9 research outputs found


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    El mundo ha cambiado, y por lo tanto los requerimientos que tienen los usuarios de servicios también. Hablar de servicios implica tratar complejidad de acciones por lo que evaluar la idoneidad de ellos se hace sumamente difícil. El servicio no se puede ver, pero se puede sentir y percibir, convirtiéndose en una tarea que varía en función de las percepciones que tenga cada usuario, siendo necesario tener una metodología estandarizada que adopte de la mejor manera para medir la calidad de servicio. El artículo muestra un análisis documental de los principales autores que han tratado el concepto de calidad de servicio, y las principales metodologías estandarizadas para medirlo. Se concluye que la calidad, desde un punto de vista de los servicios, es una realidad que necesita tener un criterio más exacto para conceptualizarla y medirla. No se puede dejar el concepto de medición de algo intangible en base a las percepciones individuales de los usuarios, porque cada quien tiene una percepción y por lo tanto las mediciones e impresiones de la calidad en los servicios son muy variadas. Existen muchos modelos para medir la calidad de servicio, siendo el más frecuente el modelo SERVQUAL


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    El mundo ha cambiado indudablemente, y por lo tanto las exigencias y requerimientos que tienen los usuarios de servicios han cambiado profundamente. Hablar de servicios implica tratar la complejidad de acciones que son netamente intangibles, en este sentido evaluar la idoneidad de un servicio se hace sumamente difícil. A pesar de que el servicio no se puede ver, se puede sentir y percibir, en este sentido evaluar la calidad de servicio se convierte en una tarea que puede variar en función de las percepciones que tenga cada usuario o individuo. Por lo tanto, es necesario tener una metodología estandarizada que se adopte de la mejor manera para medir la calidad de servicio. El presente artículo muestra un análisis documental y sintético de los principales autores que han tratado sobre el concepto de calidad de servicio, y las principales metodologías estandarizadas para medir la calidad de servicio. El documento concluye que la calidad, desde un punto de vista de los servicios, es un concepto que necesita tener un criterio más exacto para conceptualizarla y sobre todo para medirla. No se puede dejar el concepto de medición de algo intangible en base a las percepciones individuales de los usuarios, porque cada ser humano tiene una percepción propia y por lo tanto las mediciones e impresiones de la calidad en los servicios podrían ser muy variadas en razón de cada óptica de los usuarios. Existen muchos modelos para medir la calidad de servicio, siendo repetitivo la medición a través del modelo servqual


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    Penelitian ini bertujuan merumuskan model mutu e-management layanan akademik perguruan tinggi. Melalui pendekatan mix methode sequential explanatory design, peneliti melakukan kajian kuantitatif melalui penyebaran instrumen. Hasil kualitatif selanjutnya, diperdalam dengan melakukan wawancara kepada responden di tiga perguruan tinggi, yakni Universitas Pamulang, Universitas Garut, dan Universitas Muhammadiyah Cirebon. Hasil penelitian diperoleh kesimpulan sebagai berikut: 1) perencanaan e-management sudah berjalan dengan baik; 2) dukungan sistem manajemen pada aspek keuangan, akses dan jaringan, serta pendokumentasian informasi masih perlu ditingkatkan; 3) keberlanjutan pengembangan e-management sudah berjalan dengan baik jika dibanding penanganan ketidaksesuaian dan tindak perbaikan; 4) dimensi internal audit, monitoring, analisis penilaian dan evaluasi, serta tinjauan manajemen dalam variabel evaluasi kinerja dilakukan secara baik; 5) dimensi tanggunjawab pada variabel kepemimpinan belum masih perlu ditingkatkan; 6) Perencanaan dan kepemimpinan berpengaruh signifikan terhadap mutu e-management layanan akademik; 7) Pengembangan, evaluasi kinerja, serta dukungan sistem manajemen berpengaruh tidak signifikan terhadap mutu e-management layanan akademik; 9) Kepemimpinan memediasi hubungan antara pengembangan, evaluasi kinerja, pengembangan, serta dukungan sistem manajemen terhadap mutu e-management layanan akademik; 10) model HEMS (higer euducation e-management system) dibangun atas filosofi quality service, yang memuat komponen: perencanaan, kepemimpinan, pengembangan, evaluasi kinerja, serta dukungan sistem manajemen. Untuk mengimplementasikan model ini, perlu dukungan seperti: kebijakan e-management, SDA dan SDM, serta kompetensi dan perilaku profesional dalam bentuk komitmen penyelenggara pendidikan. Kata kunci: dukungan sistem manajemen, evaluasi kinerja, mutu e-management, kepemimpinan, perencanaan, pengembangan ABSTRACT MODEL OF QUALITY E-MANAGEMENT ACADEMIC SERVICES IN HIGHER EDUCATION This research aims to formulate a quality model of e-management of academic services of universities. Through the mix methode sequential explanatory design approach, researchers conducted quantitative studies through the dissemination of instruments. The qualitative results were further deepened by conducting interviews to respondents at three universities, namely Pamulang University, Garut University, and Muhammadiyah University of Cirebon. The results of the study obtained the following conclusions: 1) e-management planning has been running well; 2) management system support in financial, access and network aspects, as well as documenting information still need to be improved; 3) the sustainability of e-management development has been running well when compared to the handling of discrepancies and corrective actions; 4) the internal dimensions of audit, monitoring, assessment and evaluation analysis, as well as management reviews in performance evaluation variables are carried out properly; 5) the dimensions of answering on leadership variables do not yet need to be improved; 6) Planning and leadership have a significant influence on the quality of e-management of academic services; 7) Development, performance evaluation, and management system support have no significant effect on the quality of e-management of academic services; 9) Leadership mediates the relationship between development, performance evaluation, development, and management system support to the quality of e-management academic services; 10) The HEMS (higer euducation e-management system) model is built on the philosophy of quality service, which contains components: planning, leadership, development, performance evaluation, and management system support. To implement this model, support is needed such as: e-management policy, SDA and HR, as well as competence and professional behavior in the form of commitment of education providers. Keywords: e-management quality, development, leadership, management system support, planning, performance evaluatio

