5 research outputs found

    Conceptual Model of Personal Competence Integrator Based on Blockchain Technology

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    Employee competences play a significant role in the labor market, influencing the development of the global economy. Previous studies have largely focused on the management of documents confirming the competence and credibility of these documents. Carrying out an in-depth analysis of acts, vocational regulations, and government reports, a conceptual model was developed that integrates competencies and skills data description, documents and all other forms of confirmation of competence acquisition. Application of blockchain technology allows integration all data into one autonomous system while using exiting competencies ledgers. The developed IT conceptual model meets the requirements of all interested parties: employees, employers and organizations issuing such documents. The findings are of great importance for improving the effectiveness of managing information on individual competencies

    How Implementing a Digital Competency Management System Reduced Nurse Training Cost and Improved NPD Practitioner Satisfaction in a Pediatric Hospital

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    Healthcare organizations must have high-quality nursing staff to deliver optimal patient care. Educators and managers evaluate nurses by their performance through nursing competencies, or “knowledge, skills, [and] abilities” (KSA) (American Nurses Association, 2015, p. 86). Traditional competency evaluations and manual tracking posed a problem within one pediatric hospital. Leaders did not have a transparent way to see the knowledge and skills of their nursing staff. This resulted in increased organizational costs due to retraining and increased workload and job dissatisfaction among educators. The purpose of this quality improvement (QI) project was to evaluate how implementing a digital competency management system (CMS) affected nurse training costs and assess nursing professional development (NPD) practitioners’ satisfaction after the digital CMS conversion. Technology Acceptance Model (TAM) was used to guide the QI project. The student conducted a cost analysis and measured nurse training cost prior to and after implementing a digital competency management system. The student also administered pre- and post-survey evaluations to determine NPD practitioners’ satisfaction before and after digital implementation. Retrospective data of training costs were collected prior to implementing the CMS. A Wilcoxon signed rank test compared the medians to examine the pre and post survey results of NPD practitioners’ satisfaction scores. The quality improvement project demonstrated that a digital CMS reduced nurse training costs by more than a half a million dollars and increased NPD practitioners’ satisfaction

    Incorporando a edição de competências a uma rede social descentralizada para utilização em local de trabalho

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    Trabalho de Conclusão de Curso (graduação)—Universidade de Brasília, Instituto de Ciências Exatas, Departamento de Ciência da Computação, 2019.O trabalho em equipe vem sendo cada vez mais adotado em ambiente corporativo como iniciativa institucional. Tanto em pequenas corporações, quanto naquelas geograficamente distribuídas, as Tecnologias da Informação e da Comunicação (TICs) têm um papel im- portante por várias razões, desde a capacidade de armazenamento e de cálculo dos com- putadores, até as possibilidades que se criam quando essas máquinas são dispostas em rede. Uma evidência são as chamadas Redes Sociais. Elas fazem agora parte do cotidiano do cidadão contemporâneo, e uma ideia promissora parece tirar proveito desse conceito em ambiente de trabalho. De fato, os clássicos sistemas para colaboração em ambiente cor- porativo, empreendidos pela comunidade ACM CSCW desde a década de 80, podem ser vistos como precursores da ideia. Por outro lado, a abordagem de gestão de competências tem atraído crescente interesse em organizações privadas e públicas, sobretudo quando respaldada pelas TICs. Buscando dar um primeiro passo para unir as duas abordagens, o trabalho ora proposto deve prover edição e consulta de competências aos membros de uma Rede Social ao integrar um editor de competências ao editor de perfil da Rede. O trabalho se insere no âmbito do projeto Smart and Serious Social Networking in the Work- place (engageGrid), que está por iniciar sua terceira fase e tem o objetivo mais amplo de prover apoio à formação de equipes em ambiente de trabalho.Teamwork has been increasingly adopted in a corporate environment as an institutional initiative. Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs) play an important role in small and geographically distributed enterprises for a variety of reasons, from the storage and computing capacity of computers to the possibilities created when these machines are deployed network. One piece of evidence is called Social Networks. They are now part of the daily lives of the contemporary citizen, and a promising idea seems to be to take advantage of this concept in the workplace. In fact, the classic systems for collaboration in the corporate environment, undertaken by the ACM CSCW community since the 1980s, can be seen as the precursors of the idea. On the other hand, the competency management approach has attracted growing interest in private and public organizations, especially when it is being restructured by ICTs. Seeking to take a first step to unite the two approaches, the proposed work should provide editing and consultation of competency to the members of a Social Network by integrating a skills editor to the profile editor of the Network. The work falls within the ambit of the engageGrid project, which is about to begin its third phase and has the broader objective of providing support to the formation of teams in the work environment

    Мodel of electronic education based on semantic adaption of learning objects

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    Циљ дисертације је развој модела електронског образовања заснованог на семантичкој адаптацији објеката учења. Предложен модел обухвата динамичко праћење напретка и свих активности студента приликом учења како би се одредио тренутни стил учења и извршила персонализација садржаја учења, тј. како би се студенту приказали објекти учења који одговарају утврђеном стилу учења. Технологије семантичког веба и онтологија специјално креирана за сврхе дисертације налазе се у основи овог модела. У циљу тестирања, предложени модел је имплементиран на реалном систему обогаћивањем основне Moodle платформе применом семантичких технологија и развојем додатних модула који омогућавају персонализацију. Резултат примене ових технологија је систем за електронско учење назван MAL. У дисертацији су приказани кључни елементи предложеног модела, функционалности система и начин на који су семантичке технологије имплементиране у MAL систему. Модел предложен у дисертацији је евалуиран да би се упоредили резултати учења након примене неадаптивног приступа и адаптивног приступа заснованог на семантичким технологијама. Истраживање је реализовано на Факултету за предузетнички бизнис, Универзитет Унион Никола Тесла у Београду. Резултати указују да семантичка адаптација садржаја учења имплементирана у MAL систему води ка значајно бољим резултатима учења и побољшаној ефикасности процеса учења у поређењу са неперсонализованим курсевима за електронско учење. Добијени резултати указују на позитиван став студената према развијеном окружењу за електронско учење.The goal of this dissertation is to develop a model of electronic education based on semantic adaptation of learning objects. The proposed model includes real time montoring of student’s progress and activities during learning process in order to detect actual learning styles of the student and enable personalization, i.e. display those learning objects to the student according to detected learning style. Semantic Web technologies and an ontology specially created for the purposes of the dissertation are in the backgrouind of this model. For the purpose of testing, the proposed model was implemented on a real system by enriching the basic Moodle platform using semantic technologies and developing additional modules that enable personalization.The result of applying these technologies is e-learning system named MAL. In this dissertation, the main components of the model, the functionalities of the system and the way semantic technologies have been implemented into the MAL system are presented. The proposed model was evaluated to compare the effectiveness of both non-adaptive approach and adaptive approach based on semantics. The evaluation has been carried out at the Faculty of Entrepreneurial Business, the University Union Nikola Tesla, Belgrade. The results are promising since they indicate that semantic adaptation of learning content implemented in MAL leads to significantly better learning outcome and improved efficiency of the learning process compared to the non-adaptive e-learning courses. They also indicate a positive attitude of students towards the developed learning environment