31 research outputs found

    Logic Programming Approaches for Representing and Solving Constraint Satisfaction Problems: A Comparison

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    Many logic programming based approaches can be used to describe and solve combinatorial search problems. On the one hand there is constraint logic programming which computes a solution as an answer substitution to a query containing the variables of the constraint satisfaction problem. On the other hand there are systems based on stable model semantics, abductive systems, and first order logic model generators which compute solutions as models of some theory. This paper compares these different approaches from the point of view of knowledge representation (how declarative are the programs) and from the point of view of performance (how good are they at solving typical problems).Comment: 15 pages, 3 eps-figure

    FO(FD): Extending classical logic with rule-based fixpoint definitions

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    We introduce fixpoint definitions, a rule-based reformulation of fixpoint constructs. The logic FO(FD), an extension of classical logic with fixpoint definitions, is defined. We illustrate the relation between FO(FD) and FO(ID), which is developed as an integration of two knowledge representation paradigms. The satisfiability problem for FO(FD) is investigated by first reducing FO(FD) to difference logic and then using solvers for difference logic. These reductions are evaluated in the computation of models for FO(FD) theories representing fairness conditions and we provide potential applications of FO(FD).Comment: Presented at ICLP 2010. 16 pages, 1 figur

    A Tarskian Informal Semantics for Answer Set Programming

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    In their seminal papers on stable model semantics, Gelfond and Lifschitz introduced ASP by casting programs as epistemic theories, in which rules represent statements about the knowledge of a rational agent. To the best of our knowledge, theirs is still the only published systematic account of the intuitive meaning of rules and programs under the stable semantics. In current ASP practice, however, we find numerous applications in which rational agents no longer seem to play any role. Therefore, we propose here an alternative explanation of the intuitive meaning of ASP programs, in which they are not viewed as statements about an agent\u27s beliefs, but as objective statements about the world. We argue that this view is more natural for a large part of current ASP practice, in particular the so-called Generate-Define-Test programs

    Transition Systems for Model Generators - A Unifying Approach

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    A fundamental task for propositional logic is to compute models of propositional formulas. Programs developed for this task are called satisfiability solvers. We show that transition systems introduced by Nieuwenhuis, Oliveras, and Tinelli to model and analyze satisfiability solvers can be adapted for solvers developed for two other propositional formalisms: logic programming under the answer-set semantics, and the logic PC(ID). We show that in each case the task of computing models can be seen as "satisfiability modulo answer-set programming," where the goal is to find a model of a theory that also is an answer set of a certain program. The unifying perspective we develop shows, in particular, that solvers CLASP and MINISATID are closely related despite being developed for different formalisms, one for answer-set programming and the latter for the logic PC(ID).Comment: 30 pages; Accepted for presentation at ICLP 2011 and for publication in Theory and Practice of Logic Programming; contains the appendix with proof