25 research outputs found

    Gender Differences in Computer Science Education: Lessons Learnt from an Empirical Study at NTNU

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    Research in Computer Science (CS) education has focused on gender differences and there is high interest in increasing female participation in CS. The present study reviews important factors that influence CS students’ decision to complete their studies in CS (retention), and empirically examines how these factors differ for males and females. To this end, we identify cognitive and non-cognitive gains, cognitive and affective engagement, motivation to study, and three different barriers as critical factors in CS students’. We test these factors on 236 Norwegian CS students in order to find any potential gender differences. The findings indicate a gender difference for cognitive gains, affective engagement, motivation to study, and satisfaction with learning effectiveness. On the other hand, no difference was found for non-cognitive gains, cognitive engagement, personal values/teaching quality, and students’ intention to dropout from their studies. The study concludes with implications that will guide both research and practice towards a better understanding of both male and female CS students

    Integrating Environmental Science into Information Technology Content to Generate Student Interest

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    In an effort to increase female student interest in computing we applied and evaluated an interdisciplinary approach at a suburban high school in eastern Los Angeles County, California. Three classes, an IB Environmental Science class, an AP Environmental Science class, and a Computer Science were surveyed to assess attitude changes toward information technology. Results indicated gender differences between the participating classes, and differences before and after the project. Although the project did not uniformly impact the attitude of female high school students, it impacted teachers who are adjusting their teaching methods, an outcome that has a long-term positive influence

    Learning programming at the computational thinking level via digital game-play

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    This paper outlines an innovative game model for learning computational thinking (CT) skills through digital game-play. We have designed a game framework where students can practice and develop their skills in CT with little or no programming knowledge. We analyze how this game supports various CT concepts and how these concepts can be mapped to programming constructs to facilitate learning introductory computer programming. Moreover, we discuss the potential benefits of our approach as a support tool to foster student motivation and abilities in problem solving. As initial evaluation, we provide some analysis of feedback from a survey response group of 25 students who have played our game as a voluntary exercise. Structured empirical evaluation will follow, and the plan for that is briefly described


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    Pada zaman modern ini, perkembangan teknologi berjalan begitu cepat, hal ini juga akan berdampak terhadap proses pembelajaran siswa di sekolah. Selain itu, transfer pengetahuan menjadi sangat mudah dan nyaman, serta efektif. Salah satu cara guna menerapkan pembelajaran efektif yang tepat adalah menggunakan animasi. Pemrograman Dasar merupakan salah satu mata pelajaran yang dianggap sulit, hal ini dapat disebabkan oleh antusiasme dan metode pembelajaran yang cenderung monoton. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menghasilkan media pembelajaran berbasis animasi serta menerapkannya kedalam proses pembelajaran menggunakan model discovery learning. Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah SHM (Siklus Hidup Menyeluruh) yang teridir dari 5 (lima) tahapan yaitu Tahap Analisis, Tahap Desain, Tahap Pengembangan, Tahap Implementasi, dan juga Tahap Penilaian. Hasil yang didapatkan dari penelitian ini diantaranya: 1) Adanya peningkatan pemahaman siswa yang dapat dilihat dari peningkatan nilai gain sebesar 0,67. 2) Respon peserta didik yang cenderung positif terhadap media animasi, hal ini dapat dilihat dari penilaian tanggapan siswa sebesar 72,85% yang dapat dikategorikan kedalam “Cukup Baik”. 3) Media pembelajaran yang sudah dibuat dapat diimplementasikan kedalam proses pembelajaran. Penelitian ini berpengaruh terhadap peningkatan pemahaman dan antusiasme siswa di SMKN Cibogo Subang. In this modern era, technological developments run so fast, this will also have an impact on the learning process of students at school. In addition, knowledge transfer becomes very easy and convenient, as well as effective. One way to implement proper effective learning is to use animation. Basic Programming is one of the subjects that is considered difficult, this can be caused by enthusiasm and learning methods that tend to be monotonous. This study aims to produce animation-based learning media and apply it to the learning process using the discovery learning model. The research method used is SHM (Complete Life Cycle) which consists of 5 (five) stages, namely the Analysis Stage, Design Stage, Development Stage, Implementation Stage, and also the Assessment Stage. The results obtained from this study include 1) There is an increase in students' understanding which can be seen from the increase in the gain value of 0.67. 2) Student responses tend to be positive towards animated media, this can be seen from the assessment of student responses of 72.85% which can be categorized as "Good Enough". 3) Learning media that has been made can be implemented into the learning process. This research affects increasing students' understanding and enthusiasm at SMKN Cibogo Subang

