10 research outputs found

    Learning to Expand: Reinforced Pseudo-relevance Feedback Selection for Information-seeking Conversations

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    Intelligent personal assistant systems for information-seeking conversations are increasingly popular in real-world applications, especially for e-commerce companies. With the development of research in such conversation systems, the pseudo-relevance feedback (PRF) has demonstrated its effectiveness in incorporating relevance signals from external documents. However, the existing studies are either based on heuristic rules or require heavy manual labeling. In this work, we treat the PRF selection as a learning task and proposed a reinforced learning based method that can be trained in an end-to-end manner without any human annotations. More specifically, we proposed a reinforced selector to extract useful PRF terms to enhance response candidates and a BERT based response ranker to rank the PRF-enhanced responses. The performance of the ranker serves as rewards to guide the selector to extract useful PRF terms, and thus boost the task performance. Extensive experiments on both standard benchmark and commercial datasets show the superiority of our reinforced PRF term selector compared with other potential soft or hard selection methods. Both qualitative case studies and quantitative analysis show that our model can not only select meaningful PRF terms to expand response candidates but also achieve the best results compared with all the baseline methods on a variety of evaluation metrics. We have also deployed our method on online production in an e-commerce company, which shows a significant improvement over the existing online ranking system

    Response Ranking with Deep Matching Networks and External Knowledge in Information-seeking Conversation Systems

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    Intelligent personal assistant systems with either text-based or voice-based conversational interfaces are becoming increasingly popular around the world. Retrieval-based conversation models have the advantages of returning fluent and informative responses. Most existing studies in this area are on open domain "chit-chat" conversations or task / transaction oriented conversations. More research is needed for information-seeking conversations. There is also a lack of modeling external knowledge beyond the dialog utterances among current conversational models. In this paper, we propose a learning framework on the top of deep neural matching networks that leverages external knowledge for response ranking in information-seeking conversation systems. We incorporate external knowledge into deep neural models with pseudo-relevance feedback and QA correspondence knowledge distillation. Extensive experiments with three information-seeking conversation data sets including both open benchmarks and commercial data show that, our methods outperform various baseline methods including several deep text matching models and the state-of-the-art method on response selection in multi-turn conversations. We also perform analysis over different response types, model variations and ranking examples. Our models and research findings provide new insights on how to utilize external knowledge with deep neural models for response selection and have implications for the design of the next generation of information-seeking conversation systems.Comment: Accepted by the 41th International ACM SIGIR Conference on Research and Development in Information Retrieval (SIGIR 2018), Ann Arbor, Michigan, U.S.A. July 8-12, 2018 (Full Oral Paper

    Harnessing Evolution of Multi-Turn Conversations for Effective Answer Retrieval

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    With the improvements in speech recognition and voice generation technologies over the last years, a lot of companies have sought to develop conversation understanding systems that run on mobile phones or smart home devices through natural language interfaces. Conversational assistants, such as Google Assistant and Microsoft Cortana, can help users to complete various types of tasks. This requires an accurate understanding of the user's information need as the conversation evolves into multiple turns. Finding relevant context in a conversation's history is challenging because of the complexity of natural language and the evolution of a user's information need. In this work, we present an extensive analysis of language, relevance, dependency of user utterances in a multi-turn information-seeking conversation. To this aim, we have annotated relevant utterances in the conversations released by the TREC CaST 2019 track. The annotation labels determine which of the previous utterances in a conversation can be used to improve the current one. Furthermore, we propose a neural utterance relevance model based on BERT fine-tuning, outperforming competitive baselines. We study and compare the performance of multiple retrieval models, utilizing different strategies to incorporate the user's context. The experimental results on both classification and retrieval tasks show that our proposed approach can effectively identify and incorporate the conversation context. We show that processing the current utterance using the predicted relevant utterance leads to a 38% relative improvement in terms of nDCG@20. Finally, to foster research in this area, we have released the dataset of the annotations.Comment: To appear in ACM CHIIR 2020, Vancouver, BC, Canad