    E-Services Quality: A Perspective of Service Providers and Service Users

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    Electronic service, refers to services offered over the information and communication technologies. These services are becoming increasingly important with continuously developed application in various domains (business, government, education and health) as these services provide benefits to all parties concerned from service providers, service users and the society. This chapter will shed light in e-services, definitions, components, and characteristics. As service providers want to boost the efficiency and quality to reach more users to utilize these services, a prime challenge in developing these services with high quality to meet users expectation becomes a must. Quality plays a major role to keep up a trust between service providers and users. Eight main quality dimensions are proposed as per the studies to examine the perspective of service providers and service users for government services (personalization, usability, performance, web design, security, user involvement, satisfaction and loyalty)

    Antecedents of user attitude toward e-government services use: Empirical study on department of lands and survey

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    This qualitative study examined the impact of social media characteristics on the attitude of users toward the use of e-services by the Department of Lands and Survey. The study population comprised users of Department of Lands and Survey e-service, while the study sample comprised 407 users. Data from respondents were analyzed using SEM run using Amos (23). Results showed reliability, security, website design, ease of use, awareness, and digital divide as direct significant antecedents of user attitude toward the use of e-services from the Department of Lands and Survey. Also, all antecedents showed direct significant relationships with user attitude. Results showed a direct significant relationship between user attitude and the use of e-services from the Department of Lands and Survey. Through mediation of user attitude, five indirect significant relationships between the antecedents and the use of e-services from the Department of Lands and Survey were found. The inclusion of new antecedents such as privacy and site content may enhance the understanding of how users use e-services provided by the Department of Lands and Survey

    Examining the impact of service quality dimension on customer satisfaction

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    Políticas públicas y gobierno electrónico en la Municipalidad Provincial de Ferreñafe

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    La tesis titulada Políticas públicas y gobierno electrónico en la Municipalidad Provincial de Ferreñafe, es una investigación cuantitativa tipo básico, cuyo objetivo es Determinar si las políticas públicas sobre gobierno electrónico aportarían en el desarrollo de la Municipalidad Provincial de Ferreñafe recomendando el desarrollo de una política pública orientada a la implementación del gobierno electrónico en dicha Municipalidad. Para la recolección de datos de campo se utilizó la técnica de la encuesta, como instrumento para conocer la opinión de los informantes. En cuanto a los resultados se evidencia que el 56% de los trabajadores de la Municipalidad de Ferreñafe consideran que implementar un gobierno electrónico, beneficiaría a los trabajadores siempre, mientras que un 40% indicó que casi siempre, esto quiere decir que los encuestados consideran beneficioso el implementar un gobierno electrónico para la Municipalidad de Ferreñafe. Finalmente, las ventajas del gobierno electrónico son la disminución de costos y el aumento de la eficiencia, la simplificación de la información, fomenta la participación más activa de la sociedad, fortalece la democracia, mejora el tiempo de atención al ciudadano, no existe restricción en cuanto a la atención, los canales para la comunicación se encuentran abiertas

    Plan de desarrollo concertado y calidad de la gestión municipal del distrito de José Leonardo Ortiz, 2020

