4,080 research outputs found

    A Flipped Classroom Redesign in General Chemistry

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    The flipped classroom continues to attract significant attention in higher education. Building upon our recent parallel controlled study of the flipped classroom in a second-term general chemistry course (J. Chem. Educ., 2016, 93, 13–23), here we report on a redesign of the flipped course aimed at scaling up total enrollment while keeping discussion sizes small (i.e.,students), and maintaining equivalent contact hour load for faculty and workload for students. To that end, the course format featured lecture contact pushed outside of the classroom in the form of video lectures (mean duration 13 minutes) paired with online homework sets, and three parallel weekly one-hour discussion sections were held in adjoining lab rooms immediately prior to the three-hour laboratory session. As in our previous design, the discussion sections were led by teaching assistants; however, the weekly discussion meeting was shortened from 75 minutes to 50 minutes, and the primary instructor “floated” between the three parallel sessions. Two such sessions were held each week, affording a possible enrollment of 144; initial enrollment was 141, with students self-selecting into the course. We examine student performance in and satisfaction with the course using: (1) a pre-test/post-test design based on the paired questions American Chemical Society (ACS) first-term and second-term exams, (2) data on DFW (D, F, withdrawal) rates, and (3) student evaluations

    Flipped Learning in Higher Education: A Critical Review of the Empirical Literature on Social Climate Factors

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      高等教育の学習環境における社会風土は個人の発達に重要な側面である。しかし,反転学習が高等教 育の学習環境における社会風土にどのような影響を与えるのかはあまり研究がされていない。反転学習 は,その従来の講義形式の授業をまさに反転させたもので,授業外の時間に生徒自らが授業内容を予習 し,学校の授業の時間ではアクティブラーニングに関わる学習活動を行うものである。反転学習は学習 者中心や協働学習により得られる教育効果のため,高等教育でますます広まってきている。そこで本稿 では,高等教育における,反転学習が社会風土にどのような影響を与えるのか文献レビューを行った。 その結果,反転学習における社会風土は講義形式のような伝統的な教授法における社会風土とは異なる ことが明らかになった。特に , 人間関係の様相は反転学習においてよりポジティブであることが示され ていた。さらに , 反転学習の社会風土がどのように学習者のスキルを促進できるか議論をした。  The social climate of a learning environment is a crucial aspect of individual development. However, little is known of the social climate of the flipped learning environment. Flipped learning pedagogy inverts a lecture which is traditionally taught in the classroom to self-study format during out-of-class hours, and use the time in the classroom for active learning activities. Flipped learning pedagogy is a growing practice in higher education because of the benefits that may be derived from learner-centered and collaborative learning strategies. A review of the literature was undertaken to investigate the social climate where flipped learning environment is used at the higher education level. This review showed that the social climate varies from that of the traditional lecture environment. Particularly, the relationship dimension was perceived as more positive when flipped learning was used. The review also discussed how the social climate may promote students’ essential skills in a flipped learning environment

    Flipped Classroom Applied to Teaching Artificial Intelligence

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    The flipped classroom is an active learning method that helps the teacher to promote a significant change in the teaching and learning process, inverting activities and revolutionizing the traditional learning model. However, the application of the flipped classroom is not simple and involves the teacher\u27s dedication to facilitate the student self-regulation of activities to promote learning. The objective proposed in this article was to investigate the feasibility and effectiveness of the application of the flipped classroom in the teaching of Artificial Intelligence. To assess the results, a mixed methodology, qualitative and quantitative, combined with discourse analysis was applied. The results were satisfactory, indicating the potential of the flipped classroom applied to the teaching of Artificial Intelligence

    Evaluating science teachers' flipped learning readiness: a GETAMEL approach test

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    Flipped learning has become an ally in education. However, although the literature has identified multiple benefits of using this strategy to improve student learning outcomes, its adoption and implementation by teachers in science education remain scarce. This study examines antecedents of science teachers' flipped teaching readiness to act, aiming to encourage more teachers to use this strategy. The study implemented the General Extended Technology Acceptance Model for E-Learning (GETAMEL) approach as the theoretical framework. A cross-sectional research design study, including 398 in-service science teachers, was implemented in five Turkish cities during the first semester of 2022. The results indicated that the GETAMEL approach provided adequate prediction power to explain science teachers' flipped teaching readiness. It was also shown that all hypotheses were supported, and constructs of the conceptual model were significant activators of intention to use the flipped learning approach for science teaching. Moreover, subjective norm, experience, perceived enjoyment, anxiety, and self-efficacy on perceived usefulness, attitude, and intention acted as mediator constructs. Overall, this study guides researchers and practitioners to better comprehend science teachers' flipped teaching readiness

