269 research outputs found

    Action Recognition in Videos: from Motion Capture Labs to the Web

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    This paper presents a survey of human action recognition approaches based on visual data recorded from a single video camera. We propose an organizing framework which puts in evidence the evolution of the area, with techniques moving from heavily constrained motion capture scenarios towards more challenging, realistic, "in the wild" videos. The proposed organization is based on the representation used as input for the recognition task, emphasizing the hypothesis assumed and thus, the constraints imposed on the type of video that each technique is able to address. Expliciting the hypothesis and constraints makes the framework particularly useful to select a method, given an application. Another advantage of the proposed organization is that it allows categorizing newest approaches seamlessly with traditional ones, while providing an insightful perspective of the evolution of the action recognition task up to now. That perspective is the basis for the discussion in the end of the paper, where we also present the main open issues in the area.Comment: Preprint submitted to CVIU, survey paper, 46 pages, 2 figures, 4 table

    Multimedia Annotation Interoperability Framework

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    Multimedia systems typically contain digital documents of mixed media types, which are indexed on the basis of strongly divergent metadata standards. This severely hamplers the inter-operation of such systems. Therefore, machine understanding of metadata comming from different applications is a basic requirement for the inter-operation of distributed Multimedia systems. In this document, we present how interoperability among metadata, vocabularies/ontologies and services is enhanced using Semantic Web technologies. In addition, it provides guidelines for semantic interoperability, illustrated by use cases. Finally, it presents an overview of the most commonly used metadata standards and tools, and provides the general research direction for semantic interoperability using Semantic Web technologies

    BilVideo: Design and implementation of a video database management system

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    With the advances in information technology, the amount of multimedia data captured, produced, and stored is increasing rapidly. As a consequence, multimedia content is widely used for many applications in today's world, and hence, a need for organizing this data, and accessing it from repositories with vast amount of information has been a driving stimulus both commercially and academically. In compliance with this inevitable trend, first image and especially later video database management systems have attracted a great deal of attention, since traditional database systems are designed to deal with alphanumeric information only, thereby not being suitable for multimedia data. In this paper, a prototype video database management system, which we call BilVideo, is introduced. The system architecture of BilVideo is original in that it provides full support for spatio-temporal queries that contain any combination of spatial, temporal, object-appearance, external-predicate, trajectory-projection, and similarity-based object-trajectory conditions by a rule-based system built on a knowledge-base, while utilizing an object-relational database to respond to semantic (keyword, event/activity, and category-based), color, shape, and texture queries. The parts of BilVideo (Fact-Extractor, Video-Annotator, its Web-based visual query interface, and its SQL-like textual query language) are presented, as well. Moreover, our query processing strategy is also briefly explained. © 2005 Springer Science + Business Media, Inc

    Conceptual modeling of multimedia databases

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    The gap between the semantic content of multimedia data and its underlying physical representation is one of the main problems in the modern multimedia research in general, and, in particular, in the field of multimedia database modeling. We believe that one of the principal reasons of this problem is the attempt to conceptually represent multimedia data in a way, which is similar to its low-level representation by applications dealing with encoding standards, feature-based multimedia analysis, etc. In our opinion, such conceptual representation of multimedia contributes to the semantic gap by separating the representation of multimedia information from the representation of the universe of discourse of an application, to which the multimedia information pertains. In this research work we address the problem of conceptual modeling of multimedia data in a way to deal with the above-mentioned limitations. First, we introduce two different paradigms of conceptual understanding of the essence of multimedia data, namely: multimedia as data and multimedia as metadata. The multimedia as data paradigm, which views multimedia data as the subject of modeling in its own right, is inherent to so-called multimedia-centric applications, where multimedia information itself represents the main part of the universe of discourse. The examples of such kind of applications are digital photo collections or digital movie archives. On the other hand, the multimedia as metadata paradigm, which is inherent to so-called multimedia-enhanced applications, views multimedia data as just another (optional) source of information about whatever universe of discourse that the application pertains to. An example of a multimedia-enhanced application is a human-resource database augmented with employee photos. Here the universe of discourse is the totality of company employees, while their photos simply represent an additional (possibly optional) kind of information describing the universe of discourse. The multimedia conceptual modeling approach that we present in this work allows addressing multimedia-centric applications, as well as, in particular, multimedia-enhanced applications. The model that we propose builds upon MADS (Modeling Application Data with Spatio-temporal features), which is a rich conceptual model defined in our laboratory, and which is, in particular, characterized by structural completeness, spatio-temporal modeling capabilities, and multirepresentation support. The proposed multimedia model is provided in the form of a new modeling dimension of MADS, whose orthogonality principle allows to integrate the new multimedia modeling dimension with already existing modeling features of MADS. The following multimedia modeling constructs are provided: multimedia datatypes, simple and complex representational constraints (relationships), a multimedia partitioning mechanism, and multimedia multirepresentation features. Following the description of our conceptual multimedia modeling approach based on MADS, we present the peculiarities of logical multimedia modeling and of conceptual-to-logical inter-layer transformations. We provide a set of mapping guidelines intended to help the schema designer in coming up with rich logical multimedia document representations of the application domain, which conform with the conceptual multimedia schema. The practical interest of our research is illustrated by a mock-up application, which has been developed to support the theoretical ideas described in this work. In particular, we show how the abstract conceptual set-based representations of multimedia data elements, as well as simple and complex multimedia representational relationships can be implemented using Oracle DBMS

