1,870 research outputs found

    The Assessment of Technology Adoption Interventions and Outcome Achievement Related to the Use of a Clinical Research Data Warehouse

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    Introduction: While funding for research has declined since 2004, the need for rapid, innovative, and lifesaving clinical and translational research has never been greater due to the rise in chronic health conditions, which have resulted in lower life expectancy and higher rates of mortality and adverse outcomes. Finding effective diagnostic and treatment methods to address the complex challenges in individual and population health will require a team science approach, creating the need for multidisciplinary collaboration among practitioners and researchers. To address this need, the National Institutes of Health (NIH) created the Clinical and Translational Science Awards (CTSA) program. The CTSA program distributes funds to a national network of medical research institutions, known as “hubs,” that work together to improve the translational research process. With this funding, each hub is required to achieve specific goals to support clinical and translational research teams by providing a variety of services, including cutting edge use of informatics technologies. As a result, the majority of CTSA recipients have implemented and maintain data warehouses, which combine disparate data types from a range of clinical and administrative sources, include data from multiple institutions, and support a variety of workflows. These data warehouses provide comprehensive sets of data that extend beyond the contents of a single EHR system and provide more valuable information for translational research. Although significant research has been conducted related to this technology, gaps exist regarding research team adoption of data warehouses. As a result, more information is needed to understand how data warehouses are adopted and what outcomes are achieved when using them. Specifically, this study focuses on three gaps: research team awareness of data warehouses, the outcomes of data warehouse training for research teams, and how to measure objectively outcomes achieved after training. By assessing and measuring data warehouse use, this study aims to provide a greater understanding of data warehouse adoption and the outcomes achieved. With this understanding, the most effective and efficient development, implementation, and maintenance strategies can be used to increase the return on investment for these resource-intensive technologies. In addition, technologies can be better designed to ensure they are meeting the needs of clinical and translational science in the 21st century and beyond. Methods: During the study period, presentations were held to raise awareness of data warehouse technology. In addition, training sessions were provided that focused on the use of data warehouses for research projects. To assess the impact of the presentations and training sessions, pre- and post-assessments gauged knowledge and likelihood to use the technology. As objective measurements, the number of data warehouse access and training requests were obtained, and audit trails were reviewed to assess trainee activities within the data warehouse. Finally, trainees completed a 30-day post-training assessment to provide information about barriers and benefits of the technology. Results: Key study findings suggest that the awareness presentations and training were successful in increasing research team knowledge of data warehouses and likelihood to use this technology, but did not result in a subsequent increase in access or training requests within the study period. In addition, 24% of trainees completed the associated data warehouse activities to achieve their intended outcomes within 30 days of training. The time needed for adopting the technology, the ease of use of data warehouses, the types of support available, and the data available within the data warehouse may all be factors influencing this completion rate. Conclusion: The key finding of this study is that data warehouse awareness presentations and training sessions are insufficient to result in research team adoption of the technology within a three-month study period. Several important implications can be drawn from this finding. First, the timeline for technology adoption requires further investigation, although it is likely longer than 90 days. Future assessments of technology adoption should include an individual’s timeline for pursuing the use of that technology. Second, this study provided a definition for outcome achievement, which was completion o

    An Evaluation of the Use of a Clinical Research Data Warehouse and I2b2 Infrastructure to Facilitate Replication of Research

