4 research outputs found

    Expressive Modulation of Neutral Visual Speech

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    The need for animated graphical models of the human face is commonplace in the movies, video games and television industries, appearing in everything from low budget advertisements and free mobile apps, to Hollywood blockbusters costing hundreds of millions of dollars. Generative statistical models of animation attempt to address some of the drawbacks of industry standard practices such as labour intensity and creative inflexibility. This work describes one such method for transforming speech animation curves between different expressive styles. Beginning with the assumption that expressive speech animation is a mix of two components, a high-frequency speech component (the content) and a much lower-frequency expressive component (the style), we use Independent Component Analysis (ICA) to identify and manipulate these components independently of one another. Next we learn how the energy for different speaking styles is distributed in terms of the low-dimensional independent components model. Transforming the speaking style involves projecting new animation curves into the lowdimensional ICA space, redistributing the energy in the independent components, and finally reconstructing the animation curves by inverting the projection. We show that a single ICA model can be used for separating multiple expressive styles into their component parts. Subjective evaluations show that viewers can reliably identify the expressive style generated using our approach, and that they have difficulty in identifying transformed animated expressive speech from the equivalent ground-truth

    Phoneme-to-viseme mappings: the good, the bad, and the ugly

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    Visemes are the visual equivalent of phonemes. Although not precisely defined, a working definition of a viseme is “a set of phonemes which have identical appearance on the lips”. Therefore a phoneme falls into one viseme class but a viseme may represent many phonemes: a many to one mapping. This mapping introduces ambiguity between phonemes when using viseme classifiers. Not only is this ambiguity damaging to the performance of audio-visual classifiers operating on real expressive speech, there is also considerable choice between possible mappings. In this paper we explore the issue of this choice of viseme-to-phoneme map. We show that there is definite difference in performance between viseme-tophoneme mappings and explore why some maps appear to work better than others. We also devise a new algorithm for constructing phoneme-to-viseme mappings from labeled speech data. These new visemes, ‘Bear’ visemes, are shown to perform better than previously known units

    Visual Speech Synthesis using Dynamic Visemes and Deep Learning Architectures

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    The aim of this work is to improve the naturalness of visual speech synthesis produced automatically from a linguistic input over existing methods. Firstly, the most important contribution is on the investigation of the most suitable speech units for the visual speech synthesis. We propose the use of dynamic visemes instead of phonemes or static visemes and found that dynamic visemes can generate better visual speech than either phone or static viseme units. Moreover, best performance is obtained by a combined phoneme-dynamic viseme system. Secondly, we examine the most appropriate model between hidden Markov model (HMM) and different deep learning models that include feedforward and recurrent structures consisting of one-to-one, many-to-one and many-to-many architectures. Results suggested that that frame-by-frame synthesis from deep learning approach outperforms state-based synthesis from HMM approaches and an encoder-decoder many-to-many architecture is better than the one-to-one and many-to-one architectures. Thirdly, we explore the importance of contextual features that include information at varying linguistic levels, from frame level up to the utterance level. Our findings found that frame level information is the most valuable feature, as it is able to avoid discontinuities in the visual feature sequence and produces a smooth and realistic animation output. Fourthly, we found that the two most common objective measures of correlation and root mean square error are not able to indicate realism and naturalness of human perceived quality. We introduce an alternative objective measure and show that the global variance is a better indicator of human perception of quality. Finally, we propose a novel method to convert a given text input and phoneme transcription into a dynamic viseme transcription in the case when a reference dynamic viseme sequence is not available. Subjective preference tests confirmed that our proposed method is able to produce animation, that are statistically indistinguishable from animation produced using reference data

    Expressive Modulation of Neutral Visual Speech

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    <div>The need for animated graphical models of the human face is commonplace in the movies, video games and television industries, appearing in everything from low budget advertisements and free mobile apps, to Hollywood blockbusters costing hundreds of millions of dollars. Generative statistical models of animation attempt to address some of the drawbacks of industry standard practices such as labour intensity and creative inflexibility. </div><div>This work describes one such method for transforming speech animation curves between different expressive styles. Beginning with the assumption that expressive speech animation is a mix of two components, a high frequency speech component (the content) and a much lower-frequency expressive component (the style), we use Independent Component Analysis (ICA) to identify and manipulate these components independently of one another. Next we learn how the energy for different speaking styles is distributed in terms of the low-dimensional independent components model. Transforming the speaking style involves projecting new animation curves into the low-dimensional ICA space, redistributing the energy in the independent components, and finally reconstructing the animation curves by inverting the projection. </div><div>We show that a single ICA model can be used for separating multiple expressive styles into their component parts. Subjective evaluations show that viewers can reliably identify the expressive style generated using our approach, and that they have difficulty in identifying transformed animated expressive speech from the equivalent ground-truth. </div