5 research outputs found

    Integrated Parallel Sentence and Fragment Extraction from Comparable Corpora: A Case Study on Chinese--Japanese Wikipedia

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    Parallel corpora are crucial for statistical machine translation (SMT); however, they are quite scarce for most language pairs and domains. As comparable corpora are far more available, many studies have been conducted to extract either parallel sentences or fragments from them for SMT. In this article, we propose an integrated system to extract both parallel sentences and fragments from comparable corpora. We first apply parallel sentence extraction to identify parallel sentences from comparable sentences. We then extract parallel fragments from the comparable sentences. Parallel sentence extraction is based on a parallel sentence candidate filter and classifier for parallel sentence identification. We improve it by proposing a novel filtering strategy and three novel feature sets for classification. Previous studies have found it difficult to accurately extract parallel fragments from comparable sentences. We propose an accurate parallel fragment extraction method that uses an alignment model to locate the parallel fragment candidates and an accurate lexicon-based filter to identify the truly parallel fragments. A case study on the Chinese--Japanese Wikipedia indicates that our proposed methods outperform previously proposed methods, and the parallel data extracted by our system significantly improves SMT performance

    Corpus Linguistics software:Understanding their usages and delivering two new tools

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    The increasing availability of computers to ordinary users in the last few decades has led to an exponential increase in the use of Corpus Linguistics (CL) methodologies. The people exploring this data come from a variety of backgrounds and, in many cases, are not proficient corpus linguists. Despite the ongoing development of new tools, there is still an immense gap between what CL can offer and what is currently being done by researchers. This study has two outcomes. It (a) identifies the gap between potential and actual uses of CL methods and tools, and (b) enhances the usability of CL software and complement statistical application through the use of data visualization and user-friendly interfaces. The first outcome is achieved through (i) an investigation of how CL methods are reported in academic publications; (ii) a systematic observation of users of CL software as they engage in the routine tasks; and (iii) a review of four well-established pieces of software used for corpus exploration. Based on the findings, two new statistical tools for CL studies with high usability were developed and implemented on to an existing system, CQPweb. The Advanced Dispersion tool allows users to graphically explore how queries are distributed in a corpus, which makes it easier for users to understand the concept of dispersion. The tool also provides accurate dispersion measures. The Parlink Tool was designed having as its primary target audience beginners with interest in translations studies and second language education. The tool’s primary function is to make it easier for users to see possible translations for corpus queries in the parallel concordances, without the need to use external resources, such as translation memories

    Uticaj klasifikacije teksta na primene u obradi prirodnih jezika

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    The main goal of this dissertation is to put different text classification tasks in the same frame, by mapping the input data into the common vector space of linguistic attributes. Subsequently, several classification problems of great importance for natural language processing are solved by applying the appropriate classification algorithms. The dissertation deals with the problem of validation of bilingual translation pairs, so that the final goal is to construct a classifier which provides a substitute for human evaluation and which decides whether the pair is a proper translation between the appropriate languages by means of applying a variety of linguistic information and methods. In dictionaries it is useful to have a sentence that demonstrates use for a particular dictionary entry. This task is called the classification of good dictionary examples. In this thesis, a method is developed which automatically estimates whether an example is good or bad for a specific dictionary entry. Two cases of short message classification are also discussed in this dissertation. In the first case, classes are the authors of the messages, and the task is to assign each message to its author from that fixed set. This task is called authorship identification. The other observed classification of short messages is called opinion mining, or sentiment analysis. Starting from the assumption that a short message carries a positive or negative attitude about a thing, or is purely informative, classes can be: positive, negative and neutral. These tasks are of great importance in the field of natural language processing and the proposed solutions are language-independent, based on machine learning methods: support vector machines, decision trees and gradient boosting. For all of these tasks, a demonstration of the effectiveness of the proposed methods is shown on for the Serbian language.Osnovni cilj disertacije je stavljanje različitih zadataka klasifikacije teksta u isti okvir, preslikavanjem ulaznih podataka u isti vektorski prostor lingvističkih atributa..