290 research outputs found

    On the extension complexity of combinatorial polytopes

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    In this paper we extend recent results of Fiorini et al. on the extension complexity of the cut polytope and related polyhedra. We first describe a lifting argument to show exponential extension complexity for a number of NP-complete problems including subset-sum and three dimensional matching. We then obtain a relationship between the extension complexity of the cut polytope of a graph and that of its graph minors. Using this we are able to show exponential extension complexity for the cut polytope of a large number of graphs, including those used in quantum information and suspensions of cubic planar graphs.Comment: 15 pages, 3 figures, 2 table

    Lifting Linear Extension Complexity Bounds to the Mixed-Integer Setting

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    Mixed-integer mathematical programs are among the most commonly used models for a wide set of problems in Operations Research and related fields. However, there is still very little known about what can be expressed by small mixed-integer programs. In particular, prior to this work, it was open whether some classical problems, like the minimum odd-cut problem, can be expressed by a compact mixed-integer program with few (even constantly many) integer variables. This is in stark contrast to linear formulations, where recent breakthroughs in the field of extended formulations have shown that many polytopes associated to classical combinatorial optimization problems do not even admit approximate extended formulations of sub-exponential size. We provide a general framework for lifting inapproximability results of extended formulations to the setting of mixed-integer extended formulations, and obtain almost tight lower bounds on the number of integer variables needed to describe a variety of classical combinatorial optimization problems. Among the implications we obtain, we show that any mixed-integer extended formulation of sub-exponential size for the matching polytope, cut polytope, traveling salesman polytope or dominant of the odd-cut polytope, needs Ω(n/logn) \Omega(n/\log n) many integer variables, where n n is the number of vertices of the underlying graph. Conversely, the above-mentioned polyhedra admit polynomial-size mixed-integer formulations with only O(n) O(n) or O(nlogn) O(n \log n) (for the traveling salesman polytope) many integer variables. Our results build upon a new decomposition technique that, for any convex set C C , allows for approximating any mixed-integer description of C C by the intersection of C C with the union of a small number of affine subspaces.Comment: A conference version of this paper will be presented at SODA 201

    Polütoopide laienditega seotud ülesanded

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    Väitekirja elektrooniline versioon ei sisalda publikatsiooneLineaarplaneerimine on optimeerimine matemaatilise mudeliga, mille sihi¬funktsioon ja kitsendused on esitatud lineaarsete seostega. Paljusid igapäeva elu väljakutseid võime vaadelda lineaarplaneerimise vormis, näiteks miinimumhinna või maksimaalse tulu leidmist. Sisepunkti meetod saavutab häid tulemusi nii teoorias kui ka praktikas ning lahendite leidmise tööaeg ja lineaarsete seoste arv on polünomiaalses seoses. Sellest tulenevalt eksponentsiaalne arv lineaarseid seoseid väljendub ka ekponentsiaalses tööajas. Iga vajalik lineaarne seos vastab ühele polütoobi P tahule, mis omakorda tähistab lahendite hulka. Üks võimalus tööaja vähendamiseks on suurendada dimensiooni, mille tulemusel väheneks ka polütoobi tahkude arv. Saadud polütoopi Q nimeta¬takse polütoobi P laiendiks kõrgemas dimensioonis ning polütoobi Q minimaalset tahkude arvu nimetakakse polütoobi P laiendi keerukuseks, sellisel juhul optimaalsete lahendite hulk ei muutu. Tekib küsimus, millisel juhul on võimalik leida laiend Q, mille korral tahkude arv on polünomiaalne. Mittedeterministlik suhtluskeerukus mängib olulist rolli tõestamaks polütoopide laiendite keerukuse alampiiri. Polütoobile P vastava suhtluskeerukuse leidmine ning alamtõkke tõestamine väistavad võimalused leida laiend Q, mis ei oleks eksponentsiaalne. Käesolevas töös keskendume me juhuslikele Boole'i funktsioonidele f, mille tihedusfunktsioon on p = p(n). Me pakume välja vähima ülemtõkke ning suurima alamtõkke mittedeterministliku suhtluskeerukuse jaoks. Lisaks uurime me ka pedigree polütoobi graafi. Pedigree polütoop on rändkaupmehe ülesande polütoobi laiend, millel on kombinatoorne struktuur. Polütoobi graafi võib vaadelda kui abstraktset graafi ning see annab informatsiooni polütoobi omaduste kohta.The linear programming (LP for short) is a method for finding an optimal solution, such as minimum cost or maximum profit for a linear function subject to linear constraints. But having an exponential number of inequalities gives the exponential running time in solving linear program. A polytope, let's say P, represents the space of the feasible solution. One idea for decreasing the running time of the problem, is lifting the polytope P tho the higher dimensions with the goal of decresing the number of inequalities. The polytope in higher dimension, let's say Q, is the extension of the original polytope P and the minimum number of facets that Q can have is the extension complexity of P. Then the optimal solution of the problem over Q, gives the optimal solution over P. The natural question may raise is when is it possible to have an extension with a polynomial number of inequalities? Nondeterministic communication complexity is a powerful tool for proving lower bound on the extension complexity of a polytopes. Finding a suitable communication complexity problem corresponded to a polytope P and proving a linear lower bound for the nondeterministic communication complexity of it, will rule out all the attempts for finding sub-exponential size extension Q of P. In this thesis, we focus on the random Boolean functions f, with density p = p(n). We give tight upper and lower bounds for the nondeterministic communication complexity and parameters related to it. Also, we study the rank of fooling set matrix which is an important lower bound for nondeterministic communication complexity. Finally, we investigate the graph of the pedigree polytope. Pedigree polytope is an extension of TSP (traveling salesman problem; the most extensively studied problem in combinatorial optimization) polytopes with a nice combinatorial structure. The graph of a polytope can be regarded as an abstract graph and it reveals meaningful information about the properties of the polytope