    Why students leave their ICT degrees: A gender comparison

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    Student attrition is of particular concern in the field of ICT because the industry faces staffing shortfalls, generally and a noticeable lack of female employees. This paper explores the reasons students give for leaving their ICT courses and examines gender differences in them. An online survey of early leavers from four Australian universities was conducted. The results show that, for many students, a combination of issues lead to their withdrawal. Whilst the gender imbalance was certainly noted, sexist behaviour from male staff or students was not rated highly as an issue in terms of the withdrawal of female students from their course. Females ex-students were however more likely to believe that they didn\u27t have the expected background knowledge for the course, didn\u27t understand the concepts, or didn\u27t understand the meaning of terms used in the course. Recommendations are made to address issues that could be mitigated by university action

    Õppimine ja väljalangemine IKT erialade esimesel aastal Eesti kõrgkoolide näitel

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    Loodusteaduste ja tehnoloogia valdkonnas on suureks probleemiks üliõpilaste väljalangemine IKT erialadelt. Siinse kvalitatiivse uurimuse eesmärk on mõista sügavamalt erinevusi väljalangenud ja edasiõppivate üliõpilaste vahel ning leida abinõud, mida saaks väljalangemuse vähendamiseks kasutusele võtta. Andmeid koguti intervjuudega kaheksalt väljalangenud ja kaheksalt õpinguid jätkanud üliõpilaselt. Tulemused näitavad, et iseseisev IKT õppimine enne kõrgkooli muudab õpingud kõrgkoolis lihtsamaks ning õpingute jätkamisele aitab kaasa tugevam akadeemiline ja sotsiaalne integratsioon. Erinevused väljalangenud ja õpinguid jätkanud üliõpilaste vahel ilmnevad vaid akadeemilise integratsiooni puhul. Seevastu eri õppevormides õppivate üliõpilaste erinevused seisnevad varasemates kogemustes, kõrgkooli astumise eesmärkides, õpingutele pühendumises ja sotsiaalses integratsioonis. Tulemuste põhjal saab esitada soovitusi IKT erialadelt väljalangemise ennetamiseks.  Summar

    Aprendizagem na programação: um modelo de continuidade de aprendizagem de programação

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    There is currently a great difficulty in learning programming. In this context this research work presents a literature review on the programming difficulties, programming paradigms. Here it also presented the state of the art in computer science education in Portuguese universities. Based on this literature review it is proposed here a theoretical model. This theoretical model was proposed and validated empirically with university students of computer science. This model explains the determinants of satisfaction level of students. It also explains the usefulness level perceived by students. The proposed and validated model presents the drivers of students' continuance intention in programming learning.info:eu-repo/semantics/acceptedVersio

    Effective use of Interactive Learning Modules in Classroom Study for Computer Science Education

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    The National Science Foundation (NSF) is spending substantial resources to improve science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) education in the United States. The ultimate goal of these programs is to produce students with a better knowledge of math and science and who are more likely to pursue careers in STEM fields. Interactive learning modules can be used in the classroom environment for effective learning. This study examines the learning preferences of Logan High School (located in Logan, Utah) students and evaluates the impacts of using interactive learning modules with classroom lectures compared to other traditional methods of teaching

    Motivação de estudantes de engenharia em informática com ênfase em engenharia de software: um estudo em universidades latino-americanas

