26 research outputs found


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    Abstract Accessibility of public transport services is an important element in urban transportation planning. What is important in this accessibility is how public transport can ensure that the services provided can reach as many urban areas served as possible. Yogyakarta, which is experiencing rapid development growth, demands more access to a reliable public transport system. Currently, Trans Jogja is the only mass transit system in Yogyakarta that implements the Bus Rapid Transit system in its operational system. This study aims to determine the accessibility level of Trans Jogja services in the Yogyakarta Urbanized Area using the Point of Interest approach. In this study, buffer analysis is used to determine the service radius of the Trans Jogja bus stop, with the assumption that the maximum distance that a person can tolerate walking is 400 m. From the results of the buffer analysis, it can be determined which areas are within a 400 meter radius and the number of POIs within that radius. The results of this study indicate that only around 52.24% of the Yogyakarta Urbanized Area have received comprehensive Trans Jogja services. Keywords: accessibility; public transportation; point of interest; bus rapid transit; urban area.  Abstrak Aksesibilitas layanan angkutan umum merupakan unsur penting dalam perencanaan transportasi perkotaan. Hal yang penting dalam aksesibilitas ini adalah bagaimana angkutan umum dapat memastikan bahwa layanan yang disediakan dapat menjangkau sebanyak mungkin daerah perkotaan yang dilayani. Yogyakarta, yang mengalami pertumbuhan pembangunan yang pesat, menuntut lebih banyak akses ke sistem angkutan umum yang andal. Saat ini, Trans Jogja adalah satu-satunya sistem angkutan massal di Yogyakarta yang menerapkan sistem Bus Rapid Transit dalam sistem operasionalnya. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengukur jangkauan layanan Trans Jogja di Kawasan Perkotaan Yogyakarta dengan menggunakan pendekatan Point of Interest. Pada studi ini digunakan analisis buffer untuk menentukan radius layanan halte Trans Jogja, dengan asumsi bahwa jarak maksimum yang dapat ditoleransi oleh seseorang untuk berjalan kaki adalah 400 m. Dari hasil analisis buffer dapat ditentukan wilayah-wilayah yang berada dalam radius 400 meter dan jumlah POI yang berada dalam radius tersebut. Hasil studi ini menunjukkan bahwa hanya sekitar 52,24% Kawasan Perkotaan Yogyakarta telah mendapat layanan Trans Jogja secara menyeluruh.. Kata-kata kunci: aksesibilitas; angkutan umum; point of interest; bus rapid transit; kawasan perkotaan

    Discovering Urban Functional Zones By Latent Fusion of Users GPS Data and Points of Interests

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    With rapid development of socio-economics, the task of discovering functional zones becomes critical to better understand the interactions between social activities and spatial locations. In this paper, we propose a framework to discover the functional zones by analyzing urban structures and social behaviors. The proposed approach models the inner influences between spatial locations and human activities by fusing the semantic meanings of both Point of Interests (POIs) and human activities to learn the latent representation of the regions. A spatial based unsupervised clustering method, Conditional Random Filed (CRF), is then applied to aggregate regions using both their spatial information and discriminative representations. Also, we estimate the functionality of the regions and annotate them by the differences between the normalized POI distributions which properly rank various functionalities. This framework is able to properly address the biased categories in sparse POI data, when exploring the unbiased and true functional zones. To validate our framework, a case study is evaluated by using very large real-world users GPS and POIs data from city of Raleigh. The results demonstrate that the proposed framework can better identify functional zones than the benchmarks, and, therefore, enhance understanding of urban structures with a finer granularity under practical conditions