    Digital Image Access & Retrieval

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    The 33th Annual Clinic on Library Applications of Data Processing, held at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign in March of 1996, addressed the theme of "Digital Image Access & Retrieval." The papers from this conference cover a wide range of topics concerning digital imaging technology for visual resource collections. Papers covered three general areas: (1) systems, planning, and implementation; (2) automatic and semi-automatic indexing; and (3) preservation with the bulk of the conference focusing on indexing and retrieval.published or submitted for publicatio

    Semantischer Schutz und Personalisierung von Videoinhalten. PIAF: MPEG-kompatibles Multimedia-Adaptierungs-Framework zur Bewahrung der vom Nutzer wahrgenommenen Qualität.

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    UME is the notion that a user should receive informative adapted content anytime and anywhere. Personalization of videos, which adapts their content according to user preferences, is a vital aspect of achieving the UME vision. User preferences can be translated into several types of constraints that must be considered by the adaptation process, including semantic constraints directly related to the content of the video. To deal with these semantic constraints, a fine-grained adaptation, which can go down to the level of video objects, is necessary. The overall goal of this adaptation process is to provide users with adapted content that maximizes their Quality of Experience (QoE). This QoE depends at the same time on the level of the user's satisfaction in perceiving the adapted content, the amount of knowledge assimilated by the user, and the adaptation execution time. In video adaptation frameworks, the Adaptation Decision Taking Engine (ADTE), which can be considered as the "brain" of the adaptation engine, is responsible for achieving this goal. The task of the ADTE is challenging as many adaptation operations can satisfy the same semantic constraint, and thus arising in several feasible adaptation plans. Indeed, for each entity undergoing the adaptation process, the ADTE must decide on the adequate adaptation operator that satisfies the user's preferences while maximizing his/her quality of experience. The first challenge to achieve in this is to objectively measure the quality of the adapted video, taking into consideration the multiple aspects of the QoE. The second challenge is to assess beforehand this quality in order to choose the most appropriate adaptation plan among all possible plans. The third challenge is to resolve conflicting or overlapping semantic constraints, in particular conflicts arising from constraints expressed by owner's intellectual property rights about the modification of the content. In this thesis, we tackled the aforementioned challenges by proposing a Utility Function (UF), which integrates semantic concerns with user's perceptual considerations. This UF models the relationships among adaptation operations, user preferences, and the quality of the video content. We integrated this UF into an ADTE. This ADTE performs a multi-level piecewise reasoning to choose the adaptation plan that maximizes the user-perceived quality. Furthermore, we included intellectual property rights in the adaptation process. Thereby, we modeled content owner constraints. We dealt with the problem of conflicting user and owner constraints by mapping it to a known optimization problem. Moreover, we developed the SVCAT, which produces structural and high-level semantic annotation according to an original object-based video content model. We modeled as well the user's preferences proposing extensions to MPEG-7 and MPEG-21. All the developed contributions were carried out as part of a coherent framework called PIAF. PIAF is a complete modular MPEG standard compliant framework that covers the whole process of semantic video adaptation. We validated this research with qualitative and quantitative evaluations, which assess the performance and the efficiency of the proposed adaptation decision-taking engine within PIAF. The experimental results show that the proposed UF has a high correlation with subjective video quality evaluation.Der Begriff "Universal Multimedia Experience" (UME) beschreibt die Vision, dass ein Nutzer nach seinen individuellen Vorlieben zugeschnittene Videoinhalte konsumieren kann. In dieser Dissertation werden im UME nun auch semantische Constraints berücksichtigt, welche direkt mit der Konsumierung der Videoinhalte verbunden sind. Dabei soll die Qualität der Videoerfahrung für den Nutzer maximiert werden. Diese Qualität ist in der Dissertation durch die Benutzerzufriedenheit bei der Wahrnehmung der Veränderung der Videos repräsentiert. Die Veränderung der Videos wird durch eine Videoadaptierung erzeugt, z.B. durch die Löschung oder Veränderung von Szenen, Objekten, welche einem semantischen Constraints nicht entsprechen. Kern der Videoadaptierung ist die "Adaptation Decision Taking Engine" (ADTE). Sie bestimmt die Operatoren, welche die semantischen Constraints auflösen, und berechnet dann mögliche Adaptierungspläne, die auf dem Video angewandt werden sollen. Weiterhin muss die ADTE für jeden Adaptierungsschritt anhand der Operatoren bestimmen, wie die Vorlieben des Nutzers berücksichtigt werden können. Die zweite Herausforderung ist die Beurteilung und Maximierung der Qualität eines adaptierten Videos. Die dritte Herausforderung ist die Berücksichtigung sich widersprechender semantischer Constraints. Dies betrifft insbesondere solche, die mit Urheberrechten in Verbindung stehen. In dieser Dissertation werden die oben genannten Herausforderungen mit Hilfe eines "Personalized video Adaptation Framework" (PIAF) gelöst, welche auf den "Moving Picture Expert Group" (MPEG)-Standard MPEG-7 und MPEG-21 basieren. PIAF ist ein Framework, welches den gesamten Prozess der Videoadaptierung umfasst. Es modelliert den Zusammenhang zwischen den Adaptierungsoperatoren, den Vorlieben der Nutzer und der Qualität der Videos. Weiterhin wird das Problem der optimalen Auswahl eines Adaptierungsplans für die maximale Qualität der Videos untersucht. Dafür wird eine Utility Funktion (UF) definiert und in der ADTE eingesetzt, welche die semantischen Constraints mit den vom Nutzer ausgedrückten Vorlieben vereint. Weiterhin ist das "Semantic Video Content Annotation Tool" (SVCAT) entwickelt worden, um strukturelle und semantische Annotationen durchzuführen. Ebenso sind die Vorlieben der Nutzer mit MPEG-7 und MPEG-21 Deskriptoren berücksichtigt worden. Die Entwicklung dieser Software-Werkzeuge und Algorithmen ist notwendig, um ein vollständiges und modulares Framework zu erhalten. Dadurch deckt PIAF den kompletten Bereich der semantischen Videoadaptierung ab. Das ADTE ist in qualitativen und quantitativen Evaluationen validiert worden. Die Ergebnisse der Evaluation zeigen unter anderem, dass die UF im Bereich Qualität eine hohe Korrelation mit der subjektiven Wahrnehmung von ausgewählten Nutzern aufweist

