7 research outputs found

    Extending TLS with KMIP protocol for cloud computing

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    Š 2016 IEEE. Any information system using encryption tends to have its own key management infrastructure. In practice, we find a separate key management systems dedicated to application encryption, or database encryption, or file encryption etc. This emergent needs to several key management systems and multiple cryptographic algorithms are resolved by the new Key Management Interoperability Protocol (KMIP). This work specifies how the Key Management Interoperability Protocol (KMIP) can be included in Transport Layer Security (TLS) protocol in order to provide additional security features, flexibility, interoperability and authentication specially in distributed systems like Cloud Computing. Till now, authentication in TLS is limited to digital certificate and Kerberos. In this paper, we use the Key Management Interoperability Protocol to make an additional authentication option for TLS and we reduce handshake latency to 0-RTT for repeated handshakes and 1-RTT for full handshakes. We specify also the KMIP-TLS extension and its formal validation with AVISPA tool

    A security concept for distributed data processing systems

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    Today, the amount of raw data available is abundant. As only a small part of this data is in a form fit for further processing, there is many data left to analyze and process. At the same time, cloud services are ubiquitous and allow even small businesses to perform large tasks of distributed data processing without the significant costs required for a suitable computational infrastructure. However, as more and more users transfer their data into the cloud for processing and storage, concerns about data security arise. An extensive review of data security research in today's cloud solutions confirms these concerns to be justified. The existing strategies for securing one's data are not adequate for many use cases. Therefore, this work proposes a holistic security concept for distributed data processing in the cloud. For the purpose of providing security in heterogeneous cloud environments, it statically analyzes a data flow prior to execution and determines the optimal security measurements. Without imposing strict requirements on the cloud services involved, it can be deployed in a broad range of scenarios. The concept's generic design can be adopted by existing data rocessing tools. An exemplary implementation is provided for the mashup tool FlexMash. Requirements, such as data confidentiality, integrity, access control, and scalability were evaluated to be met.Die heutige Menge an vorhandenen Daten ist enorm. Viele davon müssen zunächst verarbeitet und analysiert werden, da nur ein geringer Teil dieser Daten für die weitere Verarbeitung geeignet ist. Cloud-basierte Dienste sind allgegenwärtig und erlauben es auch kleineren Unternehmen Datenverarbeitung durchzuführen, ohne die Kosten von notwendiger Infrastruktur tragen zu müssen. Mit einer zunehmenden Zahl an Nutzern von Clouds wachsen jedoch auch Bedenken der Sicherheit. Eine ausführliche Durchsicht der aktuellen Forschung zu diesem Thema bestätigt diese Bedenken und existierende Strategien zur Sicherung der eigenen Daten berücksichtigen viele Fälle nicht. Daher stellt diese Arbeit ein ganzheitliches Sicherheitskonzept für die verteilte Datenverarbeitung in der Cloud vor. Damit Sicherheit in heterogenen Cloudumgebungen gewährleistet werden kann, wird ein Datenfluss vor der Ausführung statisch analysiert und es werden die für diesen Fluss optimalen Sicherheitsmaßnahmen festgelegt. Das Konzept besitzt einen breiten Anwendungsbereich, da keine straffen Anforderungen an die genutzten Dienste gestellt werden. Das generische Design des Konzepts ermöglicht eine einfache Integration in bereits existierende Datenverarbeitungsanwendungen, wie beispielhaft an FlexMash gezeigt wird. Anforderungen, wie die Vertraulichkeit von Daten, deren Integrität, Zugriffskontrolle und Skalierbarkeit des Systems konnten erreicht werden

    Internet of Things Applications - From Research and Innovation to Market Deployment