    Malay Culture-Based Local Content Curriculum in Islamic Education

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    Globalization is a reality that humans must accept and penetrates various aspects of life, such as the economy and education. Education is not anti-globalization, but through education, there should be filtering of globalization that supports the realization of national education goals. Therefore, the position of the curriculum is seen as the basis for fortifying a generation aware of the superiority of local culture. This study aims to reveal the rationality of genre-based local culture in the curriculum, the elements of local culture teaching, and the design of the gradation of genre-based local content of Malay culture. The researcher uses a descriptive qualitative approach with the library research method to analyze the Malay cultural genre contained in the curriculum through data sources in the form of articles, books, and scientific reports. The result of this research is the implementation of Malay genre-based local content subjects has a clear foundation, namely the State of Indonesia and the Indonesian language comes from the Malay language in Indonesia. The Malay genre, as a local curriculum content, is understood as a whole of ideas, actions, and human works and has become an inseparable system from the life of the Indonesian people. Malay genre-based local curriculum design can be done by internalizing Malay culture in every subject set in the curriculum, especially those related to the cultural history of the Indonesian nation and its relation to Islamic religious education. This finding is based on the culture of the country as well as the ideology of the Indonesian state is inseparable from Islamic values

    Une approche basée graphes pour la détection de zones fonctionnelles urbaines

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    International audienceDans cet article, nous proposons une mĂ©thode pour l'identification de zones fonctionnelles, utilisant la dĂ©tection de communautĂ©s dans un graphe de mobilitĂ©. Les sommets du graphe correspondent Ă  des unitĂ©s spatiales, issues du dĂ©coupage d'une ville suivant le rĂ©seau routier. Les arĂȘtes relient des sommets entres lesquels des dĂ©placements sont observĂ©s et sont pondĂ©rĂ©es en fonction du nombre de dĂ©placements et de la distance entre sommets. Notre approche optimise la modularitĂ© sur ce rĂ©seau pour assurer que les zones fonctionnelles obtenues maximisent les interactions spatiales en leur sein. De plus, nous uti-lisons les points d'intĂ©rĂȘts pour maintenir une hĂ©tĂ©rogĂ©nĂ©itĂ© suffisante dans les zones dĂ©tectĂ©es. Nous avons menĂ© des expĂ©rimentations avec des trajectoires de taxi et des points d'intĂ©rĂȘts de la ville de Porto, afin de montrer la capacitĂ© de notre approche Ă  identifier les zones fonctionnelles

    Design of Surveillance Technologies and Privacy Concerns

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    Researchers from numerous management, social sciences and psychological disciplines have attempted to investigate the phenomenon of surveillance and the way it influences privacy concerns among individuals. But no study has attempted to interpret the relationship between individuals’ perception of surveillance technologies and the way they react to surveillance and develop their privacy concerns. We conduct a review of 207 prominent IT journals within the Scopus databases to examine and interpret individuals’ perception of different designs of surveillance technologies (non-obtrusive vs. obtrusive) and how such technologies influence privacy concerns at individual, corporate and societal level. Our review suggests that both non-obtrusive (automatic) and obtrusive (self-input) surveillance are used at individual, corporate and societal level differentially. In the light of our findings, we identify research gaps, propose recommendations, and further opportunities for future research that will enrich academic discourse in IS and create value for corporate firms, government and policy makers

    Revealing intra-urban spatial structure through an exploratory analysis by combining road network abstraction model and taxi trajectory data

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    The unprecedented urbanization in China has dramatically changed the urban spatial structure of cities. With the proliferation of individual-level geospatial big data, previous studies have widely used the network abstraction model to reveal the underlying urban spatial structure. However, the construction of network abstraction models primarily focuses on the topology of the road network without considering individual travel flows along with the road networks. Individual travel flows reflect the urban dynamics, which can further help understand the underlying spatial structure. This study therefore aims to reveal the intra-urban spatial structure by integrating the road network abstraction model and individual travel flows. To achieve this goal, we 1) quantify the spatial interaction relatedness of road segments based on the Word2Vec model using large volumes of taxi trip data, then 2) characterize the road abstraction network model according to the identified spatial interaction relatedness, and 3) implement a community detection algorithm to reveal sub-regions of a city. Our results reveal three levels of hierarchical spatial structures in the Wuhan metropolitan area. This study provides a data-driven approach to the investigation of urban spatial structure via identifying traffic interaction patterns on the road network, offering insights to urban planning practice and transportation management

