4 research outputs found

    From Preferred to Actual Mate Characteristics: The Case of Human Body Shape

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    The way individuals pair to produce reproductive units is a major factor determining evolution. This process is complex because it is determined not only by individual mating preferences, but also by numerous other factors such as competition between mates. Consequently, preferred and actual characteristics of mates obtained should differ, but this has rarely been addressed. We simultaneously measured mating preferences for stature, body mass, and body mass index, and recorded corresponding actual partner's characteristics for 116 human couples from France. Results show that preferred and actual partner's characteristics differ for male judges, but not for females. In addition, while the correlation between all preferred and actual partner's characteristics appeared to be weak for female judges, it was strong for males: while men prefer women slimmer than their actual partner, those who prefer the slimmest women also have partners who are slimmer than average. This study therefore suggests that the influences of preferences on pair formation can be sex-specific. It also illustrates that this process can lead to unexpected results on the real influences of mating preferences: traits considered as highly influencing attractiveness do not necessarily have a strong influence on the actual pairing, the reverse being also possible

    Modelling human pose and shape based on a database of human 3D scans

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    Generating realistic human shapes and motion is an important task both in the motion picture industry and in computer games. In feature films, high quality and believability are the most important characteristics. Additionally, when creating virtual doubles the generated charactes have to match as closely as possible to given real persons. In contrast, in computer games the level of realism does not need to be as high but real-time performance is essential. It is desirable to meet all these requirements with a general model of human pose and shape. In addition, many markerless human tracking methods applied, e.g., in biomedicine or sports science can benefit greatly from the availability of such a model because most methods require a 3D model of the tracked subject as input, which can be generated on-the-fly given a suitable shape and pose model. In this thesis, a comprehensive procedure is presented to generate different general models of human pose. A database of 3D scans spanning the space of human pose and shape variations is introduced. Then, four different approaches for transforming the database into a general model of human pose and shape are presented, which improve the current state of the art. Experiments are performed to evaluate and compare the proposed models on real-world problems, i.e., characters are generated given semantic constraints and the underlying shape and pose of humans given 3D scans, multi-view video, or uncalibrated monocular images is estimated.Die Erzeugung realistischer Menschenmodelle ist eine wichtige Anwendung in der Filmindustrie und bei Computerspielen. In Spielen ist Echtzeitsynthese unabdingbar aber der Detailgrad muß nicht so hoch sein wie in Filmen. Für virtuelle Doubles, wie sie z.B. in Filmen eingesetzt werden, muss der generierte Charakter dem gegebenen realen Menschen möglichst ähnlich sein. Mit einem generellen Modell für menschliche Pose und Körperform ist es möglich alle diese Anforderungen zu erfüllen. Zusätzlich können viele Verfahren zur markerlosen Bewegungserfassung, wie sie z.B. in der Biomedizin oder in den Sportwissenschaften eingesetzt werden, von einem generellen Modell für Pose und Körperform profitieren. Da diese ein 3D Modell der erfassten Person benötigen, das jetzt zur Laufzeit generiert werden kann. In dieser Doktorarbeit wird ein umfassender Ansatz vorgestellt, um verschiedene Modelle für Pose und Körperform zu berechnen. Zunächst wird eine Datenbank von 3D Scans aufgebaut, die Pose- und Körperformvariationen von Menschen umfasst. Dann werden vier verschiedene Verfahren eingeführt, die daraus generelle Modelle für Pose und Körperform berechnen und Probleme beim Stand der Technik beheben. Die vorgestellten Modelle werden auf realistischen Problemstellungen getestet. So werden Menschenmodelle aus einigen wenigen Randbedingungen erzeugt und Pose und Körperform von Probanden wird aus 3D Scans, Multi-Kamera Videodaten und Einzelbildern der bekleideten Personen geschätzt