133 research outputs found

    Generating Extended Resolution Proofs with a BDD-Based SAT Solver

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    In 2006, Biere, Jussila, and Sinz made the key observation that the underlying logic behind algorithms for constructing Reduced, Ordered Binary Decision Diagrams (BDDs) can be encoded as steps in a proof in the extended resolution logical framework. Through this, a BDD-based Boolean satisfiability (SAT) solver can generate a checkable proof of unsatisfiability for a set of clauses. Such a proof indicates that the formula is truly unsatisfiable without requiring the user to trust the BDD package or the SAT solver built on top of it. We extend their work to enable arbitrary existential quantification of the formula variables, a critical capability for BDD-based SAT solvers. We demonstrate the utility of this approach by applying a prototype solver to several problems that are very challenging for search-based SAT solvers, obtaining polynomially sized proofs on benchmarks for parity formulas, as well as the Urquhart, mutilated chessboard, and pigeonhole problems.Comment: Extended version of paper published at TACAS 202

    Boolean Expression Diagrams

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    This paper presents a new data structure called Boolean Expression Diagrams (BEDs) for representing and manipulating Boolean functions. BEDs are a generalization of Binary Decision Diagrams (BDDs) which can represent any Boolean circuit in linear space and still maintain many of the desirable properties of BDDs. Two algorithms are described for transforming a BED into a reduced ordered BDD. One is a generalized version of the BDD apply-operator while the other can exploit the structural information of the Boolean expression. This ability is demonstrated by verifying that two di erent circuit implementations of a 16-bit multiplier implement the same Boolean function. Using BEDs, this veri cation problem is solved in less than a second, while using standard BDD techniques this problem is infeasible. Generally, BEDs are useful in applications, for example tautology checking, where the end-result as a reduced ordered BDD is small

    Type-elimination-based reasoning for the description logic SHIQbs using decision diagrams and disjunctive datalog

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    We propose a novel, type-elimination-based method for reasoning in the description logic SHIQbs including DL-safe rules. To this end, we first establish a knowledge compilation method converting the terminological part of an ALCIb knowledge base into an ordered binary decision diagram (OBDD) which represents a canonical model. This OBDD can in turn be transformed into disjunctive Datalog and merged with the assertional part of the knowledge base in order to perform combined reasoning. In order to leverage our technique for full SHIQbs, we provide a stepwise reduction from SHIQbs to ALCIb that preserves satisfiability and entailment of positive and negative ground facts. The proposed technique is shown to be worst case optimal w.r.t. combined and data complexity and easily admits extensions with ground conjunctive queries.Comment: 38 pages, 3 figures, camera ready version of paper accepted for publication in Logical Methods in Computer Scienc

    Layering Assume-Guarantee Contracts for Hierarchical System Design

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    Specifications for complex engineering systems are typically decomposed into specifications for individual subsystems in a manner that ensures they are implementable and simpler to develop further. We describe a method to algorithmically construct component specifications that implement a given specification when assembled. By eliminating variables that are irrelevant to realizability of each component, we simplify the specifications and reduce the amount of information necessary for operation. We parametrize the information flow between components by introducing parameters that select whether each variable is visible to a component. The decomposition algorithm identifies which variables can be hidden while preserving realizability and ensuring correct composition, and these are eliminated from component specifications by quantification and conversion of binary decision diagrams to formulas. The resulting specifications describe component viewpoints with full information with respect to the remaining variables, which is essential for tractable algorithmic synthesis of implementations. The specifications are written in TLA + , with liveness properties restricted to an implication of conjoined recurrence properties, known as GR(1). We define an operator for forming open systems from closed systems, based on a variant of the “while-plus” operator. This operator simplifies the writing of specifications that are realizable without being vacuous. To convert the generated specifications from binary decision diagrams to readable formulas over integer variables, we symbolically solve a minimal covering problem. We show with examples how the method can be applied to obtain contracts that formalize the hierarchical structure of system design

    Implementing semantic tableaux

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    This report describes implementions of the tableau calculus for first-order logic. First an extremely simple implementation, called leanTAP, is presented, which nonetheless covers the full functionality of the calculus and is also competitive with respect to performance. A second approach uses compilation techniques for proof search. Improvements inculding universal variables and lemmata are considered as well as more efficient data structures using reduced ordered binary decision diagrams. The implementation language is PROLOG. In all cases fully operational PROLOG code is given. For leanTAP a formal proof of the correctness of the implementation is given relying on the operational semantics of PROLOG as given by the SLD-tree model. This report will appear as a chapter in the Handbook of Tableau-based Methods in Automated Deduction edited by: D. Gabbay, M. D\u27Agostino, R. H\"{a}hnle, and J.Posegga published by: KLUWER ACADEMIC PUBLISHERS Electronic availability will be discontinued after final acceptance for publication is obtained