    Feature based dynamic intra-video indexing

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    A thesis submitted in partial fulfillment for the degree of Doctor of PhilosophyWith the advent of digital imagery and its wide spread application in all vistas of life, it has become an important component in the world of communication. Video content ranging from broadcast news, sports, personal videos, surveillance, movies and entertainment and similar domains is increasing exponentially in quantity and it is becoming a challenge to retrieve content of interest from the corpora. This has led to an increased interest amongst the researchers to investigate concepts of video structure analysis, feature extraction, content annotation, tagging, video indexing, querying and retrieval to fulfil the requirements. However, most of the previous work is confined within specific domain and constrained by the quality, processing and storage capabilities. This thesis presents a novel framework agglomerating the established approaches from feature extraction to browsing in one system of content based video retrieval. The proposed framework significantly fills the gap identified while satisfying the imposed constraints of processing, storage, quality and retrieval times. The output entails a framework, methodology and prototype application to allow the user to efficiently and effectively retrieved content of interest such as age, gender and activity by specifying the relevant query. Experiments have shown plausible results with an average precision and recall of 0.91 and 0.92 respectively for face detection using Haar wavelets based approach. Precision of age ranges from 0.82 to 0.91 and recall from 0.78 to 0.84. The recognition of gender gives better precision with males (0.89) compared to females while recall gives a higher value with females (0.92). Activity of the subject has been detected using Hough transform and classified using Hiddell Markov Model. A comprehensive dataset to support similar studies has also been developed as part of the research process. A Graphical User Interface (GUI) providing a friendly and intuitive interface has been integrated into the developed system to facilitate the retrieval process. The comparison results of the intraclass correlation coefficient (ICC) shows that the performance of the system closely resembles with that of the human annotator. The performance has been optimised for time and error rate

    Multimedia Retrieval

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