6 research outputs found

    Performance analysis of constrained device virtualization algorithm

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    Internet of Things aims to automate and add intelligence into existing processes by introducing constrained devices such as sensors and actuators. These constrained devices lack in computation and memory resources and are usually battery powered for ease of deployments. Due to their limited capabilities, the constrained devices usually host proprietary protocols, platforms, data formats and data structures for communications and therefore, are unable to communicate with devices from different vendors. This inability leads to interoperability issues in Internet of Things which, is in fact against the spirit of Internet of things which, envisions interconnection of billions of devices and hence, results in an isolated, vendor-locked and close-loop deployments of IoT solutions. Various approaches have been made by the industry and academia to resolve the interoperability issues amongst constrained devices. However, majority of the solutions are at different layers of the communication stack but do not provide a holistic solution for the problem. In more recent research, there have been theoretical proposals to virtualize constrained devices to abstract their data so that its always available to applications. We have adopted this technique in our research to virtualize the entire Internet of Things network so that virtual TCP/IP based protocols can operate on virtual networks for enabling interoperability. This paper proposes the operations of the Constrained Device Virtualization Algorithm and then simulates it in CloudSIM to derive performance results. The paper further highlights open issues for future research in this area

    An Environment for Developing Incremental Learning Applications for Data Streams

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    Smart cities look to leverage technology, particularly sensors, and software to provide improved services for its citizenry and enhanced operational efficiencies. Cities look to develop applications that can process data from sensors and other sources to gain insights into operation, enable them to improve operations and inform city leadership. Such applications often need to process streams of data from sensors or other sources to provide city staff with insights into city operations. However, cities are faced with limited budgets and limited staff. The development of applications by third parties can be extremely expensive. One alternative is to identify tools for software development that city staff can use – where the development tools can simplify the development process. This research addresses this challenge by looking at a graphical flow-based programming framework, Node-RED, as the foundation for a flexible application development environment that can accelerate and simplify the development of applications of interest to smart cities. Node-RED presents a visual programming framework composed of nodes and data flows. We look at extending Node-RED to incorporate nodes that hide the complexity of developing incremental machine learning applications by providing relatively simple and easy to use graphical interfaces. Nodes for a variety of learning methods are introduced and used for real-time analysis of data streams. Nodes providing different metrics have also been designed to enable the application developer to evaluate the trained models

    Software Engineering in the IoT Context: Characteristics, Challenges, and Enabling Strategies

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    Extração de conhecimento a partir de fontes semi-estruturadas

