876 research outputs found

    The Care2Report System: Automated Medical Reporting as an Integrated Solution to Reduce Administrative Burden in Healthcare

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    Documenting patient medical information in the electronic medical record is a time-consuming task at the expense of direct patient care. We propose an integrated solution to automate the process of medical reporting. This vision is enabled through the integration of speech and action recognition technology with semantic interpretation based on knowledge graphs. This paper presents our dialogue summarization pipeline that transforms speech into a medical report via transcription and formal representation. We discuss the functional and technical architecture of our Care2Report system along with an initial system evaluation with data of real consultation sessions

    UMASS_BioNLP at MEDIQA-Chat 2023: Can LLMs generate high-quality synthetic note-oriented doctor-patient conversations?

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    This paper presents UMASS_BioNLP team participation in the MEDIQA-Chat 2023 shared task for Task-A and Task-C. We focus especially on Task-C and propose a novel LLMs cooperation system named a doctor-patient loop to generate high-quality conversation data sets. The experiment results demonstrate that our approaches yield reasonable performance as evaluated by automatic metrics such as ROUGE, medical concept recall, BLEU, and Self-BLEU. Furthermore, we conducted a comparative analysis between our proposed method and ChatGPT and GPT-4. This analysis also investigates the potential of utilizing cooperation LLMs to generate high-quality datasets

    The digital scribe in clinical practice: a scoping review and research agenda

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    The number of clinician burnouts is increasing and has been linked to a high administrative burden. Automatic speech recognition (ASR) and natural language processing (NLP) techniques may address this issue by creating the possibility of automating clinical documentation with a "digital scribe". We reviewed the current status of the digital scribe in development towards clinical practice and present a scope for future research. We performed a literature search of four scientific databases (Medline, Web of Science, ACL, and Arxiv) and requested several companies that offer digital scribes to provide performance data. We included articles that described the use of models on clinical conversational data, either automatically or manually transcribed, to automate clinical documentation. Of 20 included articles, three described ASR models for clinical conversations. The other 17 articles presented models for entity extraction, classification, or summarization of clinical conversations. Two studies examined the system's clinical validity and usability, while the other 18 studies only assessed their model's technical validity on the specific NLP task. One company provided performance data. The most promising models use context-sensitive word embeddings in combination with attention-based neural networks. However, the studies on digital scribes only focus on technical validity, while companies offering digital scribes do not publish information on any of the research phases. Future research should focus on more extensive reporting, iteratively studying technical validity and clinical validity and usability, and investigating the clinical utility of digital scribes.Analysis and support of clinical decision makingDevelopment and application of statistical models for medical scientific researc

    Identifying relevant information in medical conversations to summarize a clinician-patient encounter

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    To inform the development of automated summarization of clinical conversations, this study sought to estimate the proportion of doctor-patient communication in general practice (GP) consultations used for generating a consultation summary. Two researchers with a medical degree read the transcripts of 44 GP consultations and highlighted the phrases to be used for generating a summary of the consultation. For all consultations, less than 20% of all words in the transcripts were needed for inclusion in the summary. On average, 9.1% of all words in the transcripts, 26.6% of all medical terms, and 27.3% of all speaker turns were highlighted. The results indicate that communication content used for generating a consultation summary makes up a small portion of GP consultations, and automated summarization solutions—such as digital scribes—must focus on identifying the 20% relevant information for automatically generating consultation summaries. </jats:p
