17,355 research outputs found

    I/O-optimal algorithms on grid graphs

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    Given a graph of which the n vertices form a regular two-dimensional grid, and in which each (possibly weighted and/or directed) edge connects a vertex to one of its eight neighbours, the following can be done in O(scan(n)) I/Os, provided M = Omega(B^2): computation of shortest paths with non-negative edge weights from a single source, breadth-first traversal, computation of a minimum spanning tree, topological sorting, time-forward processing (if the input is a plane graph), and an Euler tour (if the input graph is a tree). The minimum-spanning tree algorithm is cache-oblivious. The best previously published algorithms for these problems need Theta(sort(n)) I/Os. Estimates of the actual I/O volume show that the new algorithms may often be very efficient in practice.Comment: 12 pages' extended abstract plus 12 pages' appendix with details, proofs and calculations. Has not been published in and is currently not under review of any conference or journa

    Exact Distance Oracles for Planar Graphs

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    We present new and improved data structures that answer exact node-to-node distance queries in planar graphs. Such data structures are also known as distance oracles. For any directed planar graph on n nodes with non-negative lengths we obtain the following: * Given a desired space allocation S[nlglgn,n2]S\in[n\lg\lg n,n^2], we show how to construct in O~(S)\tilde O(S) time a data structure of size O(S)O(S) that answers distance queries in O~(n/S)\tilde O(n/\sqrt S) time per query. As a consequence, we obtain an improvement over the fastest algorithm for k-many distances in planar graphs whenever k[n,n)k\in[\sqrt n,n). * We provide a linear-space exact distance oracle for planar graphs with query time O(n1/2+eps)O(n^{1/2+eps}) for any constant eps>0. This is the first such data structure with provable sublinear query time. * For edge lengths at least one, we provide an exact distance oracle of space O~(n)\tilde O(n) such that for any pair of nodes at distance D the query time is O~(minD,n)\tilde O(min {D,\sqrt n}). Comparable query performance had been observed experimentally but has never been explained theoretically. Our data structures are based on the following new tool: given a non-self-crossing cycle C with c=O(n)c = O(\sqrt n) nodes, we can preprocess G in O~(n)\tilde O(n) time to produce a data structure of size O(nlglgc)O(n \lg\lg c) that can answer the following queries in O~(c)\tilde O(c) time: for a query node u, output the distance from u to all the nodes of C. This data structure builds on and extends a related data structure of Klein (SODA'05), which reports distances to the boundary of a face, rather than a cycle. The best distance oracles for planar graphs until the current work are due to Cabello (SODA'06), Djidjev (WG'96), and Fakcharoenphol and Rao (FOCS'01). For σ(1,4/3)\sigma\in(1,4/3) and space S=nσS=n^\sigma, we essentially improve the query time from n2/Sn^2/S to n2/S\sqrt{n^2/S}.Comment: To appear in the proceedings of the 23rd ACM-SIAM Symposium on Discrete Algorithms, SODA 201

    Truncating the loop series expansion for Belief Propagation

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    Recently, M. Chertkov and V.Y. Chernyak derived an exact expression for the partition sum (normalization constant) corresponding to a graphical model, which is an expansion around the Belief Propagation solution. By adding correction terms to the BP free energy, one for each "generalized loop" in the factor graph, the exact partition sum is obtained. However, the usually enormous number of generalized loops generally prohibits summation over all correction terms. In this article we introduce Truncated Loop Series BP (TLSBP), a particular way of truncating the loop series of M. Chertkov and V.Y. Chernyak by considering generalized loops as compositions of simple loops. We analyze the performance of TLSBP in different scenarios, including the Ising model, regular random graphs and on Promedas, a large probabilistic medical diagnostic system. We show that TLSBP often improves upon the accuracy of the BP solution, at the expense of increased computation time. We also show that the performance of TLSBP strongly depends on the degree of interaction between the variables. For weak interactions, truncating the series leads to significant improvements, whereas for strong interactions it can be ineffective, even if a high number of terms is considered.Comment: 31 pages, 12 figures, submitted to Journal of Machine Learning Researc