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    The study of the motivation of the future software engineers is of the uttermost importance taking into account the high demand unsatisfied by these professionals and the responsibility of the academy of promoting for a significative and active learning-teaching process that achieves positively compromised students. The contemplated objectives were: a) identifying the aspects related in the motivation of informatics students with an emphasis in the software engineering area; b) ascertaining the reliability and validity of the elaborated instrument; c) identifying the motivation levels of the studied population. For achieving these objectives, a new instrument was designed and validated, a two-phase data analysis was also performed for obtaining a factors and subfactors structure that gives account of the motivational level. In the first phase of the analysis we obtained a four factor statistic model (performance attributes, relationship between students and teacher; performance of the teachers; physical and virtual resources) that explain the 71,5 % of variability. In the second phase of analysis the model for identifying the factors was refined and with that a high level of reliability was achieved. Regarding the performance attributes, we evidences a necessity for helping students to handle their own time; the pedagogic strategies display a high predictive power on the motivation of the students in the software engineering area. This article concludes that the factors and subfactors structures structures obtained with a high level of reliability served as a starting point for identifying improvement actions in the institutions responsible for the writing of the articles; the reliability and validity of this instrument profile it as a candidate for being applied in similar programs for other institutions. El estudio de la motivación de los futuros profesionales de desarrollo de software es de vital importanciateniendo en cuenta el fenómeno de alta demanda no satisfecha de estos profesionales y la responsabilidad de la academia de propender por un proceso de enseñanza-aprendizaje significativo y activo que logre comprometer positivamente a los estudiantes. Los objetivos contemplados fueron: a) identificar los aspectos que inciden en la motivación de los estudiantes de informática con énfasis en el área de la ingeniería de software; b) comprobar la fiabilidad y validez del instrumento elaborado; c) identificar los niveles de motivación de la población estudiada. Para el logro de estos objetivos, se diseñó y validó un nuevo instrumento y se realizó el análisis de datos en dos fases para obtener una estructura de factores y subfactores que den cuenta del nivel de motivación. En la primera fase del análisis se obtuvo un modelo estadístico de cuatro factores (atributos de desempeño; relaciones con estudiantes y docentes; desempeño de los docentes; recursos físicos y virtuales) que explican el 71,5 % de la variabilidad. En la segunda fase del análisis se refinó el modelo para identificar los subfactores que lo componen, con lo que se logró un alto nivel de confiabilidad. En cuanto a atributos de desempeño, se evidencia la necesidad de ayudar a los estudiantes a manejar su tiempo; las estrategias pedagógicas muestran poder predictivo sobre la motivación de los estudiantes en el área de ingeniería de software. Se concluye que la estructura de factores y subfactores obtenida con un alto nivel de confiabilidad sirvió como punto de partida para identificar acciones de mejora en las instituciones autoras del artículo; la fiabilidad y validez del instrumento lo perfilan como candidato para ser aplicado en programas similares de otras instituciones. O estudo da motivação dos futuros profissionais de desenvolvimento de software é fundamental, tendo emvista o fenômeno da alta demanda não satisfeita desses profissionais e a responsabilidade da academia visara um processo de ensino-aprendizagem significativo e ativo que consiga comprometer positivamente os estudantes. Nesse sentido, os objetivos deste estudo foram: a) identificar os aspectos que influenciam a motivação dos estudantes de informática com ênfase na área da Engenharia de Software; b) comprovar a confiabilidade e validade do instrumento elaborado; c) identificar os níveis de motivação da população estudada. Para atingilos, um novo instrumento foi elaborado e testado, e a análise de dados foi realizada em duas fases para obter uma estrutura de fatores e subfatores que evidenciem o nível de motivação. Na primeira fase da análise, foi obtido um modelo estatístico de quatro fatores (atributos de desempenho; relações com estudantes e docentes; desempenho dos docentes; recursos físicos e virtuais) que explicam 71,5 % da variabilidade. Na segunda, o modelo foi aprimorado para identificar os subfatores que o compõem; com isso, conseguiu-se um alto nível de confiabilidade. Quanto aos atributos de desempenho, verificou-se a necessidade de ajudar os estudantes a lidar com seu tempo; as estratégias pedagógicas mostram poder preditivo sobre a motivação dos estudantes na área de Engenharia de Software. Conclui-se que a estrutura de fatores e subfatores obtida com um alto nível de confiabilidade serviu como ponto de partida para identificar ações de melhoria nas instituições autoras deste artigo; a confiabilidade e a validade do instrumento o caracterizam como candidato para ser aplicado em programas similares de outras instituições.&nbsp