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    Replication of clinical research is requisite for forming effective clinical decisions and guidelines. While rerunning a clinical trial may be unethical and prohibitively expensive, the adoption of EHRs and the infrastructure for distributed research networks provide access to clinical data for observational and retrospective studies. Herein I demonstrate a means of using these tools to validate existing results and extend the findings to novel populations. I describe the process of evaluating published risk models as well as local data and infrastructure to assess the replicability of the study. I use an example of a risk model unable to be replicated as well as a study of in-hospital mortality risk I replicated using UNMC’s clinical research data warehouse. In these examples and other studies we have participated in, some elements are commonly missing or under-developed. One such missing element is a consistent and computable phenotype for pregnancy status based on data recorded in the EHR. I survey local clinical data and identify a number of variables correlated with pregnancy as well as demonstrate the data required to identify the temporal bounds of a pregnancy episode. Next, another common obstacle to replicating risk models is the necessity of linking to alternative data sources while maintaining data in a de-identified database. I demonstrate a pipeline for linking clinical data to socioeconomic variables and indices obtained from the American Community Survey (ACS). While these data are location-based, I provide a method for storing them in a HIPAA compliant fashion so as not to identify a patient’s location. While full and efficient replication of all clinical studies is still a future goal, the demonstration of replication as well as beginning the development of a computable phenotype for pregnancy and the incorporation of location based data in a de-identified data warehouse demonstrate how the EHR data and a research infrastructure may be used to facilitate this effort

    LeafAI: query generator for clinical cohort discovery rivaling a human programmer

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    Objective: Identifying study-eligible patients within clinical databases is a critical step in clinical research. However, accurate query design typically requires extensive technical and biomedical expertise. We sought to create a system capable of generating data model-agnostic queries while also providing novel logical reasoning capabilities for complex clinical trial eligibility criteria. Materials and Methods: The task of query creation from eligibility criteria requires solving several text-processing problems, including named entity recognition and relation extraction, sequence-to-sequence transformation, normalization, and reasoning. We incorporated hybrid deep learning and rule-based modules for these, as well as a knowledge base of the Unified Medical Language System (UMLS) and linked ontologies. To enable data-model agnostic query creation, we introduce a novel method for tagging database schema elements using UMLS concepts. To evaluate our system, called LeafAI, we compared the capability of LeafAI to a human database programmer to identify patients who had been enrolled in 8 clinical trials conducted at our institution. We measured performance by the number of actual enrolled patients matched by generated queries. Results: LeafAI matched a mean 43% of enrolled patients with 27,225 eligible across 8 clinical trials, compared to 27% matched and 14,587 eligible in queries by a human database programmer. The human programmer spent 26 total hours crafting queries compared to several minutes by LeafAI. Conclusions: Our work contributes a state-of-the-art data model-agnostic query generation system capable of conditional reasoning using a knowledge base. We demonstrate that LeafAI can rival a human programmer in finding patients eligible for clinical trials

    Three Essays on Enhancing Clinical Trial Subject Recruitment Using Natural Language Processing and Text Mining

