200,632 research outputs found

    Adding Policy-based Control to Mobile Hosts Switching between Streaming Proxies

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    We add a simple policy-based control component to mobile hosts that enables them to control the continuous reception of live multimedia content (e.g. a TV broadcast) while they switch between different distributors of that content. Policy-based control provides a flexible means to automate the switching behavior of mobile hosts. The policies react to changes in the mobile host's environment (e.g. when a hotspot network appears) and determine when and how to invoke an earlier developed application-level protocol to discover the capabilities (e.g. supported encodings) of the content distributors and to execute the switches. The design of the control component is based on the IETF policy model, but extended and applied at the application-level instead of at the network-level. We implemented the system and deployed it in a small-scale test bed

    A Formal Framework for Concrete Reputation Systems

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    In a reputation-based trust-management system, agents maintain information about the past behaviour of other agents. This information is used to guide future trust-based decisions about interaction. However, while trust management is a component in security decision-making, many existing reputation-based trust-management systems provide no formal security-guarantees. In this extended abstract, we describe a mathematical framework for a class of simple reputation-based systems. In these systems, decisions about interaction are taken based on policies that are exact requirements on agents’ past histories. We present a basic declarative language, based on pure-past linear temporal logic, intended for writing simple policies. While the basic language is reasonably expressive (encoding e.g. Chinese Wall policies) we show how one can extend it with quantification and parameterized events. This allows us to encode other policies known from the literature, e.g., ‘one-out-of-k’. The problem of checking a history with respect to a policy is efficient for the basic language, and tractable for the quantified language when policies do not have too many variables

    Audit-based Compliance Control (AC2) for EHR Systems

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    Traditionally, medical data is stored and processed using paper-based files. Recently, medical facilities have started to store, access and exchange medical data in digital form. The drivers for this change are mainly demands for cost reduction, and higher quality of health care. The main concerns when dealing with medical data are availability and confidentiality. Unavailability (even temporary) of medical data is expensive. Physicians may not be able to diagnose patients correctly, or they may have to repeat exams, adding to the overall costs of health care. In extreme cases availability of medical data can even be a matter of life or death. On the other hand, confidentiality of medical data is also important. Legislation requires medical facilities to observe the privacy of the patients, and states that patients have a final say on whether or not their medical data can be processed or not. Moreover, if physicians, or their EHR systems, are not trusted by the patients, for instance because of frequent privacy breaches, then patients may refuse to submit (correct) information, complicating the work of the physicians greatly. \ud \ud In traditional data protection systems, confidentiality and availability are conflicting requirements. The more data protection methods are applied to shield data from outsiders the more likely it becomes that authorized persons will not get access to the data in time. Consider for example, a password verification service that is temporarily not available, an access pass that someone forgot to bring, and so on. In this report we discuss a novel approach to data protection, Audit-based Compliance Control (AC2), and we argue that it is particularly suited for application in EHR systems. In AC2, a-priori access control is minimized to the mere authentication of users and objects, and their basic authorizations. More complex security procedures, such as checking user compliance to policies, are performed a-posteriori by using a formal and automated auditing mechanism. To support our claim we discuss legislation concerning the processing of health records, and we formalize a scenario involving medical personnel and a basic EHR system to show how AC2 can be used in practice. \ud \ud This report is based on previous work (Dekker & Etalle 2006) where we assessed the applicability of a-posteriori access control in a health care scenario. A more technically detailed article about AC2 recently appeared in the IJIS journal, where we focussed however on collaborative work environments (Cederquist, Corin, Dekker, Etalle, & Hartog, 2007). In this report we first provide background and related work before explaining the principal components of the AC2 framework. Moreover we model a detailed EHR case study to show its operation in practice. We conclude by discussing how this framework meets current trends in healthcare and by highlighting the main advantages and drawbacks of using an a-posteriori access control mechanism as opposed to more traditional access control mechanisms

