7 research outputs found

    Self-sovereign identity: a primer and call for research in information systems

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    In this research-in-progress paper, we encourage information systems (IS) researchers to consider the self-sovereign identity (SSI) approach to identity management. We highlight several issues with current data practices, then provide an overview of SSI by discussing the technology and actors involved. Finally, we call for more IS research on SSI to ultimately increase its adoption

    Por qué las políticas de privacidad de Facebook no evitaron el abuso de Cambridge Analytica

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    Ninguna fuente de financiación ha condicionado aspectos del contenido, enfoque o conclusiones de este trabajo.Este trabajo analiza la evolución de Facebook y el núcleo de su modelo de negocio, para establecer la relación con diversos incidentes de seguridad y filtración de datos personales de millones de usuarios a terceros (antecedentes) e interpretar diversos aspectos del alcance que han tenido los incidentes más graves entre 2016 y finales de 2018. Se estudia el papel e intereses de los actores involucrados y se analizan diversos elementos asociados con la vulnerabilidad de la plataforma tecnológica, así como el tipo de instrumentalización que dichas vulnerabilidades han hecho posible. Entre otras conclusiones, se destaca la inconsistencia de las políticas de privacidad de la compañía y la insuficiencia de los mecanismos de autorregulación para evitar las brechas de seguridad que diversos actores privados y estatales pudieron explotar con fines comerciales o de intoxicación del debate público en procesos electorales decisivos para diversos países

    Swaying Individuals’ Privacy Concerns via Amplifying versus Diminishing Counter Argument

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    Background: Though limited, research has found that individuals\u27 privacy concerns could be swayed by counter argument. This study investigated the swaying influence of amplifying vs. diminishing argument (i.e., counter argument seeking to increase or decrease privacy concerns) on individuals’ privacy concerns and the moderating influences of level of sensitivity and privacy-related knowledge. Method: Data was collected using online survey and respondents were college students enrolled in a Midwestern university. 215 students participated in the survey, resulting in 180 completed responses; two factors (survey competition time and response consistency for reversely-coded items) were used to screen response quality and 90 responses were kept. Data was analyzed using univariate analysis. Results: Results suggest that the swaying influence of counter argument depends on the level of sensitivity—the swaying influence is greater when individuals are presented with amplifying (diminishing) argument for a highly (less) sensitive issue/scenario. In addition, although the swaying influence is smaller for those with high privacy knowledge in general, it is not necessarily easier to sway those with low privacy knowledge. Instead, those with low privacy knowledge are more likely to get stuck or trapped in their existing privacy beliefs when facing privacy argument inconsistent with their existing beliefs, and are more likely to be provoked or stirred up when facing argument reinforcing their existing beliefs. Conclusion: Findings suggest that when processing privacy argument, individuals show confirmation bias and tend to “go with their initial assessments”. This is especially true for those with low privacy knowledge. When facing privacy related argument, individuals with low privacy knowledge behave the opposite of how magnets work—while magnets’ opposite poles attract each other and similar poles repel, individuals with low privacy knowledge embrace argument consistent with their existing beliefs and repel/reject argument inconsistent with their existing beliefs

    Privacy and Security Information Awareness and Disclosure of Private Information by Users of Online Social Media in the Ibadan Metropolis, Nigeria

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    The purpose of this paper is to investigate information privacy and security awareness among online social media (OSM) users in the Ibadan metropolis, Nigeria. Building upon the social exchange theory, some factors that could influence the disclosure of private information on social media were identified. Findings from the analysis of data of 255 respondents revealed that most were aware of information privacy and security measures available on OSM, and the risks associated with the disclosure of private information on OSM. Privacy and security awareness, the perception of benefits associated with the use of OSM, the perception of risks associated with the use of OSM, trust in the security of OSM, and the respondents’ privacy and security self-efficacy influenced the disclosure of private information, while gender did not. Social media providers should provide more enlightenment on privacy settings available on the platforms to create more security and privacy consciousness

    Beyond Information: The Role of Territory in Privacy Management Behavior on Social Networking Sites

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    This study draws on communication privacy management theory to explore aspects of social networking sites (SNSs) that may influence individual privacy management behaviors and conceptualizes two behaviors for managing privacy on SNSs: private disclosure (for managing information privacy) and territory coordination (for managing territory privacy). Evidence from two studies of SNS members indicates that perceptions of trespassing over agreed-upon virtual boundaries within SNSs affects risk beliefs regarding information privacy and territory privacy differently. These distinct privacy risk beliefs, in turn, influence two privacy management behaviors. Theoretically, this study demonstrates that a more complete conceptualization of individual privacy management on SNSs should consider both information privacy and territory privacy; and that territory coordination is a more significant indicator of privacy management behaviors on SNSs than private disclosure. From a practical standpoint, this study provides guidance to SNS platform organizations on how to reduce individuals’ privacy risk beliefs, encourage users to share private information, and potentially build larger online communities

    A importância da presença dos Social Media no Employer Branding: efeito geracional

