933 research outputs found

    A Coverage Monitoring algorithm based on Learning Automata for Wireless Sensor Networks

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    To cover a set of targets with known locations within an area with limited or prohibited ground access using a wireless sensor network, one approach is to deploy the sensors remotely, from an aircraft. In this approach, the lack of precise sensor placement is compensated by redundant de-ployment of sensor nodes. This redundancy can also be used for extending the lifetime of the network, if a proper scheduling mechanism is available for scheduling the active and sleep times of sensor nodes in such a way that each node is in active mode only if it is required to. In this pa-per, we propose an efficient scheduling method based on learning automata and we called it LAML, in which each node is equipped with a learning automaton, which helps the node to select its proper state (active or sleep), at any given time. To study the performance of the proposed method, computer simulations are conducted. Results of these simulations show that the pro-posed scheduling method can better prolong the lifetime of the network in comparison to similar existing method

    The design and implementation of fuzzy query processing on sensor networks

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    Sensor nodes and Wireless Sensor Networks (WSN) enable observation of the physical world in unprecedented levels of granularity. A growing number of environmental monitoring applications are being designed to leverage data collection features of WSN, increasing the need for efficient data management techniques and for comparative analysis of various data management techniques. My research leverages aspects of fuzzy database, specifically fuzzy data representation and fuzzy or flexible queries to improve upon the efficiency of existing data management techniques by exploiting the inherent uncertainty of the data collected by WSN. Herein I present my research contributions. I provide classification of WSN middleware to illustrate varying approaches to data management for WSN and identify a need to better handle the uncertainty inherent in data collected from physical environments and to take advantage of the imprecision of the data to increase the efficiency of WSN by requiring less information be transmitted to adequately answer queries posed by WSN monitoring applications. In this dissertation, I present a novel approach to querying WSN, in which semantic knowledge about sensor attributes is represented as fuzzy terms. I present an enhanced simulation environment that supports more flexible and realistic analysis by using cellular automata models to separately model the deployed WSN and the underlying physical environment. Simulation experiments are used to evaluate my fuzzy query approach for environmental monitoring applications. My analysis shows that using fuzzy queries improves upon other data management techniques by reducing the amount of data that needs to be collected to accurately satisfy application requests. This reduction in data transmission results in increased battery life within sensors, an important measure of cost and performance for WSN applications

    Learning automata-based solution to target coverage problem for directional sensor networks with adjustable sensing ranges

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    The extensive applications of directional sensor networks (DSNs) in a wide range of situations have attracted a great deal of attention. One significant problem linked with DSNs is target coverage, which primarily operate based on simultaneously observing a group of targets occurring in a set area, hence maximizing the network lifetime. As there are limitations to the directional sensorsā€™ sensing angle and energy resource, designing new techniques for effectively managing the energy consumption of the sensors is crucial. In this study, two problems were addressed. First, a new learning automata-based algorithm is proposed to solve the target coverage problem, in cases where sensors have multiple power levels (i.e., sensors have multiple sensing ranges), by selecting a subset of sensor directions that is able to monitor all the targets. In real applications, targets may have different coverage quality requirements, which leads to the second; the priority-based target coverage problem, which has not yet been investigated in the field of study. In this problem, two newly developed algorithms based on learning automata and greedy are proposed to select a subset of sensor directions in a way that different coverage quality requirements of all the targets could be satisfied. All of the proposed algorithms were assessed for their performances via a number of experiments. In addition, the effect of each algorithm on maximizing network lifetime was also investigated via a comparative study. All algorithms are successful in solving the problems; however, the learning automata-based algorithms are proven to be superior by up to 18% comparing with the greedy-based algorithms, when considering extending the network lifetime

    Design and Evaluation of Memory Efficient Data Structure Scheme for Energy Drainage Attacks in Wireless Sensor Networks