    Efficient Algorithms with Asymmetric Read and Write Costs

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    In several emerging technologies for computer memory (main memory), the cost of reading is significantly cheaper than the cost of writing. Such asymmetry in memory costs poses a fundamentally different model from the RAM for algorithm design. In this paper we study lower and upper bounds for various problems under such asymmetric read and write costs. We consider both the case in which all but O(1) memory has asymmetric cost, and the case of a small cache of symmetric memory. We model both cases using the (M,omega)-ARAM, in which there is a small (symmetric) memory of size M and a large unbounded (asymmetric) memory, both random access, and where reading from the large memory has unit cost, but writing has cost omega >> 1. For FFT and sorting networks we show a lower bound cost of Omega(omega*n*log_{omega*M}(n)), which indicates that it is not possible to achieve asymptotic improvements with cheaper reads when omega is bounded by a polynomial in M. Moreover, there is an asymptotic gap (of min(omega,log(n)/log(omega*M)) between the cost of sorting networks and comparison sorting in the model. This contrasts with the RAM, and most other models, in which the asymptotic costs are the same. We also show a lower bound for computations on an n*n diamond DAG of Omega(omega*n^2/M) cost, which indicates no asymptotic improvement is achievable with fast reads. However, we show that for the minimum edit distance problem (and related problems), which would seem to be a diamond DAG, we can beat this lower bound with an algorithm with only O(omega*n^2/(M*min(omega^{1/3},M^{1/2}))) cost. To achieve this we make use of a "path sketch" technique that is forbidden in a strict DAG computation. Finally, we show several interesting upper bounds for shortest path problems, minimum spanning trees, and other problems. A common theme in many of the upper bounds is that they require redundant computation and a tradeoff between reads and writes

    Past, Present, and Future of Simultaneous Localization And Mapping: Towards the Robust-Perception Age

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    Simultaneous Localization and Mapping (SLAM)consists in the concurrent construction of a model of the environment (the map), and the estimation of the state of the robot moving within it. The SLAM community has made astonishing progress over the last 30 years, enabling large-scale real-world applications, and witnessing a steady transition of this technology to industry. We survey the current state of SLAM. We start by presenting what is now the de-facto standard formulation for SLAM. We then review related work, covering a broad set of topics including robustness and scalability in long-term mapping, metric and semantic representations for mapping, theoretical performance guarantees, active SLAM and exploration, and other new frontiers. This paper simultaneously serves as a position paper and tutorial to those who are users of SLAM. By looking at the published research with a critical eye, we delineate open challenges and new research issues, that still deserve careful scientific investigation. The paper also contains the authors' take on two questions that often animate discussions during robotics conferences: Do robots need SLAM? and Is SLAM solved

    Magnetic suspension turbine flow meter

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    Measurement of liquid flow in certain area such as industrial plant is in critical. Inaccurate measurement can cause serious result. Most of the liquid flow are using Bernoulli principle‘s but in turbine flow meter the flow rate is determine differently by using kinetic energy. Turbine flow meter is one of flow rate transducer that widely used in metallurgical, petroleum, chemical and other industrial and agricultural areas, as shown in Figure 1.1. It is present as high precision of flow meter and when fluid flow troughs it the impeller that faces the fluid will rotate due to flow force exist. The rotation speed is directly proportional to the speed of fluid. During the process, the working states of impeller and bearing are very complicated due the interactive effects from the fluid axial thrust, impeller rotating, and static and dynamic components. In current turbine flow meter design, the common material use for meter bulk body is 1Cr18Ni9Ti, while for the blade 2Gr13 are used. Axis and bearing are made from stainless steel or carbide alloy. The space between the axis and bearing determines it minimum flow rate and life span, and also determines its measurement range (1:10~1:15 - maximum flow rate to minimum flow rate). Since the turbine has movable parts it can produce friction between the axis and ring during the operation. This will cause accuracy of the measurement decrease and can damage the impeller blade. In this research, the friction can be reduced by adopting the principle of magnetic suspension. Rotating shaft will levitate in the magnetic field due to the forces. Friction coefficient reduced because of rotating shaft rotates without abrasion and mechanical contact in space