2,300 research outputs found

    Dior-CVAE: Diffusion Priors in Variational Dialog Generation

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    Conditional variational autoencoders (CVAEs) have been used recently for diverse response generation, by introducing latent variables to represent the relationship between a dialog context and its potential responses. However, the diversity of the generated responses brought by a CVAE model is limited due to the oversimplified assumption of the isotropic Gaussian prior. We propose, Dior-CVAE, a hierarchical CVAE model with an informative prior produced by a diffusion model. Dior-CVAE derives a series of layer-wise latent variables using attention mechanism and infusing them into decoder layers accordingly. We propose memory dropout in the latent infusion to alleviate posterior collapse. The prior distribution of the latent variables is parameterized by a diffusion model to introduce a multimodal distribution. Overall, experiments on two popular open-domain dialog datasets indicate the advantages of our approach over previous Transformer-based variational dialog models in dialog response generation. We publicly release the code for reproducing Dior-CVAE and all baselines at https://github.com/SkyFishMoon/Latent-Diffusion-Response-Generation

    Neural approaches to dialog modeling

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    Cette thèse par article se compose de quatre articles qui contribuent au domaine de l’apprentissage profond, en particulier dans la compréhension et l’apprentissage des ap- proches neuronales des systèmes de dialogue. Le premier article fait un pas vers la compréhension si les architectures de dialogue neuronal couramment utilisées capturent efficacement les informations présentes dans l’historique des conversations. Grâce à une série d’expériences de perturbation sur des ensembles de données de dialogue populaires, nous constatons que les architectures de dialogue neuronal couramment utilisées comme les modèles seq2seq récurrents et basés sur des transformateurs sont rarement sensibles à la plupart des perturbations du contexte d’entrée telles que les énoncés manquants ou réorganisés, les mots mélangés, etc. Le deuxième article propose d’améliorer la qualité de génération de réponse dans les systèmes de dialogue de domaine ouvert en modélisant conjointement les énoncés avec les attributs de dialogue de chaque énoncé. Les attributs de dialogue d’un énoncé se réfèrent à des caractéristiques ou des aspects discrets associés à un énoncé comme les actes de dialogue, le sentiment, l’émotion, l’identité du locuteur, la personnalité du locuteur, etc. Le troisième article présente un moyen simple et économique de collecter des ensembles de données à grande échelle pour modéliser des systèmes de dialogue orientés tâche. Cette approche évite l’exigence d’un schéma d’annotation d’arguments complexes. La version initiale de l’ensemble de données comprend 13 215 dialogues basés sur des tâches comprenant six domaines et environ 8 000 entités nommées uniques, presque 8 fois plus que l’ensemble de données MultiWOZ populaire.This thesis by article consists of four articles which contribute to the field of deep learning, specifically in understanding and learning neural approaches to dialog systems. The first article takes a step towards understanding if commonly used neural dialog architectures effectively capture the information present in the conversation history. Through a series of perturbation experiments on popular dialog datasets, wefindthatcommonly used neural dialog architectures like recurrent and transformer-based seq2seq models are rarely sensitive to most input context perturbations such as missing or reordering utterances, shuffling words, etc. The second article introduces a simple and cost-effective way to collect large scale datasets for modeling task-oriented dialog systems. This approach avoids the requirement of a com-plex argument annotation schema. The initial release of the dataset includes 13,215 task-based dialogs comprising six domains and around 8k unique named entities, almost 8 times more than the popular MultiWOZ dataset. The third article proposes to improve response generation quality in open domain dialog systems by jointly modeling the utterances with the dialog attributes of each utterance. Dialog attributes of an utterance refer to discrete features or aspects associated with an utterance like dialog-acts, sentiment, emotion, speaker identity, speaker personality, etc. The final article introduces an embedding-free method to compute word representations on-the-fly. This approach significantly reduces the memory footprint which facilitates de-ployment in on-device (memory constraints) devices. Apart from being independent of the vocabulary size, we find this approach to be inherently resilient to common misspellings

