16 research outputs found

    Expressive Languages for Querying the Semantic Web

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    The problem of querying RDF data is a central issue for the development of the Semantic Web. The query language SPARQL has become the standard language for querying RDF since its W3C standardization in 2008. However, the 2008 version of this language missed some important functionalities: reasoning capabilities to deal with RDFS and OWL vocabularies, navigational capabilities to exploit the graph structure of RDF data, and a general form of recursion much needed to express some natural queries. To overcome these limitations, a new version of SPARQL, called SPARQL 1.1, was released in 2013, which includes entailment regimes for RDFS and OWL vocabularies, and a mechanism to express navigation patterns through regular expressions. Unfortunately, there are a number of useful navigation patterns that cannot be expressed in SPARQL 1.1, and the language lacks a general mechanism to express recursive queries. To the best of our knowledge, no efficient RDF query language that combines the above functionalities is known. It is the aim of this work to fill this gap. To this end, we focus on a core fragment of the OWL 2 QL profile of OWL 2 and show that every SPARQL query enriched with the above features can be naturally translated into a query expressed in a language that is based on an extension of Datalog, which allows for value invention and stratified negation. However, the query evaluation problem for this language is highly intractable, which is not surprising since it is expressive enough to encode some inherently hard queries. We identify a natural fragment of it, and we show it to be tractable and powerful enough to define SPARQL queries enhanced with the desired functionalities

    Existential Rule Languages with Finite Chase: Complexity and Expressiveness

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    Finite chase, or alternatively chase termination, is an important condition to ensure the decidability of existential rule languages. In the past few years, a number of rule languages with finite chase have been studied. In this work, we propose a novel approach for classifying the rule languages with finite chase. Using this approach, a family of decidable rule languages, which extend the existing languages with the finite chase property, are naturally defined. We then study the complexity of these languages. Although all of them are tractable for data complexity, we show that their combined complexity can be arbitrarily high. Furthermore, we prove that all the rule languages with finite chase that extend the weakly acyclic language are of the same expressiveness as the weakly acyclic one, while rule languages with higher combined complexity are in general more succinct than those with lower combined complexity.Comment: Extended version of a paper to appear on AAAI 201

    The Impact of Active Domain Predicates on Guarded Existential Rules

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    It is realistic to assume that a database management system provides access to the active domain via built-in relations. Therefore, databases that include designated predicates that hold the active domain, which we call product databases, form a natural notion that deserves our attention. An important issue then is to look at the consequences of product databases for the expressiveness and complexity of central existential rule languages. We focus on guarded-based existential rules, and we investigate the impact of product databases on their expressive power and complexity. We show that the queries expressed via (frontier-)guarded rules gain in expressiveness, and in fact, they have the same expressive power as Datalog. On the other hand, there is no impact on the expressiveness of the queries specified via weakly-(frontier-)guarded rules since they are powerful enough to explicitly compute the predicates needed to access the active domain. We also observe that there is no impact on the complexity of the query languages in question

    A semantically annotated corpus of tombstone inscriptions

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    The digital preservation of funerary material is of interest to many different scientific disciplines. Textual information found on tombstones often goes far beyond the expected (name of the deceased, dates of birth and death), and may include information about commemorators, family roles, occupations, references to biblical or other texts, places of birth and death, cause of death, epitaphs and poems. Gravestones are multi-modal media, and besides text are often decorated with artistic symbols. To capture this information in a systematic way and make it available on a large scale for research purposes, a meaning representation based on linking entities by relations has been designed that will extend search capabilities beyond simple string matches. Concepts are represented as WordNet synsets, and a vocabulary of 32 relations make connections between concepts. This formalisation has been developed and evaluated based on a dataset of more than 1,000 Dutch tombstones

    Representing Ecological Network Specifications with Semantic Web Techniques

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    Ecological Networks (ENs) are a way to describe the structures of existing real ecosystems and to plan their expansion, conservation and improvement. In this work, we present a model to represent the specifications for the local planning of ENs in a way that can support reasoning, e.g., to detect violations within new proposals of expansion, or to reason about improvements of the networks. Moreover, we describe an OWL ontology for the representation of ENs themselves. In the context of knowledge engineering, ENs provide a complex, inherently geographic domain that demands for the expressive power of a language like OWL augmented with the GeoSPARQL ontology to be conveniently represented. More importantly, the set of specification rules that we consider (taken from the project for a local EN implementation) constitute a challenging problem for representing constraints over complex geographic domains, and evaluating whether a given large knowledge base satisfies or violates them