2,347 research outputs found

    Improving Retrieval Accuracy in Main Content Extraction from HTML Web Documents

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    The rapid growth of text based information on the World Wide Web and various applications making use of this data motivates the need for efficient and effective methods to identify and separate the “main content” from the additional content items, such as navigation menus, advertisements, design elements or legal disclaimers. Firstly, in this thesis, we study, develop, and evaluate R2L, DANA, DANAg, and AdDANAg, a family of novel algorithms for extracting the main content of web documents. The main concept behind R2L, which also provided the initial idea and motivation for the other three algorithms, is to use well particularities of Right-to-Left languages for obtaining the main content of web pages. As the English character set and the Right-to-Left character set are encoded in different intervals of the Unicode character set, we can efficiently distinguish the Right-to-Left characters from the English ones in an HTML file. This enables the R2L approach to recognize areas of the HTML file with a high density of Right-to-Left characters and a low density of characters from the English character set. Having recognized these areas, R2L can successfully separate only the Right-to-Left characters. The first extension of the R2L, DANA, improves effectiveness of the baseline algorithm by employing an HTML parser in a post processing phase of R2L for extracting the main content from areas with a high density of Right-to-Left characters. DANAg is the second extension of the R2L and generalizes the idea of R2L to render it language independent. AdDANAg, the third extension of R2L, integrates a new preprocessing step to normalize the hyperlink tags. The presented approaches are analyzed under the aspects of efficiency and effectiveness. We compare them to several established main content extraction algorithms and show that we extend the state-of-the-art in terms of both, efficiency and effectiveness. Secondly, automatically extracting the headline of web articles has many applications. We develop and evaluate a content-based and language-independent approach, TitleFinder, for unsupervised extraction of the headline of web articles. The proposed method achieves high performance in terms of effectiveness and efficiency and outperforms approaches operating on structural and visual features.Das rasante Wachstum von textbasierten Informationen im World Wide Web und die Vielfalt der Anwendungen, die diese Daten nutzen, macht es notwendig, effiziente und effektive Methoden zu entwickeln, die den Hauptinhalt identifizieren und von den zusĂ€tzlichen Inhaltsobjekten wie z.B. Navigations-MenĂŒs, Anzeigen, Design-Elementen oder HaftungsausschlĂŒssen trennen. ZunĂ€chst untersuchen, entwickeln und evaluieren wir in dieser Arbeit R2L, DANA, DANAg und AdDANAg, eine Familie von neuartigen Algorithmen zum Extrahieren des Inhalts von Web-Dokumenten. Das grundlegende Konzept hinter R2L, das auch zur Entwicklung der drei weiteren Algorithmen fĂŒhrte, nutzt die Besonderheiten der Rechts-nach-links-Sprachen aus, um den Hauptinhalt von Webseiten zu extrahieren. Da der lateinische Zeichensatz und die Rechts-nach-links-ZeichensĂ€tze durch verschiedene Abschnitte des Unicode-Zeichensatzes kodiert werden, lassen sich die Rechts-nach-links-Zeichen leicht von den lateinischen Zeichen in einer HTML-Datei unterscheiden. Das erlaubt dem R2L-Ansatz, Bereiche mit einer hohen Dichte von Rechts-nach-links-Zeichen und wenigen lateinischen Zeichen aus einer HTML-Datei zu erkennen. Aus diesen Bereichen kann dann R2L die Rechts-nach-links-Zeichen extrahieren. Die erste Erweiterung, DANA, verbessert die Wirksamkeit des Baseline-Algorithmus durch die Verwendung eines HTML-Parsers in der Nachbearbeitungsphase des R2L-Algorithmus, um den Inhalt aus Bereichen mit einer hohen Dichte von Rechts-nach-links-Zeichen zu extrahieren. DANAg erweitert den Ansatz des R2L-Algorithmus, so dass eine SprachunabhĂ€ngigkeit erreicht wird. Die dritte Erweiterung, AdDANAg, integriert eine neue Vorverarbeitungsschritte, um u.a. die Weblinks zu normalisieren. Die vorgestellten AnsĂ€tze werden in Bezug auf Effizienz und EffektivitĂ€t analysiert. Im Vergleich mit mehreren etablierten Hauptinhalt-Extraktions-Algorithmen zeigen wir, dass sie in diesen Punkten ĂŒberlegen sind. DarĂŒber hinaus findet die Extraktion der Überschriften aus Web-Artikeln vielfĂ€ltige Anwendungen. Hierzu entwickeln wir mit TitleFinder einen sich nur auf den Textinhalt beziehenden und sprachabhĂ€ngigen Ansatz. Das vorgestellte Verfahren ist in Bezug auf EffektivitĂ€t und Effizienz besser als bekannte AnsĂ€tze, die auf strukturellen und visuellen Eigenschaften der HTML-Datei beruhen

    University of Twente at the TREC 2008 Enterprise Track: using the Global Web as an expertise evidence source

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    This paper describes the details of our participation in expert search task of the TREC 2007 Enterprise track.\ud This is the fourth (and the last) year of TREC 2007 Enterprise Track and the second year the University of Twente (Database group) submitted runs for the expert nding task. In the methods that were used to produce these runs, we mostly rely on the predicting potential of those expertise evidence sources that are publicly available on the Global Web, but not hosted at the website of the organization under study (CSIRO). This paper describes the follow-up studies\ud complimentary to our recent research [8] that demonstrated how taking the web factor seriously signicantly improves the performance of expert nding in the enterprise

    Using the Global Web as an Expertise Evidence Source

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    This paper describes the details of our participation in expert search task of the TREC 2007 Enterprise track. The presented study demonstrates the predicting potential of the expertise evidence that can be found outside of the organization. We discovered that combining the ranking built solely on the Enterprise data with the Global Web based ranking may produce significant increases in performance. However, our main goal was to explore whether this result can be further improved by using various quality measures to distinguish among web result items. While, indeed, it was beneficial to use some of these measures, especially those measuring relevance of URL strings and titles, it stayed unclear whether they are decisively important

    Sentiment analysis of blogs by combining lexical knowledge with text classification

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    Georeferencing text using social media

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    To perform document classification algorithmically, documents need to be represented such that it is understandable to the machine learning classifier. The report discusses the different types of feature vectors through which document can be represented and later classified. The project aims at comparing the Binary, Count and TfIdf feature vectors and their impact on document classification. To test how well each of the three mentioned feature vectors perform, we used the 20-newsgroup dataset and converted the documents to all the three feature vectors. For each feature vector representation, we trained the Naïve Bayes classifier and then tested the generated classifier on test documents. In our results, we found that TfIdf performed 4% better than Count vectorizer and 6% better than Binary vectorizer if stop words are removed. If stop words are not removed, then TfIdf performed 6% better than Binary vectorizer and 11% better than Count vectorizer. Also, Count vectorizer performs better than Binary vectorizer, if stop words are removed by 2% but lags behind by 5% if stop words are not removed. Thus, we can conclude that TfIdf should be the preferred vectorizer for document representation and classification