    Polyhedra and algorithms for problems bridging notions of connectivity and independence

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    I denne avhandlinga interesserer vi oss for å finne delgrafer som svarer til utvalgte modeller for begrepene sammenheng og uavhengighet. I korthet betyr dette stabile (også kalt uavhengige) mengder med gitt kardinalitet, stabile (også kalt konfliktfrie) spenntrær og pardannelser (eller uavhengige kantmengder) som induserer en sammenhengende delgraf. Dette er kombinatoriske strukturer som kan generaliseres til ulike modeller for nettverksdesign innen telekommunikasjon og forsyningsvirksomhet, plassering av anlegg, fylogenetikk, og mange andre applikasjoner innen operasjonsanalyse og optimering. Vi argumenterer for at de valgte strukturene reiser interessante forskningsspørsmål, og vi bidrar med forbedret matematisk forståelse av selve strukturene, samt forbedrede algoritmer for å takle de tilhørende kombinatoriske optimeringsproblemene. Med det mener vi metoder for å identifisere en optimal struktur, forutsatt at elementene som danner dem (hjørner eller kanter i en gitt graf) er tildelt verdier. Forskninga vår omfatter ulike områder innenfor algoritmer, kombinatorikk og optimering. De fleste resultatene omhandler det å finne bedre beskrivelser av de geometriske strukturene (nemlig 0/1-polytoper) som representerer alle mulige løsninger for hvert av problemene. Slike forbedrede beskrivelser oversettes til lineære ulikheter i heltallsprogrammeringsmodeller, noe som igjen gir mer effektive beregningsresultater når man løser referanseinstanser av hvert problem. Vi påpeker gjentatte ganger betydninga av å dele kildekoden til implementasjonen av alle utviklede algoritmer og verktøy når det foreslås nye modeller og løsningsmetoder for heltallsprogrammering og kombinatorisk optimering. Kodearkivene våre inkluderer fullstendige implementasjoner, utformet med effektivitet og modulær design i tankene, og fremmer dermed gjenbruk, videre forskning og nye anvendelser innen forskning og utvikling.We are interested in finding subgraphs that capture selected models of connectivity and independence. In short: fixed cardinality stable (or independent) sets, stable (or conflict-free) spanning trees, and matchings (or independent edge sets) inducing a connected subgraph. These are combinatorial structures that can be generalized to a number of models across network design in telecommunication and utilities, facility location, phylogenetics, among many other application domains of operations research and optimization. We argue that the selected structures raise appealing research questions, and seek to contribute with improved mathematical understanding of the structures themselves, as well as improved algorithms to face the corresponding combinatorial optimization problems. That is, methods to identify an optimal structure, assuming the elements that form them (vertices or edges in a given graph) have a weight. Our research spans different lines within algorithmics, combinatorics and optimization. Most of the results concern finding better descriptions of the geometric structures (namely, 0/1-polytopes) that represent all feasible solutions to each of the problems. Such improved descriptions translate to linear inequalities in integer programming formulations which, in turn, provide stronger computational results when solving benchmark instances of each problem. We repeatedly remark the importance of sharing an open-source implementation of all algorithms and tools developed when proposing new models and solution methods in integer programming and combinatorial optimization. Our code repositories include full implementations, crafted with efficiency and modular design in mind, thus fostering reuse, further research and new applications in research and development.Doktorgradsavhandlin

    On some problems related to 2-level polytopes

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    In this thesis we investigate a number of problems related to 2-level polytopes, in particular from the point of view of the combinatorial structure and the extension complexity. 2-level polytopes were introduced as a generalization of stable set polytopes of perfect graphs, and despite their apparently simple structure, are at the center of many open problems ranging from information theory to semidefinite programming. The extension complexity of a polytope P is a measure of the complexity of representing P: it is the smallest size of an extended formulation of P, which in turn is a linear description of a polyhedron that projects down to P. In the first chapter, we examine several classes of 2-level polytopes arising in combinatorial settings and we prove a relation between the number of vertices and facets of such polytopes, which is conjectured to hold for all 2-level polytopes. The proofs are obtained through an improved understanding of the combinatorial structure of such polytopes, which in some cases leads to results of independent interest. In the second chapter, we study the extension complexity of a restricted class of 2-level polytopes, the stable set polytopes of bipartite graphs, for which we obtain non-trivial lower and upper bounds. In the third chapter we study slack matrices of 2-level polytopes, important combinatorial objects related to extension complexity, defining operations on them and giving algorithms for the following recognition problem: given a matrix, determine whether it is a slack matrix of some special class of 2-level polytopes. In the fourth chapter we address the problem of explicitly obtaining small size extended formulations whose existence is guaranteed by communication protocols. In particular we give an algorithm to write down extended formulations for the stable set polytope of perfect graphs, making a well known result by Yannakakis constructive, and we extend this to all deterministic protocols