    Delineating urban functional zones using mobile phone data: A case study of cross-boundary integration in Shenzhen-Dongguan-Huizhou area

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    As cities continuously expand and with the emergence of mega-city regions, the urban functional zones (UFZs) have spread beyond their original administrative boundaries. An accurate and updated delineation of the UFZs is crucial for assessing the functional integration between cities within a mega-city region. Mobility data provides a chance to depict the UFZs from actual human activities at a finer spatial scale. Existing studies mostly adopted network-based approaches relying on the topological relationship but ignoring spatial factors, causing the lack of sensitivity in detecting the cross-cities integration of the functional region. This research proposed a novel regionalisation algorithm that redraws non-overlap boundaries of urban functional zones based on the commuting origin-destination matrix, representing the spatial interactions within cities and cross-cities. In particular, functional zones are drawn by searching for the best partition with the best goodness of fitting in the hierarchical spatial interaction model. The algorithm was applied to a case study of a mega-city region, Shenzhen-Dongguan-Huizhou (SDH) area in China using mobile phone signalling data. By adopting two different settings, this model evaluated the current status and predict the future trend of urban integration respectively. The results show the current boundary of UFZs in the SDH area almost coincides with administrative boundaries. Meanwhile, the results of long-term predictions might be utilised by policymakers to give more attention to the areas near the Dongguan-Huizhou boundary to promote industry cooperation and avoid mismatches between the functional and administrative regions

    Challenges Posed by Locational Data Privacy

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    With the growth of innovative positioning technologies, research into individuals’ behavioral challenges posed by location-based services has become increasingly popular in recent years. Scholars from various social sciences and management disciplines have attempted to address such challenges in order to understand and mitigate concerns for locational-data privacy. In view of the broad applicability of location-based services, we conduct a review of eight prominent IS journals to investigate and understand individuals’ behavioral challenges in using such services. Our review reveals that perception of individuals’ locational-data privacy is constantly influenced by their respective social norms, social reality, and cultural background as well as their current geographical or locational factor. In light of this finding, we outline possible directions and opportunities for further IS research around three philosophical approaches- “positivist”, “interpretivist”, and “critical”- with the aim of enriching our discussion of how and why individuals’ social reality and cultural factors influence their perception of locational- data privacy

    Identifying tourist-functional relations of urban places through Foursquare from Barcelona

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    This is a post-peer-review, pre-copyedit version of an article published in GEOJOURNAL. The final authenticated version is available online at: http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/s10708-019-10055-9Previous research has mainly focused on spatial relations among tourist attractions in urban areas. However, few studies have examined the functional relations between tourist attractions and other urban places (i.e. the flows of tourists between them). Therefore, this study focuses on quantification of the tourist-functional relations among Places of Interest (POIs) using Foursquare data from Barcelona. This represents an effort to highlight the important functional closeness between different types of POIs whose significance is not usually obvious from their spatial relationships. In order to quantify these functional relationships, this paper classifies Foursquare POIs into 22 categories according to their different usages and constructs a matrix of usage-flows to depict the connections among these different usages. A model of interaction values is introduced to describe the strength of relations and identify the dominant tourist usages. The results confirm that the functional centroids differ from these spatial distributions which only focused around tourist attractions. In addition to tourist attractions, places in the categories of Restaurants, Transport, and Hotels play important roles in functional relationship of tourism. The typical urban usages of tourists can be distinguished by the interaction values between these categories. Our model provides a practical method to quantify the interlinkage of usages of POIs based on tourist flows. In particular, LBSN data has potential as a method to observe the tourist-functional relations among places.Peer ReviewedPostprint (author's final draft