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    The book aims to provide a broad overview of various topics of Internet of Things from the research, innovation and development priorities to enabling technologies, nanoelectronics, cyber physical systems, architecture, interoperability and industrial applications. It is intended to be a standalone book in a series that covers the Internet of Things activities of the IERC – Internet of Things European Research Cluster from technology to international cooperation and the global "state of play".The book builds on the ideas put forward by the European research Cluster on the Internet of Things Strategic Research Agenda and presents global views and state of the art results on the challenges facing the research, development and deployment of IoT at the global level. Internet of Things is creating a revolutionary new paradigm, with opportunities in every industry from Health Care, Pharmaceuticals, Food and Beverage, Agriculture, Computer, Electronics Telecommunications, Automotive, Aeronautics, Transportation Energy and Retail to apply the massive potential of the IoT to achieving real-world solutions. The beneficiaries will include as well semiconductor companies, device and product companies, infrastructure software companies, application software companies, consulting companies, telecommunication and cloud service providers. IoT will create new revenues annually for these stakeholders, and potentially create substantial market share shakeups due to increased technology competition. The IoT will fuel technology innovation by creating the means for machines to communicate many different types of information with one another while contributing in the increased value of information created by the number of interconnections among things and the transformation of the processed information into knowledge shared into the Internet of Everything. The success of IoT depends strongly on enabling technology development, market acceptance and standardization, which provides interoperability, compatibility, reliability, and effective operations on a global scale. The connected devices are part of ecosystems connecting people, processes, data, and things which are communicating in the cloud using the increased storage and computing power and pushing for standardization of communication and metadata. In this context security, privacy, safety, trust have to be address by the product manufacturers through the life cycle of their products from design to the support processes. The IoT developments address the whole IoT spectrum - from devices at the edge to cloud and datacentres on the backend and everything in between, through ecosystems are created by industry, research and application stakeholders that enable real-world use cases to accelerate the Internet of Things and establish open interoperability standards and common architectures for IoT solutions. Enabling technologies such as nanoelectronics, sensors/actuators, cyber-physical systems, intelligent device management, smart gateways, telematics, smart network infrastructure, cloud computing and software technologies will create new products, new services, new interfaces by creating smart environments and smart spaces with applications ranging from Smart Cities, smart transport, buildings, energy, grid, to smart health and life. Technical topics discussed in the book include: • Introduction• Internet of Things Strategic Research and Innovation Agenda• Internet of Things in the industrial context: Time for deployment.• Integration of heterogeneous smart objects, applications and services• Evolution from device to semantic and business interoperability• Software define and virtualization of network resources• Innovation through interoperability and standardisation when everything is connected anytime at anyplace• Dynamic context-aware scalable and trust-based IoT Security, Privacy framework• Federated Cloud service management and the Internet of Things• Internet of Things Application

    Standards in Disruptive Innovation: Assessment Method and Application to Cloud Computing

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    Die Dissertation schlägt ein konzeptionelles Informationsmodell und eine Methode zur Bewertung von Technologie-Standards im Kontext von Disruptiven Innovationen vor. Das konzeptionelle Informationsmodell stellt die Grundlage zur Strukturierung relevanter Informationen dar. Die Methode definiert ein Prozessmodell, das die Instanziierung des Informationsmodells fßr verschiedenen Domänen beschreibt und Stakeholder bei der Klassifikation und Evaluation von Technologie-Standards unterstßtzt

    Sixth International Joint Conference on Electronic Voting E-Vote-ID 2021. 5-8 October 2021

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    This volume contains papers presented at E-Vote-ID 2021, the Sixth International Joint Conference on Electronic Voting, held during October 5-8, 2021. Due to the extraordinary situation provoked by Covid-19 Pandemic, the conference is held online for second consecutive edition, instead of in the traditional venue in Bregenz, Austria. E-Vote-ID Conference resulted from the merging of EVOTE and Vote-ID and counting up to 17 years since the _rst E-Vote conference in Austria. Since that conference in 2004, over 1000 experts have attended the venue, including scholars, practitioners, authorities, electoral managers, vendors, and PhD Students. The conference collected the most relevant debates on the development of Electronic Voting, from aspects relating to security and usability through to practical experiences and applications of voting systems, also including legal, social or political aspects, amongst others; turning out to be an important global referent in relation to this issue. Also, this year, the conference consisted of: ¡ Security, Usability and Technical Issues Track ¡ Administrative, Legal, Political and Social Issues Track ¡ Election and Practical Experiences Track ¡ PhD Colloquium, Poster and Demo Session on the day before the conference E-VOTE-ID 2021 received 49 submissions, being, each of them, reviewed by 3 to 5 program committee members, using a double blind review process. As a result, 27 papers were accepted for its presentation in the conference. The selected papers cover a wide range of topics connected with electronic voting, including experiences and revisions of the real uses of E-voting systems and corresponding processes in elections. We would also like to thank the German Informatics Society (Gesellschaft fßr Informatik) with its ECOM working group and KASTEL for their partnership over many years. Further we would like to thank the Swiss Federal Chancellery and the Regional Government of Vorarlberg for their kind support. EVote- ID 2021 conference is kindly supported through European Union's Horizon 2020 projects ECEPS (grant agreement 857622) and mGov4EU (grant agreement 959072). Special thanks go to the members of the international program committee for their hard work in reviewing, discussing, and shepherding papers. They ensured the high quality of these proceedings with their knowledge and experience

    Electronic Voting: 6th International Joint Conference, E-Vote-ID 2021, Virtual Event, October 5–8, 2021: proceedings

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    This volume contains the papers presented at E-Vote-ID 2021, the Sixth International Joint Conference on Electronic Voting, held during October 5–8, 2021. Due to the extraordinary situation brought about by the COVID-19, the conference was held online for the second consecutive edition, instead of in the traditional venue in Bregenz, Austria. The E-Vote-ID conference is the result of the merger of the EVOTE and Vote-ID conferences, with first EVOTE conference taking place 17 years ago in Austria. Since that conference in 2004, over 1000 experts have attended the venue, including scholars, practitioners, authorities, electoral managers, vendors, and PhD students. The conference focuses on the most relevant debates on the development of electronic voting, from aspects relating to security and usability through to practical experiences and applications of voting systems, also including legal, social, or political aspects, amongst others, and has turned out to be an important global referent in relation to this issue