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    Patient recruitment and enrollment are critical factors for a successful clinical trial; however, recruitment tends to be the most common problem in most clinical trials. The success of a clinical trial depends on efficiently recruiting suitable patients to conduct the trial. Every clinical trial research has a protocol, which describes what will be done in the study and how it will be conducted. Also, the protocol ensures the safety of the trial subjects and the integrity of the data collected. The eligibility criteria section of clinical trial protocols is important because it specifies the necessary conditions that participants have to satisfy. Since clinical trial eligibility criteria are usually written in free text form, they are not computer interpretable. To automate the analysis of the eligibility criteria, it is therefore necessary to transform those criteria into a computer-interpretable format. Unstructured format of eligibility criteria additionally create search efficiency issues. Thus, searching and selecting appropriate clinical trials for a patient from relatively large number of available trials is a complex task. A few attempts have been made to automate the matching process between patients and clinical trials. However, those attempts have not fully integrated the entire matching process and have not exploited the state-of-the-art Natural Language Processing (NLP) techniques that may improve the matching performance. Given the importance of patient recruitment in clinical trial research, the objective of this research is to automate the matching process using NLP and text mining techniques and, thereby, improve the efficiency and effectiveness of the recruitment process. This dissertation research, which comprises three essays, investigates the issues of clinical trial subject recruitment using state-of-the-art NLP and text mining techniques. Essay 1: Building a Domain-Specific Lexicon for Clinical Trial Subject Eligibility Analysis Essay 2: Clustering Clinical Trials Using Semantic-Based Feature Expansion Essay 3: An Automatic Matching Process of Clinical Trial Subject Recruitment In essay1, I develop a domain-specific lexicon for n-gram Named Entity Recognition (NER) in the breast cancer domain. The domain-specific dictionary is used for selection and reduction of n-gram features in clustering in eassy2. The domain-specific dictionary was evaluated by comparing it with Systematized Nomenclature of Medicine--Clinical Terms (SNOMED CT). The results showed that it add significant number of new terms which is very useful in effective natural language processing In essay 2, I explore the clustering of similar clinical trials using the domain-specific lexicon and term expansion using synonym from the Unified Medical Language System (UMLS). I generate word n-gram features and modify the features with the domain-specific dictionary matching process. In order to resolve semantic ambiguity, a semantic-based feature expansion technique using UMLS is applied. A hierarchical agglomerative clustering algorithm is used to generate clinical trial clusters. The focus is on summarization of clinical trial information in order to enhance trial search efficiency. Finally, in essay 3, I investigate an automatic matching process of clinical trial clusters and patient medical records. The patient records collected from a prior study were used to test our approach. The patient records were pre-processed by tokenization and lemmatization. The pre-processed patient information were then further enhanced by matching with breast cancer custom dictionary described in essay 1 and semantic feature expansion using UMLS Metathesaurus. Finally, I matched the patient record with clinical trial clusters to select the best matched cluster(s) and then with trials within the clusters. The matching results were evaluated by internal expert as well as external medical expert

    A comparison of statistical machine learning methods in heartbeat detection and classification

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    In health care, patients with heart problems require quick responsiveness in a clinical setting or in the operating theatre. Towards that end, automated classification of heartbeats is vital as some heartbeat irregularities are time consuming to detect. Therefore, analysis of electro-cardiogram (ECG) signals is an active area of research. The methods proposed in the literature depend on the structure of a heartbeat cycle. In this paper, we use interval and amplitude based features together with a few samples from the ECG signal as a feature vector. We studied a variety of classification algorithms focused especially on a type of arrhythmia known as the ventricular ectopic fibrillation (VEB). We compare the performance of the classifiers against algorithms proposed in the literature and make recommendations regarding features, sampling rate, and choice of the classifier to apply in a real-time clinical setting. The extensive study is based on the MIT-BIH arrhythmia database. Our main contribution is the evaluation of existing classifiers over a range sampling rates, recommendation of a detection methodology to employ in a practical setting, and extend the notion of a mixture of experts to a larger class of algorithms

    Electronic health record data quality assessment and tools: A systematic review

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    OBJECTIVE: We extended a 2013 literature review on electronic health record (EHR) data quality assessment approaches and tools to determine recent improvements or changes in EHR data quality assessment methodologies. MATERIALS AND METHODS: We completed a systematic review of PubMed articles from 2013 to April 2023 that discussed the quality assessment of EHR data. We screened and reviewed papers for the dimensions and methods defined in the original 2013 manuscript. We categorized papers as data quality outcomes of interest, tools, or opinion pieces. We abstracted and defined additional themes and methods though an iterative review process. RESULTS: We included 103 papers in the review, of which 73 were data quality outcomes of interest papers, 22 were tools, and 8 were opinion pieces. The most common dimension of data quality assessed was completeness, followed by correctness, concordance, plausibility, and currency. We abstracted conformance and bias as 2 additional dimensions of data quality and structural agreement as an additional methodology. DISCUSSION: There has been an increase in EHR data quality assessment publications since the original 2013 review. Consistent dimensions of EHR data quality continue to be assessed across applications. Despite consistent patterns of assessment, there still does not exist a standard approach for assessing EHR data quality. CONCLUSION: Guidelines are needed for EHR data quality assessment to improve the efficiency, transparency, comparability, and interoperability of data quality assessment. These guidelines must be both scalable and flexible. Automation could be helpful in generalizing this process