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    A reflexão deste estudo pretende aproximar o nosso olhar das Redes Sociais que emergem no espaço organizacional, procurando entender de que forma esta nova maneira de comunicar se insere no Employer Branding. As Redes Sociais têm tomado conta da vida quotidiana, não apenas para os indivíduos, mas também para as empresas, e, como resultado da crescente dependência das Redes Sociais e da Internet para obter informações, a presença de propostas de emprego online tornou-se fundamental para recrutar colaboradores. Este estudo pretendeu analisar a importância da presença das Redes Sociais como dimensão da Atratividade do Empregador, e, se essa presença é influenciada pela variável geracional. Foi efetuado um estudo exploratório e comparativo onde fizeram parte 118 sujeitos com idades compreendidas entre os 20 e os 66 anos e, para mensuração das variáveis, foi utilizada a escala da Atratividade do Empregador de Berthon, Ewing e Hah (2005) e os itens referentes às Redes Sociais da escala da Atratividade do Empregador utilizada por Sivertzen, Nilsen e Olafsen (2013). Foi possível verificar quais os fatores em que os empregadores se devem focar nas suas estratégias de Employer Branding tendo em conta o que os candidatos valorizam quando procuram um potencial empregador e qual o grau de importância atribuído a cada fator pela Geração X e Geração Y. Observou-se ainda que as Redes Sociais não são uma dimensão determinante da Atratividade do Empregador mas demonstraram ser um atributo importante e com tendência de crescimento na sua relevância para os potenciais candidatos a uma empresa. Este estudo é original na maneira como combina o Employer Branding e as Redes Sociais e terá valor para os processos de recrutamento e retenção de colaboradores.This investigation intends to understand our views of Social Media emerging in the organizational space, aiming to explain how this new way of communicating is embedded in Employer Branding. Social Media have taken over our everyday lives, not just for individuals but also for companies, and, as a result of the growing reliance on Social Media and the internet for information, the presence of online job offers has become a key tool for recruiting new employees. This study intended to analyze the importance of the presence of Social Media as a dimension of Employer Attractiveness, and also if this presence is, in any way, influenced by the generational variable. An exploratory and comparative study was carried out, involving 118 subjects aged between 20 and 66 years old, and to measure the variables, the Berthon, Ewing & Hah (2005) Employer Attractiveness scale and the items related to the Social Media of the Employer Attractiveness scale used by Sivertzen, Nilsen & Olafsen (2013) were used. It was possible to see what factors employers should focus on in their Employer Branding strategies given what candidates value when looking for a potential employer and how important each factor is for the Generation X and Generation Y. Social Media are not a determining dimension of Employer Attractiveness but have proven to be an important and growing trend in their relevance to potential candidates for a company. This study is unique in the way it combines Employer Branding and Social Media and will have value for employee recruitment and retention processes

    Atitudes dos utilizadores das redes sociais face à privacidade online: configuração de privacidade e divulgação de perfil

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    Este estudo pretendeu investigar a seguinte questão: Quais as atitudes dos utilizadores das redes sociais face à privacidade online, nomeadamente no que diz respeito ao papel das configurações de privacidade e divulgação do perfil? Para o efeito, optou-se por replicar, para Portugal, a pesquisa realizada por Stern e Salb, em 2015, a partir do modelo da Teoria da Ação Racional, no âmbito da rede social Facebook. Ao modelo inicial foi inserida uma variável moderadora de idade. Efetuou-se um estudo de hipóteses com metodologia quantitativa, mediante inquéritos por questionários presenciais e online, a pessoas com idades compreendidas entre os 13 e os 90 anos, num total de 216 participantes. Testadas as 14 hipóteses do estudo não foi possível comprovar que os riscos para a privacidade antecedam as atitudes dos utilizadores do Facebook. Os resultados demonstraram que quanto maior o benefício esperado, mais favorável será a atitude do utilizador face à rede social e que existe uma maior utilização da rede social quando as atitudes e a influência das normas sociais são favoráveis à mesma. Foi possível comprovar que quanto maior for a utilização da rede social maior será a predisposição para a divulgação do perfil pessoal e para a utilização das configurações de privacidade. Da mesma forma, demonstrou-se que quanto mais são utilizadas estas configurações, maior será a divulgação do perfil pessoal do utilizador. Finalmente, comprovou-se que a idade modera positivamente a relação entre as normas sociais e a utilização da rede social e, por sua vez, esta é afetada positivamente pela idade na divulgação do perfil pessoal e nas configurações de privacidade. De um ponto de vista reputacional, propõe-se que as empresas anunciantes no Facebook garantam o esclarecimento e transparência sobre a utilização de dados pessoais. Esta componente pedagógica e de literacia da privacidade digital irá encorajar os utilizadores a confiar ainda mais nos anunciantes e a manter o nível de utilização do Facebook.This study aimed to investigate the following question: What are the attitudes of social network users regarding online privacy, namely regarding the role of privacy settings and profile disclosure? To that end, it was decided to replicate the research conducted by Stern and Salb, based on the Rational Action Theory model, within the Facebook social network. An age-moderating variable was included in the initial model. A hypothesis study using quantitative methodology was carried out through in-person and online questionnaires for people aged between 13 and 90, in a total of 216 participants. Once tested the 14 hypotheses of the study it was not possible to prove that the risks to privacy precede the attitudes of Facebook users. The results showed that the greater the expected benefit, the more favorable the user attitude towards the social network will be and that there is a greater use of the social network when the attitudes and influence of social norms are favorable to it. It was shown that the greater the use of the social network, the greater the predisposition for disclosure of personal profile and for the use of privacy settings. Similarly, it has been shown that the more these settings are used, the greater will be the disclosure of the user's personal profile. Finally, it has been shown that age positively moderates the relationship between social norms and the use of the social network and, in turn, it is positively affected by age in the disclosure of personal profile and privacy settings. From a reputational standpoint, it is proposed that Facebook advertisers ensure clarity and transparency about the use of personal data. This digital privacy literacy and pedagogical component will encourage users to trust advertisers even more and maintain Facebook's level of use