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    Wireless Sensor Networks (WSN) are deployed on a large scale and require protection from malicious energy drainage attacks, particularly those directed at the routing layer. The complexity increases during critical operations like cluster head selection where detection of such attacks is challenging. The dependency of WSN on batteries elevates the concern posed by these threats, making detection and isolation crucial, especially within the framework of energy-efficient clustering protocols such as Low Energy Adaptive Clustering Hierarchy (LEACH). Various approaches have been proposed in prior research to deal with such attacks. However, the use of memory-efficient data structures has yet to be effectively addressed. In this article, considering the limitations of WSN, we utilize memory-efficient data structures named Bloom filters, count-min (CM) sketch, and cellular automata (CA) to address abnormal energy drainage. A CA-based trust model is used to choose the legitimate node as the cluster head. CM sketch is used to control the frequency of a node selected as a cluster head, achieving fairness in the cluster head selection process, and Bloom filters maintain the record of malicious nodes blocked from participating in the communication or cluster head selection process. CA and trust functions collectively keep a record of neighbors' energy and their trust in the network. Grayhole, blackhole, and scheduling attacks are three well-known threats that lead to abnormal energy drainage in legitimate nodes. The proposed solution effectively detects and addresses abnormal energy drainage in WSN. Its impact is simulated and observed using ns2 IEEE 802.15.4 medium access control (MAC) and LEACH clustering protocols, specifically in the context of the mentioned attacks. The effectiveness of the proposed model was rigorously analysed, and it was observed that it reduces the energy consumption of WSN by approximately 16.66%, 48.33%, and 43.33% in the cases of grayhole, blackhole, and scheduling attacks, respectively. In terms of space/time complexity, its growth is linear O(n). The proposed solution also consumes 0.08-0.10 J more energy compared to the original LEACH as a cost of the solution, which is not more than 2% of the total initial energy. The tradeoff of implementing heightened security is worthwhile, as the proposed approach outperforms the original LEACH and related methods, effectively mitigating abnormal energy drainage in WSN and extending network lifetime, especially in challenging environments with persistent battery recharging challenges. INDEX TERMS WSN, LEACH, cellular automata, CM sketch, Bloom filter, energy drainage, blackhole, grayhole, and scheduling attacks, trust model

    Performance metrics and routing in vehicular ad hoc networks

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    The aim of this thesis is to propose a method for enhancing the performance of Vehicular Ad hoc Networks (VANETs). The focus is on a routing protocol where performance metrics are used to inform the routing decisions made. The thesis begins by analysing routing protocols in a random mobility scenario with a wide range of node densities. A Cellular Automata algorithm is subsequently applied in order to create a mobility model of a highway, and wide range of density and transmission range are tested. Performance metrics are introduced to assist the prediction of likely route failure. The Good Link Availability (GLA) and Good Route Availability (GRA) metrics are proposed which can be used for a pre-emptive action that has the potential to give better performance. The implementation framework for this method using the AODV routing protocol is also discussed. The main outcomes of this research can be summarised as identifying and formulating methods for pre-emptive actions using a Cellular Automata with NS-2 to simulate VANETs, and the implementation method within the AODV routing protocol

    Control and Coordination in a Networked Robotic Platform

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    Control and Coordination of the robots has been widely researched area among the swarm robotics. Usually these swarms are involved in accomplishing tasks assigned to them either one after another or concurrently. Most of the times, the tasks assigned may not need the entire population of the swarm but a subset of them. In this project, emphasis has been given to determination of such subsets of robots termed as ā€flockā€ whose size actually depends on the complexity of the task. Once the flock is determined from the swarm, leader and follower robots are determined which accomplish the task in a controlled and cooperative fashion. Although the entire control system,which is determined for collision free and coordinated environment, is stable, the results show that both wireless (bluetooth) and internet (UDP) communication system can introduce some lag which can lead robot trajectories to an unexpected set. The reason for this is each robot and a corresponding computer is considered as a complete robot and communication between the robot and the computer and between the computers was inevitable. These problems could easily be solved by integrating a computer on the robot or just add a wifi transmitter/receiver on the robot. On going down the lane, by introducing smarter robots with different kinds of sensors this project could be extended on a large scale for varied heterogenous and homogenous applications
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