-based oil painting 3D printing provides new insights for optimizing color 3D printing processes based on other substrates and print accuracy to improve the corresponding staircase effect

    Color 3D Printing: Theory, Method, and Application

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    Our research team proposes a colored manufacturing technology with a layer-by-layer printing process. Using digital inkjet printing in layer-by-layer printing color graphics, a further low-cost color 3D Printing (3DP) technology can be developed. It can provide an integrated way to prototype and reproduce 3D objects, from concept to design and manufacturing. Ultimately, with fast graphics printing method, it guarantees a feasible way to further promote cultural and creative products

    High Performance Micro-scale Light Emitting Diode Display

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    Micro-scale light emitting diode (micro-LED) is a potentially disruptive display technology because of its outstanding features such as high dynamic range, good sunlight readability, long lifetime, low power consumption, and wide color gamut. To achieve full-color displays, three approaches are commonly used: 1) to assemble individual RGB micro-LED pixels from semiconductor wafers to the same driving backplane through pick-and-place approach, which is referred to as mass transfer process; 2) to utilize monochromatic blue micro-LED with a color conversion film to obtain a white source first, and then employ color filters to form RGB pixels, and 3) to use blue or ultraviolet (UV) micro-LEDs to pump pixelated quantum dots (QDs). This dissertation is devoted to investigating and improving optical performance of these three types of micro-LED displays from device design viewpoints. For RGB micro-LED display, angular color shift may become visually noticeable due to mismatched angular distributions between AlGaInP-based red micro-LED and InGaN-based blue/green counterparts. Based on our simulations and experiments, we find that the mismatched angular distributions are caused by sidewall emission from RGB micro-LEDs. To address this issue, we propose a device structure with top black matrix and taper angle in micro-LEDs, which greatly suppresses the color shift while keeping a reasonably high light extraction efficiency. These findings will shed new light to guide future micro-LED display designs. For white micro-LEDs, the color filters would absorb 2/3 of the outgoing light, which increases power consumption. In addition, color crosstalk would occur due to scattering of the color conversion layer. With funnel-tube array and reflective coating on its inner surface, the crosstalk is eliminated and the optical efficiency is enhanced by ~3X. For quantum dot-converted micro-LED display, its ambient contrast ratio degrades because the top QD converter can be excited by the ambient light. To solve this issue, we build a verified simulation model to quantitatively analyze the ambient reflection of quantum dot-converted micro-LED system and improve its ambient contrast ratio with a top color filter layer

    A survey of outlier detection methodologies

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    Outlier detection has been used for centuries to detect and, where appropriate, remove anomalous observations from data. Outliers arise due to mechanical faults, changes in system behaviour, fraudulent behaviour, human error, instrument error or simply through natural deviations in populations. Their detection can identify system faults and fraud before they escalate with potentially catastrophic consequences. It can identify errors and remove their contaminating effect on the data set and as such to purify the data for processing. The original outlier detection methods were arbitrary but now, principled and systematic techniques are used, drawn from the full gamut of Computer Science and Statistics. In this paper, we introduce a survey of contemporary techniques for outlier detection. We identify their respective motivations and distinguish their advantages and disadvantages in a comparative review

    Investigations into colour constancy by bridging human and computer colour vision

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    PhD ThesisThe mechanism of colour constancy within the human visual system has long been of great interest to researchers within the psychophysical and image processing communities. With the maturation of colour imaging techniques for both scientific and artistic applications the importance of colour capture accuracy has consistently increased. Colour offers a great deal more information for the viewer than grayscale imagery, ranging from object detection to food ripeness and health estimation amongst many others. However these tasks rely upon the colour constancy process in order to discount scene illumination to allow these tasks to be carried out. Psychophysical studies have attempted to uncover the inner workings of this mechanism, which would allow it to be reproduced algorithmically. This would allow the development of devices which can eventually capture and perceive colour in the same manner as a human viewer. These two communities have approached this challenge from opposite ends, and as such very different and largely unconnected approaches. This thesis investigates the development of studies and algorithms which bridge the two communities. Utilising findings from psychophysical studies as inspiration to firstly improve an existing image enhancement algorithm. Results are then compared to state of the art methods. Then, using further knowledge, and inspiration, of the human visual system to develop a novel colour constancy approach. This approach attempts to mimic and replicate the mechanism of colour constancy by investigating the use of a physiological colour space and specific scene contents to estimate illumination. Performance of the colour constancy mechanism within the visual system is then also investigated. The performance of the mechanism across different scenes and commonly and uncommonly encountered illuminations is tested. The importance of being able to bridge these two communities, with a successful colour constancy method, is then further illustrated with a case study investigating the human visual perception of the agricultural produce of tomatoes.EPSRC DTA: Institute of Neuroscience, Newcastle University

    Semantik renk değişmezliği

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    Color constancy aims to perceive the actual color of an object, disregarding the effectof the light source. Recent works showed that utilizing the semantic information inan image enhances the performance of the computational color constancy methods.Considering the recent success of the segmentation methods and the increased numberof labeled images, we propose a color constancy method that combines individualilluminant estimations of detected objects which are computed using the classes of theobjects and their associated colors. Then we introduce a weighting system that valuesthe applicability of the object classes to the color constancy problem. Lastly, weintroduce another metric expressing the detected object and how well it fits the learnedmodel of its class. Finally, we evaluate our proposed method on a popular colorconstancy dataset, confirming that each weight addition enhances the performanceof the global illuminant estimation. Experimental results show promising results,outperforming the conventional methods while competing with the state of the artmethods.--M.S. - Master of Scienc