    M茅s que mil paraules: Funcionament i estat de la q眉esti贸 de la cerca i recuperaci贸 d'informaci贸 multim猫dia basada en el contingut

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    Treballs Finals de Grau d'Informaci贸 i Documentaci贸, Facultat d'Informaci贸 i Mitjans Audiovisuals, Universitat de Barcelona, Curs: 2018-2019, Gema Santos-HermosaEl creixement exponencial de la documentaci贸 multim猫dia des de la popularitzaci贸 d鈥橧nternet, i en especial, des de l鈥檃parici贸 dels tel猫fons intel路ligents, ha provocat que la recuperaci贸 d鈥檃quests continguts amb metadades associades necessiti metodologies de cerca addicionals i sistemes de recuperaci贸 d鈥檌nformaci贸 adaptats a les necessitats d鈥檃quests continguts. La cerca i recuperaci贸 d鈥檌nformaci贸 basada en el seu contingut 茅s un camp d鈥檌nvestigaci贸 de plena vig猫ncia, polifac猫tic i que implica un coneixement pluridisciplinari per a la seva aplicaci贸. 脡s un camp que implica con猫ixer com es descriu, com se cerca i com es recupera la informaci贸, els processos de reconeixement de patrons per ordinador i el seu funcionament, i en alguns casos, la interacci贸 i integraci贸 en sistemes m茅s complexos que van m茅s enll脿 de la simple consulta-resposta per part de l鈥檜suari. De fet, l鈥櫭簊 d鈥檃quests sistemes est脿 tan integrat en d鈥檃ltres que tant les cerques com les recuperacions acaben per ser processos interns d鈥檜n programari tancat. Per exemple, en el cas de la conducci贸 assistida, la captaci贸 i interpretaci贸 d鈥檌matges est脿 completament gestionada per l鈥檕rdinador de bord del vehicle. Els processos que intervenen en el reconeixement d鈥檕bjectes en moviment que fa el vehicle s贸n els mateixos que es farien en una cerca d鈥檌matge amb una altra imatge: s鈥檌dentifica un cos m貌bil i en resposta a la tipologia, el vehicle adapta gradualment la velocitat o en cas d鈥檃van莽ament, la traject貌ria, per mantenir dist脿ncies de seguretat. En altres casos, hi ha una interacci贸 directa entre el sistema de recuperaci贸 d鈥檌nformaci贸 basat en el contingut i l鈥檜suari que cerca una resposta concreta, a vegades sense ser del tot conscient dels procediments de cerca que ha utilitzat el sistema. Per exemple, l鈥檜suari captura una can莽贸 amb Shazam, que li retorna el t铆tol de la can莽贸 i el grup; per貌 la seva intenci贸 final probablement no 茅s la recuperaci贸 d鈥檌nformaci贸 en si mateixa, sin贸 la possibilitat de poder tornar a escoltar-la m茅s tard, aix铆 que l鈥檃plicaci贸 d贸na l鈥檕pci贸 o b茅 de comprar-la en una botiga digital o incl煤s afegir-la a un servei de m煤sica en streaming. En definitiva, la cerca i recuperaci贸 d鈥檌nformaci贸 multim猫dia forma part de moltes tecnologies no nom茅s de present, sin贸 de futur, i que forma i formar脿 part de diferents serveis de recuperaci贸 d鈥檌nformaci贸 multim猫dia. Aquest treball pret茅n entendre el funcionament d鈥檃quests sistemes i establir un estat de la q眉esti贸 sobre la recuperaci贸 i cerca d鈥檌nformaci贸 basada en el contingut. En altres paraules, entendre i con猫ixer l鈥檃plicaci贸 i implicacions de l鈥櫭簊 d鈥檃quells sistemes on, en comptes d鈥檌ntroduir una consulta textual, l鈥檜suari introdueix imatges, sons o incl煤s petits fragments de v铆deo per obtenir-ne d鈥檃ltres o informacions textuals associades