3,145 research outputs found

    Extended MacMahon-Schwinger's Master Theorem and Conformal Wavelets in Complex Minkowski Space

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    We construct the Continuous Wavelet Transform (CWT) on the homogeneous space (Cartan domain) D_4=SO(4,2)/(SO(4)\times SO(2)) of the conformal group SO(4,2) (locally isomorphic to SU(2,2)) in 1+3 dimensions. The manifold D_4 can be mapped one-to-one onto the future tube domain C^4_+ of the complex Minkowski space through a Cayley transformation, where other kind of (electromagnetic) wavelets have already been proposed in the literature. We study the unitary irreducible representations of the conformal group on the Hilbert spaces L^2_h(D_4,d\nu_\lambda) and L^2_h(C^4_+,d\tilde\nu_\lambda) of square integrable holomorphic functions with scale dimension \lambda and continuous mass spectrum, prove the isomorphism (equivariance) between both Hilbert spaces, admissibility and tight-frame conditions, provide reconstruction formulas and orthonormal basis of homogeneous polynomials and discuss symmetry properties and the Euclidean limit of the proposed conformal wavelets. For that purpose, we firstly state and prove a \lambda-extension of Schwinger's Master Theorem (SMT), which turns out to be a useful mathematical tool for us, particularly as a generating function for the unitary-representation functions of the conformal group and for the derivation of the reproducing (Bergman) kernel of L^2_h(D_4,d\nu_\lambda). SMT is related to MacMahon's Master Theorem (MMT) and an extension of both in terms of Louck's SU(N) solid harmonics is also provided for completeness. Convergence conditions are also studied.Comment: LaTeX, 40 pages, three new Sections and six new references added. To appear in ACH

    Algebraic Structures in the Coupling of Gravity to Gauge Theories

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    This article is an extension of the author's second master thesis [1]. It aims to introduce to the theory of perturbatively quantized General Relativity coupled to Spinor Electrodynamics, provide the results thereof and set the notation to serve as a starting point for further research in this direction. It includes the differential geometric and Hopf algebraic background, as well as the corresponding Lagrange density and some renormalization theory. Then, a particular problem in the renormalization of Quantum General Relativity coupled to Quantum Electrodynamics is addressed and solved by a generalization of Furry's Theorem. Next, the restricted combinatorial Green's functions for all two-loop propagators and all one-loop divergent subgraphs thereof are presented. Finally, relations between these one-loop restricted combinatorial Green's functions necessary for multiplicative renormalization are discussed. Keywords: Quantum Field Theory; Quantum Gravity; Quantum General Relativity; Quantum Electrodynamics; Perturbative Quantization; Hopf Algebraic RenormalizationComment: 57 pages, 259 Feynman diagrams, article; minor revisions; version to appear in Annals of Physic

    A remark on the Alexandrov-Fenchel inequality

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    In this article, we give a complex-geometric proof of the Alexandrov-Fenchel inequality without using toric compactifications. The idea is to use the Legendre transform and develop the Brascamp-Lieb proof of the Pr\'ekopa theorem. New ingredients in our proof include an integration of Timorin's mixed Hodge-Riemann bilinear relation and a mixed norm version of H\"ormander's L2L^2-estimate, which also implies a non-compact version of the Khovanski\u{i}-Teissier inequality.Comment: New version, "on line first" in Journal of Functional Analysis: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jfa.2018.01.01

    A curvature formula associated to a family of pseudoconvex domains

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    We shall give a definition of the curvature operator for a family of weighted Bergman spaces {Ht}\{\mathcal H_t\} associated to a smooth family of smoothly bounded strongly pseudoconvex domains {Dt}\{D_t\}. In order to study the boundary term in the curvature operator, we shall introduce the notion of geodesic curvature for the associated family of boundaries {∂Dt}\{\partial D_t\}. As an application, we get a variation formula for the norms of Bergman projections of currents with compact support. A flatness criterion for {Ht}\{\mathcal H_t\} and its applications to triviality of fibrations are also given in this paper.Comment: 35 pages, to appear in Annales de l'Institut Fourie

    Temporal Lorentzian Spectral Triples

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    We present the notion of temporal Lorentzian spectral triple which is an extension of the notion of pseudo-Riemannian spectral triple with a way to ensure that the signature of the metric is Lorentzian. A temporal Lorentzian spectral triple corresponds to a specific 3+1 decomposition of a possibly noncommutative Lorentzian space. This structure introduces a notion of global time in noncommutative geometry. As an example, we construct a temporal Lorentzian spectral triple over a Moyal--Minkowski spacetime. We show that, when time is commutative, the algebra can be extended to unbounded elements. Using such an extension, it is possible to define a Lorentzian distance formula between pure states with a well-defined noncommutative formulation.Comment: 25 pages, a proposition has been added (Prop. 11) concerning the recovering of the Lorentzian signature, final versio

    The global nonlinear stability of Minkowski space. Einstein equations, f(R)-modified gravity, and Klein-Gordon fields

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    We study the initial value problem for two fundamental theories of gravity, that is, Einstein's field equations of general relativity and the (fourth-order) field equations of f(R) modified gravity. For both of these physical theories, we investigate the global dynamics of a self-gravitating massive matter field when an initial data set is prescribed on an asymptotically flat and spacelike hypersurface, provided these data are sufficiently close to data in Minkowski spacetime. Under such conditions, we thus establish the global nonlinear stability of Minkowski spacetime in presence of massive matter. In addition, we provide a rigorous mathematical validation of the f(R) theory based on analyzing a singular limit problem, when the function f(R) arising in the generalized Hilbert-Einstein functional approaches the scalar curvature function R of the standard Hilbert-Einstein functional. In this limit we prove that f(R) Cauchy developments converge to Einstein's Cauchy developments in the regime close to Minkowski space. Our proofs rely on a new strategy, introduced here and referred to as the Euclidian-Hyperboloidal Foliation Method (EHFM). This is a major extension of the Hyperboloidal Foliation Method (HFM) which we used earlier for the Einstein-massive field system but for a restricted class of initial data. Here, the data are solely assumed to satisfy an asymptotic flatness condition and be small in a weighted energy norm. These results for matter spacetimes provide a significant extension to the existing stability theory for vacuum spacetimes, developed by Christodoulou and Klainerman and revisited by Lindblad and Rodnianski.Comment: 127 pages. Selected chapters from a boo
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