    Security Policy Specification Using a Graphical Approach

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    A security policy states the acceptable actions of an information system, as the actions bear on security. There is a pressing need for organizations to declare their security policies, even informal statements would be better than the current practice. But, formal policy statements are preferable to support (1) reasoning about policies, e.g., for consistency and completeness, (2) automated enforcement of the policy, e.g., using wrappers around legacy systems or after the fact with an intrusion detection system, and (3) other formal manipulation of policies, e.g., the composition of policies. We present LaSCO, the Language for Security Constraints on Objects, in which a policy consists of two parts: the domain (assumptions about the system) and the requirement (what is allowed assuming the domain is satisfied). Thus policies defined in LaSCO have the appearance of conditional access control statements. LaSCO policies are specified as expressions in logic and as directed graphs, giving a visual view of policy. LaSCO has a simple semantics in first order logic (which we provide), thus permitting policies we write, even for complex policies, to be very perspicuous. LaSCO has syntax to express many of the situations we have found to be useful on policies or, more interesting, the composition of policies. LaSCO has an object-oriented structure, permitting it to be useful to describe policies on the objects and methods of an application written in an object-oriented language, in addition to the traditional policies on operating system objects. A LaSCO specification can be automatically translated into executable code that checks an invocation of a program with respect to a policy. The implementation of LaSCO is in Java, and generates wrappers to check Java programs with respect to a policy.Comment: 28 pages, 22 figures, in color (but color is not essential for viewing); UC Davis CS department technical report (July 22, 1998

    Semantic-based policy engineering for autonomic systems

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    This paper presents some important directions in the use of ontology-based semantics in achieving the vision of Autonomic Communications. We examine the requirements of Autonomic Communication with a focus on the demanding needs of ubiquitous computing environments, with an emphasis on the requirements shared with Autonomic Computing. We observe that ontologies provide a strong mechanism for addressing the heterogeneity in user task requirements, managed resources, services and context. We then present two complimentary approaches that exploit ontology-based knowledge in support of autonomic communications: service-oriented models for policy engineering and dynamic semantic queries using content-based networks. The paper concludes with a discussion of the major research challenges such approaches raise

    Using Event Calculus to Formalise Policy Specification and Analysis

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    As the interest in using policy-based approaches for systems management grows, it is becoming increasingly important to develop methods for performing analysis and refinement of policy specifications. Although this is an area that researchers have devoted some attention to, none of the proposed solutions address the issues of analysing specifications that combine authorisation and management policies; analysing policy specifications that contain constraints on the applicability of the policies; and performing a priori analysis of the specification that will both detect the presence of inconsistencies and explain the situations in which the conflict will occur. We present a method for transforming both policy and system behaviour specifications into a formal notation that is based on event calculus. Additionally it describes how this formalism can be used in conjunction with abductive reasoning techniques to perform a priori analysis of policy specifications for the various conflict types identified in the literature. Finally, it presents some initial thoughts on how this notation and analysis technique could be used to perform policy refinement

    Enforcing reputation constraints on business process workflows

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    The problem of trust in determining the flow of execution of business processes has been in the centre of research interst in the last decade as business processes become a de facto model of Internet-based commerce, particularly with the increasing popularity in Cloud computing. One of the main mea-sures of trust is reputation, where the quality of services as provided to their clients can be used as the main factor in calculating service and service provider reputation values. The work presented here contributes to the solving of this problem by defining a model for the calculation of service reputa-tion levels in a BPEL-based business workflow. These levels of reputation are then used to control the execution of the workflow based on service-level agreement constraints provided by the users of the workflow. The main contribution of the paper is to first present a formal meaning for BPEL processes, which is constrained by reputation requirements from the users, and then we demonstrate that these requirements can be enforced using a reference architecture with a case scenario from the domain of distributed map processing. Finally, the paper discusses the possible threats that can be launched on such an architecture

    A Formal Model for Trust in Dynamic Networks

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    We propose a formal model of trust informed by the Global Computing scenario and focusing on the aspects of trust formation, evolution, and propagation. The model is based on a novel notion of trust structures which, building on concepts from trust management and domain theory, feature at the same time a trust and an information partial order
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