9 research outputs found

    Mainan Elektronik Genggam Eido Sebagai Inovasi Perangkat Pembelajaran Mikrokontroler Dan Pemrograman C

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    Terdapat persepsi yang kuat dikalangan mahasiswa bahwa mata kuliah terkait pemrograman perangkat keras dan mikrokontroler merupakan mata kuliah yang sukar dimengerti. Rendahnya motivasi belajar, metode penyampaian kuliah yang tidak merangsang kreativitas, serta ketiadaan perangkat belajar mandiri menjadi penyebab munculnya keadaan tersebut. EIDO adalah perangkat pembelajaran inovatif berbentuk mainan elektronik genggam (handhel electronic game) yang dapat diprogram ulang berbasis bahasa pemrograman C. Eido dibuat dengan mengintegrasikan mikrokontroler AVR dan program C agar dapat dimanfaatkan oleh penggunanya untuk menciptakan program permainanya sendiri. Tahapan perancangan dalam penelitian mengacu pada tahapan perancangan model pembelajaran Dick and Carey, yaitu analyze-design-develop-implement-evaluate, yang sesuai untuk diterapkan pada lingkungan pendidikan formal, khususnya pendidikan tinggi. Implementasi dan evaluasi diperoleh melalui penerapan algoritma dan pembuatan permainan ‘kelabang\u27, yang diadapsi dari permainan ualr klasik 2D pada mainan genggam elektronik

    La herramienta Kahoot! como propuesta innovadora de gamificación educativa en Educación Superior

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    En els darrers anys s'ha introduït la gamificació a les aules, entesa com a ús de tècniques, elements i dinàmiques pròpies dels jocs en entorns aliens al joc. En aquesta investigació, s'ha utilitzat una eina concreta de gamificació educativa, Kahoot!, plataforma gratuïta que integra el joc a l'activitat docent i requereix l'ús de dispositius mòbils. Es va treballar amb una mostra de 814 estudiants d'Educació Superior, de titulacions, cursos i assignatures diferents de la branca de Ciències Socials. Cada grup es va dividir en grup experimental (GE), encarregat de fer els kahoot, i grup control (GC) que cursaven l'assignatura però no feien els kahoot. L'objectiu principal era millorar el rendiment dels alumnes universitaris amb l'ús del kahoot. Els objectius específics proposats eren fomentar l'assistència a les classes, reforçar l'adquisició i el repàs de continguts i conèixer l'opinió dels participants. L'ANOVA confirma que els estudiants que van fer els kahoot van obtenir millors qualificacions que els que no els havien fet. Tot i això, la realització dels kahoot per si sola no és predictora de l'èxit acadèmic. Poden influir altres variables com l'assistència a les classes.In recent years, gamification has been introduced in the classroom, understood as the use of techniques, elements, and dynamics typical of games in non-gaming environments. In this research, a specific educational took has been used, Kahoot!, a free platform that integrates the game into classroom activities and requires the use of mobile devices. The sample consists of 814 Higher Education students from different degrees, courses, and subjects in the branch of Social Sciences. Each group was divided into an experimental group (EG), that played the kahoot, and a control group (CG) that was taking the same subject but didn’t play the kahoot. The main was to improve students’ performance with the use of kahoot. The specific objectives proposed were to encourage class attendance, to reinforce the acquisition and review of the contents, and to learn the opinion of the students about the tool. The ANOVA confirms that the students who played the kahoot obtained better grades than those who had not. However, the use of kahoot is not a predictor of academic success by itself. Other variables such as class attendance might influence it.En los últimos años se ha introducido la gamificación en las aulas, entendida como el uso de técnicas, elementos y dinámicas propias de los juegos en entornos ajenos al juego. En esta investigación, se ha utilizado una herramienta concreta de gamificación educativa, Kahoot!, plataforma gratuita que integra el juego en la actividad docente y requiere el uso de dispositivos móviles. Se trabajó con una muestra de 814 estudiantes de Educación Superior, de titulaciones, cursos y asignaturas diferentes en la rama de Ciencias Sociales. Cada grupo se dividió en grupo experimental (GE), encargado de realizar los kahoot, y grupo control (GC) que cursaban la asignatura pero no hacían los kahoot. El objetivo principal era mejorar el rendimiento de los alumnos universitarios con el empleo del kahoot. Los objetivos específicos propuestos eran fomentar la asistencia a las clases, reforzar la adquisición y el repaso de contenidos y conocer la opinión de los participantes. El ANOVA confirma que los estudiantes que realizaron los kahoot obtuvieron mejores calificaciones que los que no los habían hecho. Sin embargo, la realización de los kahoot por sí sola no es predictora del éxito académico. Pueden influir otras variables como la asistencia a las clases

