1,516 research outputs found

    Extracting semantic entities and events from sports tweets

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    Large volumes of user-generated content on practically every major issue and event are being created on the microblogging site Twitter. This content can be combined and processed to detect events, entities and popular moods to feed various knowledge-intensive practical applications. On the downside, these content items are very noisy and highly informal, making it difficult to extract sense out of the stream. In this paper, we exploit various approaches to detect the named entities and significant micro-events from users’ tweets during a live sports event. Here we describe how combining linguistic features with background knowledge and the use of Twitter-specific features can achieve high, precise detection results (f-measure = 87%) in different datasets. A study was conducted on tweets from cricket matches in the ICC World Cup in order to augment the event-related non-textual media with collective intelligence

    Characterizing Geo-located Tweets in Brazilian Megacities

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    This work presents a framework for collecting, processing and mining geo-located tweets in order to extract meaningful and actionable knowledge in the context of smart cities. We collected and characterized more than 9M tweets from the two biggest cities in Brazil, Rio de Janeiro and S\~ao Paulo. We performed topic modeling using the Latent Dirichlet Allocation model to produce an unsupervised distribution of semantic topics over the stream of geo-located tweets as well as a distribution of words over those topics. We manually labeled and aggregated similar topics obtaining a total of 29 different topics across both cities. Results showed similarities in the majority of topics for both cities, reflecting similar interests and concerns among the population of Rio de Janeiro and S\~ao Paulo. Nevertheless, some specific topics are more predominant in one of the cities

    Characterizing Geo-located Tweets in Brazilian Megacities

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    This work presents a framework for collecting, processing and mining geo-located tweets in order to extract meaningful and actionable knowledge in the context of smart cities. We collected and characterized more than 9M tweets from the two biggest cities in Brazil, Rio de Janeiro and S\~ao Paulo. We performed topic modeling using the Latent Dirichlet Allocation model to produce an unsupervised distribution of semantic topics over the stream of geo-located tweets as well as a distribution of words over those topics. We manually labeled and aggregated similar topics obtaining a total of 29 different topics across both cities. Results showed similarities in the majority of topics for both cities, reflecting similar interests and concerns among the population of Rio de Janeiro and S\~ao Paulo. Nevertheless, some specific topics are more predominant in one of the cities

    Extracting News Events from Microblogs

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    Twitter stream has become a large source of information for many people, but the magnitude of tweets and the noisy nature of its content have made harvesting the knowledge from Twitter a challenging task for researchers for a long time. Aiming at overcoming some of the main challenges of extracting the hidden information from tweet streams, this work proposes a new approach for real-time detection of news events from the Twitter stream. We divide our approach into three steps. The first step is to use a neural network or deep learning to detect news-relevant tweets from the stream. The second step is to apply a novel streaming data clustering algorithm to the detected news tweets to form news events. The third and final step is to rank the detected events based on the size of the event clusters and growth speed of the tweet frequencies. We evaluate the proposed system on a large, publicly available corpus of annotated news events from Twitter. As part of the evaluation, we compare our approach with a related state-of-the-art solution. Overall, our experiments and user-based evaluation show that our approach on detecting current (real) news events delivers a state-of-the-art performance

    Neogeography: The Challenge of Channelling Large and Ill-Behaved Data Streams

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    Neogeography is the combination of user generated data and experiences with mapping technologies. In this article we present a research project to extract valuable structured information with a geographic component from unstructured user generated text in wikis, forums, or SMSes. The extracted information should be integrated together to form a collective knowledge about certain domain. This structured information can be used further to help users from the same domain who want to get information using simple question answering system. The project intends to help workers communities in developing countries to share their knowledge, providing a simple and cheap way to contribute and get benefit using the available communication technology

    A Topic Recommender for Journalists

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    The way in which people acquire information on events and form their own opinion on them has changed dramatically with the advent of social media. For many readers, the news gathered from online sources become an opportunity to share points of view and information within micro-blogging platforms such as Twitter, mainly aimed at satisfying their communication needs. Furthermore, the need to deepen the aspects related to news stimulates a demand for additional information which is often met through online encyclopedias, such as Wikipedia. This behaviour has also influenced the way in which journalists write their articles, requiring a careful assessment of what actually interests the readers. The goal of this paper is to present a recommender system, What to Write and Why, capable of suggesting to a journalist, for a given event, the aspects still uncovered in news articles on which the readers focus their interest. The basic idea is to characterize an event according to the echo it receives in online news sources and associate it with the corresponding readers’ communicative and informative patterns, detected through the analysis of Twitter and Wikipedia, respectively. Our methodology temporally aligns the results of this analysis and recommends the concepts that emerge as topics of interest from Twitter and Wikipedia, either not covered or poorly covered in the published news articles