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    The increasing number of small, cheap devices, full of sensing capabilities lead to an untapped source of data that can be explored to improve and optimize multiple systems, from small-scale home automation to large-scale applications such as agriculture monitoring, traffic flow and industrial maintenance prediction. Yet, hand in hand with this growth, goes the increasing difficulty to collect, store and organize all these new data. The lack of standard context representation schemes is one of the main struggles in this area. Furthermore, conventional methods for extracting knowledge from data rely on standard representations or a priori relations. These a priori relations add latent information to the underlying model, in the form of context representation schemes, table relations, or even ontologies. Nonetheless, these relations are created and maintained by human users. While feasible for small-scale scenarios or specific areas, this becomes increasingly difficult to maintain when considering the potential dimension of IoT and M2M scenarios. This thesis addresses the problem of storing and organizing context information from IoT/M2M scenarios in a meaningful way, without imposing a representation scheme or requiring a priori relations. This work proposes a d-dimension organization model, which was optimized for IoT/M2M data. The model relies on machine learning features to identify similar context sources. These features are then used to learn relations between data sources automatically, providing the foundations for automatic knowledge extraction, where machine learning, or even conventional methods, can rely upon to extract knowledge on a potentially relevant dataset. During this work, two different machine learning techniques were tackled: semantic and stream similarity. Semantic similarity estimates the similarity between concepts (in textual form). This thesis proposes an unsupervised learning method for semantic features based on distributional profiles, without requiring any specific corpus. This allows the organizational model to organize data based on concept similarity instead of string matching. Another advantage is that the learning method does not require input from users, making it ideal for massive IoT/M2M scenarios. Stream similarity metrics estimate the similarity between two streams of data. Although these methods have been extensively researched for DNA sequencing, they commonly rely on variants of the longest common sub-sequence. This PhD proposes a generative model for stream characterization, specially optimized for IoT/M2M data. The model can be used to generate statistically significant data’s streams and estimate the similarity between streams. This is then used by the context organization model to identify context sources with similar stream patterns. The work proposed in this thesis was extensively discussed, developed and published in several international publications. The multiple contributions in projects and collaborations with fellow colleagues, where parts of the work developed were used successfully, support the claim that although the context organization model (and subsequent similarity features) were optimized for IoT/M2M data, they can potentially be extended to deal with any kind of context information in a wide array of applications.O número crescente de dispositivos pequenos e baratos, repletos de capacidades sensoriais, criou uma nova fonte de dados que pode ser explorada para melhorar e otimizar vários sistemas, desde domótica em ambientes residenciais até aplicações de larga escala como monitorização agrícola, gestão de tráfego e manutenção preditiva a nível industrial. No entanto, este crescimento encontra-se emparelhado com a crescente dificuldade em recolher, armazenar e organizar todos estes dados. A inexistência de um esquema de representação padrão é uma das principais dificuldades nesta área. Além disso, métodos de extração de conhecimento convencionais dependem de representações padrão ou relações definidas a priori. No entanto estas relações são definidas e mantidas por utilizadores humanos. Embora seja viável para cenários de pequena escala ou áreas especificas, este tipo de relações torna-se cada vez mais difícil de manter quando se consideram cenários com a dimensão associado a IoT e M2M. Esta tese de doutoramento endereça o problema de armazenar e organizar informação de contexto de cenários de IoT/M2M, sem impor um esquema de representação ou relações a priori. Este trabalho propõe um modelo de organização com d dimensões, especialmente otimizado para dados de IoT/M2M. O modelo depende de características de machine learning para identificar fontes de contexto similares. Estas caracteristicas são utilizadas para aprender relações entre as fontes de dados automaticamente, criando as fundações para a extração de conhecimento automática. Quer machine learning quer métodos convencionais podem depois utilizar estas relações automáticas para extrair conhecimento em datasets potencialmente relevantes. Durante este trabalho, duas técnicas foram desenvolvidas: similaridade semântica e similaridade entre séries temporais. Similaridade semântica estima a similaridade entre conceitos (em forma textual). Este trabalho propõe um método de aprendizagem não supervisionado para features semânticas baseadas em perfis distributivos, sem exigir nenhum corpus específico. Isto permite ao modelo de organização organizar dados baseado em conceitos e não em similaridade de caracteres. Numa outra vantagem importante para os cenários de IoT/M2M, o método de aprendizagem não necessita de dados de entrada adicionados por utilizadores. A similaridade entre séries temporais são métricas que permitem estimar a similaridade entre várias series temporais. Embora estes métodos tenham sido extensivamente desenvolvidos para sequenciação de ADN, normalmente dependem de variantes de métodos baseados na maior sub-sequencia comum. Esta tese de doutoramento propõe um modelo generativo para caracterizar séries temporais, especialmente desenhado para dados IoT/M2M. Este modelo pode ser usado para gerar séries temporais estatisticamente corretas e estimar a similaridade entre múltiplas séries temporais. Posteriormente o modelo de organização identifica fontes de contexto com padrões temporais semelhantes. O trabalho proposto foi extensivamente discutido, desenvolvido e publicado em diversas publicações internacionais. As múltiplas contribuições em projetos e colaborações com colegas, onde partes trabalho desenvolvido foram utilizadas com sucesso, permitem reivindicar que embora o modelo (e subsequentes técnicas) tenha sido otimizado para dados IoT/M2M, podendo ser estendido para lidar com outros tipos de informação de contexto noutras áreas.The present study was developed in the scope of the Smart Green Homes Project [POCI-01-0247-FEDER-007678], a co-promotion between Bosch Termotecnologia S.A. and the University of Aveiro. It is financed by Portugal 2020 under the Competitiveness and Internationalization Operational Program, and by the European Regional Development Fund.Programa Doutoral em Informátic

    Enhancing Geospatial Data: Collecting and Visualising User-Generated Content Through Custom Toolkits and Cloud Computing Workflows

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    Through this thesis we set the hypothesis that, via the creation of a set of custom toolkits, using cloud computing, online user-generated content, can be extracted from emerging large-scale data sets, allowing the collection, analysis and visualisation of geospatial data by social scientists. By the use of a custom-built suite of software, known as the ‘BigDataToolkit’, we examine the need and use of cloud computing and custom workflows to open up access to existing online data as well as setting up processes to enable the collection of new data. We examine the use of the toolkit to collect large amounts of data from various online sources, such as Social Media Application Programming Interfaces (APIs) and data stores, to visualise the data collected in real-time. Through the execution of these workflows, this thesis presents an implementation of a smart collector framework to automate the collection process to significantly increase the amount of data that can be obtained from the standard API endpoints. By the use of these interconnected methods and distributed collection workflows, the final system is able to collect and visualise a larger amount of data in real time than single system data collection processes used within traditional social media analysis. Aimed at allowing researchers without a core understanding of the intricacies of computer science, this thesis provides a methodology to open up new data sources to not only academics but also wider participants, allowing the collection of user-generated geographic and textual content, en masse. A series of case studies are provided, covering applications from the single researcher collecting data through to collection via the use of televised media. These are examined in terms of the tools created and the opportunities opened, allowing real-time analysis of data, collected via the use of the developed toolkit

    Extending datatweet IoT architecture for virtual IoT devices

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