    Layering Assume-Guarantee Contracts for Hierarchical System Design

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    Specifications for complex engineering systems are typically decomposed into specifications for individual subsystems in a manner that ensures they are implementable and simpler to develop further. We describe a method to algorithmically construct component specifications that implement a given specification when assembled. By eliminating variables that are irrelevant to realizability of each component, we simplify the specifications and reduce the amount of information necessary for operation. We parametrize the information flow between components by introducing parameters that select whether each variable is visible to a component. The decomposition algorithm identifies which variables can be hidden while preserving realizability and ensuring correct composition, and these are eliminated from component specifications by quantification and conversion of binary decision diagrams to formulas. The resulting specifications describe component viewpoints with full information with respect to the remaining variables, which is essential for tractable algorithmic synthesis of implementations. The specifications are written in TLA + , with liveness properties restricted to an implication of conjoined recurrence properties, known as GR(1). We define an operator for forming open systems from closed systems, based on a variant of the “while-plus” operator. This operator simplifies the writing of specifications that are realizable without being vacuous. To convert the generated specifications from binary decision diagrams to readable formulas over integer variables, we symbolically solve a minimal covering problem. We show with examples how the method can be applied to obtain contracts that formalize the hierarchical structure of system design

    Méthodes logico-numériques pour la vérification des systèmes discrets et hybrides

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    Cette thèse étudie la vérification automatique de propriétés de sûreté de systèmes logico-numériques discrets ou hybrides. Ce sont des systèmes ayant des variables booléennes et numériques et des comportements discrets et continus. Notre approche est fondée sur l'analyse statique par interprétation abstraite. Nous adressons les problèmes suivants : les méthodes d'interprétation abstraite numériques exigent l'énumération des états booléens, et par conséquent, ils souffrent du probléme d'explosion d'espace d'états. En outre, il y a une perte de précision due à l'utilisation d'un opérateur d'élargissement afin de garantir la terminaison de l'analyse. Par ailleurs, nous voulons rendre les méthodes d'interprétation abstraite accessibles à des langages de simulation hybrides. Dans cette thèse, nous généralisons d'abord l'accélération abstraite, une méthode qui améliore la précision des invariants numériques inférés. Ensuite, nous montrons comment étendre l'accélération abstraite et l'itération de max-stratégies à des programmes logico-numériques, ce qui aide à améliorer le compromis entre l'efficacité et la précision. En ce qui concerne les systèmes hybrides, nous traduisons le langage de programmation synchrone et hybride Zelus vers les automates hybrides logico-numériques, et nous étendons les méthodes d'analyse logico-numérique aux systèmes hybrides. Enfin, nous avons mis en oeuvre les méthodes proposées dans un outil nommé ReaVer et nous fournissons des résultats expérimentaux. En conclusion, cette thèse propose une approche unifiée à la vérification de systèmes logico-numériques discrets et hybrides fondée sur l'interprétation abstraite qui est capable d'intégrer des méthodes d'interprétation abstraite numériques sophistiquées tout en améliorant le compromis entre l'efficacité et la précision.This thesis studies the automatic verification of safety properties of logico-numerical discrete and hybrid systems. These systems have Boolean and numerical variables and exhibit discrete and continuous behavior. Our approach is based on static analysis using abstract interpretation. We address the following issues: Numerical abstract interpretation methods require the enumeration of the Boolean states, and hence, they suffer from the state space explosion problem. Moreover, there is a precision loss due to widening operators used to guarantee termination of the analysis. Furthermore, we want to make abstract interpretation-based analysis methods accessible to simulation languages for hybrid systems. In this thesis, we first generalize abstract acceleration, a method that improves the precision of the inferred numerical invariants. Then, we show how to extend abstract acceleration and max-strategy iteration to logico-numerical programs while improving the trade-off between efficiency and precision. Concerning hybrid systems, we translate the Zelus hybrid synchronous programming language to logico-numerical hybrid automata and extend logico-numerical analysis methods to hybrid systems. Finally, we implemented the proposed methods in ReaVer, a REActive System VERification tool, and provide experimental results. Concluding, this thesis proposes a unified approach to the verification of discrete and hybrid logico-numerical systems based on abstract interpretation, which is capable of integrating sophisticated numerical abstract interpretation methods while successfully trading precision for efficiency.SAVOIE-SCD - Bib.électronique (730659901) / SudocGRENOBLE1/INP-Bib.électronique (384210012) / SudocGRENOBLE2/3-Bib.électronique (384219901) / SudocSudocFranceF

    Model-checking iterated games

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    Temporal Logic Encodings for SAT-based Bounded Model Checking

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    Since its introduction in 1999, bounded model checking (BMC) has quickly become a serious and indispensable tool for the formal verification of hardware designs and, more recently, software. By leveraging propositional satisfiability (SAT) solvers, BMC overcomes some of the shortcomings of more conventional model checking methods. In model checking we automatically verify whether a state transition system (STS) describing a design has some property, commonly expressed in linear temporal logic (LTL). BMC is the restriction to only checking the looping and non-looping runs of the system that have bounded descriptions. The conventional BMC approach is to translate the STS runs and LTL formulae into propositional logic and then conjunctive normal form (CNF). This CNF expression is then checked by a SAT solver. In this thesis we study the effect on the performance of BMC of changing the translation to propositional logic. One novelty is to use a normal form for LTL which originates in resolution theorem provers. We introduce the normal form conversion early on in the encoding process and examine the simplifications that it brings to the generation of propositional logic. We further enhance the encoding by specialising the normal form to take advantage of the types of runs peculiar to BMC. We also improve the conversion from propositional logic to CNF. We investigate the behaviour of the new encodings by a series of detailed experimental comparisons using both hand-crafted and industrial benchmarks from a variety of sources. These reveal that the new normal form based encodings can reduce the solving time by a half in most cases, and up to an order of magnitude in some cases, the size of the improvement corresponding to the complexity of the LTL expression. We also compare our method to the popular automata-based methods for model checking and BMC