    Regulation of Flipped Learning Activities in Programming: A Systematic Review

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    Flipped Learning can contribute significantly to learning, however there is an under-utilization of conceptual structures of design in the flipped classroom, with regard to the incorporation of pedagogical methods to promote the activities to be performed by students. The pedagogical design of flipped classrooms needs to provide a model that details how to facilitate activities before, during and after classes. It is important to analyze the moment before the classroom, which involves self-regulation, during the classroom which involves processes related to interaction and collaboration and after the classroom, related to reflective processes.  Developing and conducting a systematic review can contribute to an analysis of the current state of research on teacher facilitation in relation to student regulation in flipped learning related to teaching programming. The systematic review was carried out to identify all the research available on self-regulation and co-regulation by students during flipped learning in programming courses. The objective of this research is to identify and analyze relevant research related to the regulation and co-regulation of flipped learning activities in the teaching of programming, and to understand how the self-regulation and co-regulation of students has been approached to engage in activities before the classroom. class, collaboration and problem solving during classes and reflections after class. After a analysis of the articles listed by the systematic review, important gaps in the literature can be observed, such as the lack of approach to the three phases of flipped learning, regulation and co-regulation and all dimensions of regulation. Nor is there a theoretical framework based on processes and strategies of self and co-regulation for teaching computer programming. Thus, the present systematic review has significant relevance and highlights the need for studies that involve all elements of flipped learning in the teaching of programming

    Online Instruction in Higher Education: Promising, Research-based, and Evidence-based Practices

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    The purpose of this study was to review the research literature on online learning to identify effective instructional practices. We narrowed our scope to empirical studies published 2013-2019 given that studies earlier than 2013 had become quickly outdated because of changes in online pedagogies and technologies. We also limited our search to studies with undergraduate and graduate students, application of an empirical methodological design, and descriptions of methodology, data analysis, and results with sufficient detail to assure verifiability of data collection and analysis. Our analysis of the patterns and trends in the corpus of 104 research studies led to identification of five themes: course design factors, student support, faculty pedagogy, student engagement, and student success factors. Most of the strategies with promising effectiveness in the online environment are the same ones that are considered to be effective in face-to-face classrooms including the use of multiple pedagogies and learning resources to address different student learning needs, high instructor presence, quality of faculty-student interaction, academic support outside of class, and promotion of classroom cohesion and trust. Unique to the online environment are user-friendly technology tools, orientation to online instruction, opportunities for synchronous class sessions, and incorporation of social media. Given the few studies utilizing methodological designs from which claims of causality can be made or meta-analyses could be conducted, we identified only faculty feedback as an evidence-based practice and no specific intervention that we could identify as research-based in online instruction

    Online Instruction in Higher Education: Promising, Research-based, and Evidence-based Practices

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    The purpose of this study was to review the research literature on online learning to identify effective instructional practices. We narrowed our scope to empirical studies published 2013-2019 given that studies earlier than 2013 had become quickly outdated because of changes in online pedagogies and technologies. We also limited our search to studies with undergraduate and graduate students, application of an empirical methodological design, and descriptions of methodology, data analysis, and results with sufficient detail to assure verifiability of data collection and analysis. Our analysis of the patterns and trends in the corpus of 104 research studies led to identification of five themes: course design factors, student support, faculty pedagogy, student engagement, and student success factors. Most of the strategies with promising effectiveness in the online environment are the same ones that are considered to be effective in face-to-face classrooms including the use of multiple pedagogies and learning resources to address different student learning needs, high instructor presence, quality of faculty-student interaction, academic support outside of class, and promotion of classroom cohesion and trust. Unique to the online environment are user-friendly technology tools, orientation to online instruction, opportunities for synchronous class sessions, and incorporation of social media. Given the few studies utilizing methodological designs from which claims of causality can be made or meta-analyses could be conducted, we identified only faculty feedback as an evidence-based practice and no specific intervention that we could identify as research-based in online instruction

    Digital Material EPUB Based to Understand Tarkib: Is Flipped Classroom Effective?

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    Flipped Classroom strategy is blended learning that build students learning autonomy. However, student learning outcomes in X IPA 2 class of MAN 4 HST on tarkib material is still below the passing grade. Arabic is important to be mastered for better understanding in Islamic teaching from its sources. This study aimed to see and compared the students learning outcomes between the flipped classroom strategy with epub digital book teaching material and traditional strategy. Experimental research was used with a non equivalent control group design and intact group. The experimental class was X IPA 2 which consisted of 26 students and the control class was X IPA 1 which consisted of 29 students. The data were collecting from pretest, treatment, and posttest on the control and experimental class. The results of this study was found out which there was significant difference in the acquisition of learning outcomes. The experimental class which used digital book had better average learning outcomes than the control class which used conventional strategies. The significance value asymp. Sig (2-tailed) was 0.200 which was higher than 0.05. So, there was a significant different from the results of the control and experimental class. This study also rejected that the flipped classroom strategy which was assisted with digital material which based on epub did not gain the significant result or better attitudes rather than the non-flipped classroom. This study contributed to enhancing the learning quality of Arabic in non-language class