    Using Commercial Games to Support Teaching in Higher Education

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    Commercial games are those that are distributed primarily for entertainment. Because of their immersive and engaging characteristics, they are often used as teaching tools in Higher Education. However, it is not clear exactly how faculty members incorporate the games to their courses. This study analyzes the way commercial video games are used as an instructional tool in Higher Education. This study took a qualitative multiple-case approach. Three cases were studied pertaining to the games Minecraft, World of Warcraft, and SimCity. Fourteen faculty members who have used commercial video games as part of their courses were interviewed. Courses’ syllabi, calendars, and descriptions of assignments were also considered. Results of this study show that participants are influenced by their experience, personal and research interests, perceptions, and popularity of the games. Participants used the games as different types of media such as video, virtual environments or simulations. Participants tended to choose the game first, then figured out the pedagogy. They integrated the games at different levels: to illustrate something, as an object of study, as a context for class related activities, as a production tool, and as a context to apply theory. Overall, participants’ experiences using the games for teaching was positive but the majority only used games to support the teaching of lower order thinking skills and many did not proceed with game play according to pedagogical practices recommended by education specialists. Opportunities and limitations were specific to each game with the exception of technical issues and lack of informational resources on how to play the games

    Integrating digital devices and (social media) applications during lecture time in a Saudi University: Students’ and lecturers’ views on blended synchronous approaches

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    This research study aimed to explore potential issues regarding the integration of digital learning technology into the Higher Education sector in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia (KSA). Although the KSA government has promoted a strategic approach over recent years to support universities to enhance their learning and teaching, university academics and students have not extensively experienced learning technology use in their courses. A predominantly traditional approach to teaching has been followed in lecture theatres. Thus, the first stage of this research study sought to identify the challenges universities, academics, and students encounter when adopting learning technology, according to recently published studies. After identifying common constraints regarding the use of technology for educational purposes in the KSA HE sectors, focused research projects were conducted to explore students’ and academics’ views, behaviours, and attitudes towards the integration of technology into their modules. The three research projects were conducted at three different Umm Al-Qura University Schools, English, Architecture, and Computer Science, to identify whether there was any significant difference between the three Schools in terms of student and lecturer intentions to use technology in their learning and teaching respectively, as well as in terms of student engagement when web-based applications are integrated into various modules. The pilot study was conducted at a university comprising a large population of students and academics. The three Schools had differently designed curricula. One of the main challenges the students and academics faced, which prevented them from using learning technology in the lecture theatre, related to the University’s unreliable infrastructure. The first-year project explored students’ behaviours when they brought their digital device(s) into lecture theatres to support their learning. Social Cognitive Theory was applied to explore student behaviours, while a combination of quantitative and qualitative methodologies provided a depth understanding of the role of technology in their learning process. No significant difference between the three Schools emerged regarding student self-regulation, while students did become distracted by digital devices, especially when the teaching delivery process was not sufficiently engaging. Finally, although the Saudi students were willing to bring their own digital devices into the lecture theatre to support their learning, their lecturers mainly felt reluctant about using learning technology to support their teaching, and, in some cases refused to allow students to access their devices during lectures. This finding prompted a second research project to investigate academics’ intentions when using learning technology to support their teaching in the lecture theatre. The Technology Acceptance Model was applied to examine Saudi university academics’ attitudes towards technology using a quantitative methodology. This revealed that for lecturers, usefulness, and ease of use of learning technology were the main factors influencing their intentions. From the lecturers’ qualitative responses, it emerged that they were reluctant to use digital applications in their lecture sessions because they felt unable to monitor their students’ learning process. By comparing the findings from the previous studies, including the literature review, a final third research project was conducted to explore students’ and academics’ views regarding learning engagement when two easy-to-use web-based applications, Kahoot and Padlet, were integrated into a Blended Synchronous Teaching and Learning approach. Although training sessions were delivered and supplementary materials were designed to assist students and lecturers, the latter designed their teaching and learning activities based on their lecture topics and module learning outcomes. Overall, students felt engaged with the teaching, as they enjoyed the learning process and did not note any differences between the three Schools. Lecturers also appreciated that by using these web-based applications, they could facilitate lecture discussions with their students and provide feedback in real time-time while they monitored students’ learning process over the teaching process. This final research project was conducted during the COVID-19 pandemic (first lockdown). Both students and academics mentioned the importance of using learning technology to support face-to-face and online teaching. Overall, the finding of this research study provided useful information regarding the learning technology integration process into the KSA HE sector from the lecturer and student perspectives, assisting the government and universities to re-evaluate their procedures (i.e., Bring Your Own Device policy, selection of digital applications which are easy to use for academics and students, support the teaching and learning process and are enjoyable for university students and easy for lecturers to track student learning). Further study in this area could support universities to implement the KSA government technology-enhanced learning strategic approach