    ValueNet: A New Dataset for Human Value Driven Dialogue System

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    Building a socially intelligent agent involves many challenges, one of which is to teach the agent to speak guided by its value like a human. However, value-driven chatbots are still understudied in the area of dialogue systems. Most existing datasets focus on commonsense reasoning or social norm modeling. In this work, we present a new large-scale human value dataset called ValueNet, which contains human attitudes on 21,374 text scenarios. The dataset is organized in ten dimensions that conform to the basic human value theory in intercultural research. We further develop a Transformer-based value regression model on ValueNet to learn the utility distribution. Comprehensive empirical results show that the learned value model could benefit a wide range of dialogue tasks. For example, by teaching a generative agent with reinforcement learning and the rewards from the value model, our method attains state-of-the-art performance on the personalized dialog generation dataset: Persona-Chat. With values as additional features, existing emotion recognition models enable capturing rich human emotions in the context, which further improves the empathetic response generation performance in the EmpatheticDialogues dataset. To the best of our knowledge, ValueNet is the first large-scale text dataset for human value modeling, and we are the first one trying to incorporate a value model into emotionally intelligent dialogue systems. The dataset is available at https://liang-qiu.github.io/ValueNet/.Comment: Paper accepted by AAAI 202

    Improving Conversational Recommender System via Contextual and Time-Aware Modeling with Less Domain-Specific Knowledge

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    Conversational Recommender Systems (CRS) has become an emerging research topic seeking to perform recommendations through interactive conversations, which generally consist of generation and recommendation modules. Prior work on CRS tends to incorporate more external and domain-specific knowledge like item reviews to enhance performance. Despite the fact that the collection and annotation of the external domain-specific information needs much human effort and degenerates the generalizability, too much extra knowledge introduces more difficulty to balance among them. Therefore, we propose to fully discover and extract internal knowledge from the context. We capture both entity-level and contextual-level representations to jointly model user preferences for the recommendation, where a time-aware attention is designed to emphasize the recently appeared items in entity-level representations. We further use the pre-trained BART to initialize the generation module to alleviate the data scarcity and enhance the context modeling. In addition to conducting experiments on a popular dataset (ReDial), we also include a multi-domain dataset (OpenDialKG) to show the effectiveness of our model. Experiments on both datasets show that our model achieves better performance on most evaluation metrics with less external knowledge and generalizes well to other domains. Additional analyses on the recommendation and generation tasks demonstrate the effectiveness of our model in different scenarios

    Can Large Language Models Be Good Companions? An LLM-Based Eyewear System with Conversational Common Ground

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    Developing chatbots as personal companions has long been a goal of artificial intelligence researchers. Recent advances in Large Language Models (LLMs) have delivered a practical solution for endowing chatbots with anthropomorphic language capabilities. However, it takes more than LLMs to enable chatbots that can act as companions. Humans use their understanding of individual personalities to drive conversations. Chatbots also require this capability to enable human-like companionship. They should act based on personalized, real-time, and time-evolving knowledge of their owner. We define such essential knowledge as the \textit{common ground} between chatbots and their owners, and we propose to build a common-ground-aware dialogue system from an LLM-based module, named \textit{OS-1}, to enable chatbot companionship. Hosted by eyewear, OS-1 can sense the visual and audio signals the user receives and extract real-time contextual semantics. Those semantics are categorized and recorded to formulate historical contexts from which the user's profile is distilled and evolves over time, i.e., OS-1 gradually learns about its user. OS-1 combines knowledge from real-time semantics, historical contexts, and user-specific profiles to produce a common-ground-aware prompt input into the LLM module. The LLM's output is converted to audio, spoken to the wearer when appropriate.We conduct laboratory and in-field studies to assess OS-1's ability to build common ground between the chatbot and its user. The technical feasibility and capabilities of the system are also evaluated. OS-1, with its common-ground awareness, can significantly improve user satisfaction and potentially lead to downstream tasks such as personal emotional support and assistance.Comment: 36 pages, 25 figures, Under review at ACM IMWU