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    La presente indagación científica tuvo como objetivo determinar la relación entre el plan de desarrollo local concertado y la calidad de la gestión municipal en el distrito de José Leonardo Ortiz. De la misma manera, para el desarrollo del aspecto de la metodología empleada, se generó un diseño no experimental, de tipo de descriptivo-correlacional, de enfoque cuantitativo y corte trasversal. En ese orden de ideas, respecto a la muestra empleada en la indagación, estuvo compuesta por 29 funcionarios públicos que laboran en la entidad en estudio, los cuales desarrollaron el cuestionario como instrumento de investigación y la encuesta como técnica correspondiente. Se tiene como conclusión general que existe una correlación positiva, muy alta y significativa entre las variables antes referenciadas, todo ello según el producto del programa estadístico SPSS y el Coeficiente Spearman con un resultado de 0.903

    E-government services effectiveness evaluation framework (E-GEEF) : a case study of Indian e-tax service

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    Technological amplification has expended the involvement of information and communication technology in public sectors and enhanced governmental dependence on information systems which restrains the management attention towards improving the effectiveness of e-government services. Based on the analytical review of literature, it was found that most of the e-government evaluation models address the e-service dimensions that assess the quality of e-government websites. This gives a very constrict perspective to e-government and ignores the key dimensions. It becomes important to understand how citizens perceive and evaluate e-government services. This involves defining what e-government service is, identifying its underlying dimensions, and determining how it can be measured. Therefore, periodical evaluation of the effectiveness of e-government services becomes essential. Foregoing discussion clearly indicates the necessity of developing a well founded e-government e-service effectiveness evaluation framework which not only evaluates the e-government service effectiveness but also evaluates the e-government service quality criteria and the citizens‟ perception in the form of citizens‟ trust in offered e-services. Thus, the objective of this study was to develop a framework (E-GEEF) "e-government service effectiveness evaluation framework" that assesses e-government service effectiveness from the citizens‟ (G2C) perspective. A systematic study of the existing e-government service assessment frameworks has been carried out to establish the basis for conceptualizing a theoretical framework called e-government service effectiveness evaluation framework (E-GEEF). In this research, the author attempts to explore the underlying dimensions and factors of e-government services, and has proposed an effectiveness evaluation framework (E-GEEF). Present empirical research adapted DeLone and McLean, (2003) IS success model as base model which is upgradable and extendable, hence additional dimensions were incorporated to develop a novel framework (E-GEEF) for evaluating the effectiveness of e-government service. The suggested framework has identified number of measuring dimensions and associated items within each dimension for (E-GEEF). System quality, information quality, and service quality dimensions were adopted from DeLone and McLean (2003) IS success model and “intention to use and user satisfaction” dimensions were re-specified in proposed framework (E-GEEF) as “citizens‟ use / usefulness” and “citizens‟ satisfaction”. Further, "citizens" trust, perceived e-government service quality, and perceived effectiveness” were incorporated as new dimensions in the proposed framework (E-GEEF). Three new dimensions were identified and two existing dimensions were re-specified for evaluating the effectiveness of e-government service. Sixteen hypotheses were formulated from literature on existing e-government assessment frameworks to test the proposed framework (E-GEEF). In order to test the proposed framework and their associated dimensions, Indian e-tax service was considered, because e-tax service of Indian e-government is utilized by several Indian citizens for filing their taxes. Preliminary qualitative study was carried out carefully to ensure whether all important dimensions and measurement items were included in the proposed framework E-GEEF in the right research context or not. Empirical research has used quantitative analysis for validating the proposed framework (E-GEEF). Data collection was done using survey which was conducted among citizens of India who have been utilizing e-tax service as users. Descriptive statistical analysis was performed to ensure the data normality by using SPSS 20. Structural equation modeling statistical technique was applied using AMOS 21 on the collected data for testing the hypotheses. The empirical research findings have confirmed most of the hypothesized relationships within the validated framework (E-GEEF). Consequently, in terms of the theoretical implications, this study emphasizes the significance of such hypothesized relationships when performing empirical research in e-government context. Key findings demonstrated the strong relationships of perceived e-government service quality with system quality, information quality, service quality, and citizens‟ satisfaction. Further, citizens‟ trust exhibited direct relationships with perceived e-government service quality and perceived effectiveness of e-government service. Thus, as a major contribution to the proposed research, the identified new dimensions “perceived e-government service quality, citizens‟ trust, perceived effectiveness” and re-specified dimensions “citizens‟ use/usefulness and citizens‟ satisfaction” have shown great significance in evaluating effectiveness of e-government e-tax service in Indian G2C context. The developed and validated framework (E-GEEF) provides government agencies with an appropriate approach and dimensions in order to evaluate the effectiveness of e-government services